Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

Dallas Fire Rescue to brief Dallas on demolition procedures

Back on August 7, I sent an open records request to the city of Dallas for information regarding any demolitions ordered by the Dallas fire chief.

On August 11, the city of Dallas responded claiming that they searched and found no relevant information pertaining to my request.

On August 14, stamped by the city secretary, the Dallas public safety committee is scheduled to view a presentation on(item #3-Inspection and Life Safety Education), and demonstration(item #4 Hazard House/Live performance), in the first floor lobby.

  • In the video below shows a house in council district 5, that is in very bad shape.
  • the second video shows the detached garage has collapsed behind the house from years of neglect!

In the coming weeks we will upload video and photos of properties within Dallas proper that needs immediate action.

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