Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

Democrats, the Party of Big Brother

Democrats, the Party of Big Brother

AUSTIN, TEXAS - October 14, 2010 -- The Democratic Party portrays itself as advocates of civil liberties. Their state platform calls for "freedom from government interference in our private lives and personal decisions". It is clear that the actions of the people they elect do not match this empty rhetoric.

The Democratic Party has had a history of assaulting civil liberties that they are sworn to protect. Their elected Texas representatives have overwhelmingly supported statewide smoking bans. They overwhelmingly support a ban on foods containing trans fat. They achieve fame by leading efforts to ban sexy cheerleading (1). In Congress, Democrats overwhelmingly supported the Patriot Act. The administration of Bill Clinton expanded stealth surveillance of the citizenry far beyond anything seen under any prior administration (2). Now with Barack Obama in the White House, the ACLU has announced they are disgusted with his administration's policies on civil liberties (3). In numerous ways they are on record supporting government interference in our private lives and personal decisions.

On Nov 2 voters will have a political party on the ballot that can be trusted to provide freedom from government interference in our private lives and personal decisions: the Libertarian Party.

(1) Democrat Al Edwards seeks to ban sexy cheerleading:http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,150808,00.html
(2) Bill Clinton's expansion of stealth surveillance:http://www.independent.org/newsroom/article.asp?id=1877
(3) ACLU disgusted with Obama civil liberties policies: http://reason.com/blog/2010/10/12/aclu-chief-disgusted-with-obam

LP Texas LogoAbout the Libertarian Party of Texas

The Libertarian Party of Texas supports more freedom and less government. We follow the Golden Rule: we treat others as we would like to be treated.

We seek to restore the great American free enterprise system that made us the strongest, most powerful economy in the world: lower taxes, free markets, free trade, less regulation, and less red tape for businesses big and small.

We respect your right to live your life the way you see fit, and expect you to take responsibility for the consequences.

Find out more at:

Libertarian Party of Texas

Pat Dixon, Chair

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