Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

Soros Joins Snoop in Bid to Legalize Pot in California

Soros Joins Snoop in Bid to Legalize Pot in California: "Here at Legal Blog Watch, we've covered many different angles on the debate about the legalization of marijuana, which is on the ballot in California next week. We talked about the public defender who made a reasoned argument for legalization, though he was not optimistic. We profiled LEAP, a group of cops, prosecutors, and others who you would think might be on the other side, but that favor legalization. This morning, another voice has weighed in on the issue. It's the voice of money. The Sentencing Law and Policy blog has some lengthy excerpts from a Wall Street Journal editorial written by billionaire George Soros, in which he explains his support for Proposition 19. Soros opines that exposure to the criminal justice system is potentially more detrimental to a young person than marijuana itself, that enforcing marijuana laws costs taxpayers billions while benefiting only foreign drug kingpins, and that laws against marijuana, from their inception, have been motivated by racial prejudice. Woah, heavy. Soros is no stranger to the drug legalization cause, and has donated millions to support other reform intiatives in the U.S. A poll conducted by the Los Angeles Times and the University of Southern California last week..."

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