Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

Dallas County | Petty Peculiar Pathetic Pedophilia

What took place at the AW Brown Fellowship Charter School is happening all over the country. It's a very sad situation when an adult takes advantage of children. A former teacher that worked there was contacted by a parent that says her daughter was molested by a janitor that works there name Paw Paw. She is to go on national radio and T.V. to report such acts if she hasn't already done so, to protect our children and bring pedophilia to justice.

The woman said Paw Paw age 70 referred to his penis as his "Lil Horsey". What's the catch to this story when reported to a staff personnel, she shunned the accusations. Her character to such action is treated with intimidation and retaliation to parents that come with reports of their child being molested. Another trick to the treat is this same woman is friends with a DA that allegedly protects pedophiles and rapists.

With a tag team such as this one where is the protection for our schools let alone our communities. It is truly a sick thing to have our children around this, but what is truly sick and pathetic is the people who can implement change who sit back and do nothing. Our tax dollars pay these people and they lie dormant and let things such as this happen.
People who have the access to make change at the palm of their hands, but yet do nothing. People who command change at one point of their finger, but leave things undone, unsaid;void. I really don't understand, why would you want a powerful position and still turn your head and your back on real issues that need to be addressed. With pedophiles like Paw Paw and others running free in the streets unaddressed, there will only be one resolution.

When there is failure in law, the people will always stand and demand it. I feel the young woman's pain as I was in her shoes. It took the laws about 3 weeks to go pick my babies perpetraitor up, as investigation and this failure of a legal system we have on certain issues on as pedophilia.

Well I almost took action into my own hands. My point on veering to my own personal situation was why isn't the law more tough on pedophile issues? This is a serious issue to lock a pedophile up for a few years and to free him back to his playing field to devour the innocent flesh of a child and to mentally confuse and augment a lifetime of depression and pain to their life.

To the people who have the power to implement change in a world of so needed help, the people who put you in office, the citizens will always make a formation to battle for what's right.

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