Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

Dallas County | Is the Dallas County D.A. harboring pedophiles?

Is Dallas County DA Craig Watkins Guilty as Charged by James Dunn,
C. Roseberry, and Jurline Hollins, and how many others that have
not been heard from yet! Is he a pedophile/child rapist/rapist/MONSTER Protector?
On KHVN 970 am today, during Robert's Ashleys Dallas County District Attorney Debate, Craig Watkins gave this excuse for justice not coming to pedophiles and rapists...
Watkins' department is underfunded, and he doesn't have enough staff to effectively prosecute pedophiles and rapists. He blamed the budget cutbacks by Mayfield and Dickey that caused his departments hands to be tied.
Watkins was caused to give this response because a grandmother of an aggravated sexually assaulted 6 year old girl, Ms. C. Roseberry, 469-223-1900, gave testimony on the radio show that Watkin's office went way soft on the man, her husband, the girl's grandfather, giving him 5 years for an offense that normally gets 25 to 99 years. Ms. Roseberry said the case, started in 2008, dragged on for 2 years. After 2 years, Meredith Behgooey told Ms. Roseberry that because of insufficent evidence the DA's office was going to reduce the original plea bargain of 45 years aggravated sexual assault/rape of a child to the much lesser charge of injury to a child which would have him back out in the streets. Ms. Roseberry then went into Craig Watkins office and spoke to Reynie Tinajero, Assist Chief Deputy Prosecutor, and Andy Beach, Chief Deputy Prosecutor. As a result of her pressure, the DAs office went with a 5 year sentence for aggravated sexual assault.rape of a child. Ms. Roseberry is OUTRAGED. She is bringing this back to the courts. (This info was provided directly to me by Ms. Roseberry).
The discussion got heated between Watkins and Ms. Roseberry, to the point that Watkins repeatedly interrupted her, and just about shouted at her. That's when he blamed Dickey and Mayfield for his office's lack of appropriate prosecution and justice coming to pedophiles and rapists, because he was understaffed and underfunded.
The last caller to Ashleys show was Jurline Hollins, 241-413-9870. Ms. Hollins stated that Craig Watkins was directly involved with a judge placing her grandson into the hands of a pedophile, who has repeatedly pedophiled/raped her grandson for over 1 year.
In response to what I heard on Ashleys DA Debate show, I will be speaking before the Dallas County Commissioner's Court this Tuesday, Election Day. The title of the speech is..
It is expected that there will be other speakers to give their testimony of DA Craig Watkins being an ALLEGED PEDOPHILE/CHILD RAPIST/MONSTER PROTECTOR.
Again, here's the summary of the two very revealing Dallas Morning News articles, put into a flier format, concerning DA Watkins very suspicious activities with pedophiles and rapists.

The Barbarians Are At Dallas County Gates...Led By DA Craig Watkins!

If You're Thinking of Voting For

DA Craig Watkins, Please Read This

Before You Do So!

The County We May Get If Watkins

Is Elected Could Soon Look Like A

Sodom and Gomorrah…or a Pottersville!!!


Summary of Two Dallas Morning News Articles Concerning Implications of

DA Craig Watkins Protecting/Harboring Sexual Predators and Pedophiles


1. "Watkins role in sex abuse case questioned. As defense attorney, he

helped 10 yr old girl declare she didn't want to press charges against

molester." Dallas Morning News, Sept. 1, 2010.

On Sept 1, 2010, jurors took less than 1 hour to convict Richard Howell for sexually abusing his


DA Craig Watkins was subpoenaed in the case because Howell was his former client.

Richard Howell was previously defended by Watkins in 2006. Then, Howell was being prosecuted for

molesting another minor, a 10 year girl. Watkins secured a case dismissal by obtaining the girls signature

on a release, saying that she wasn't molested.

"The very thought of bringing a 10-yr-old child victim into your office to sign an affidavit of non-

prosecution in a sexual assault case is reprehensible," as stated by DA Candidate Danny Clancy.

Greg Davis, Assistant Collin Co. DA, saw a problem with Watkins actions.

For months Watkins strongly resisted meeting with the prosecuting attorneys to discuss his

role, resulting in a subpoena being issued, which has the power of contempt of court.

Greg Davis stated that in his 23 years of prosecution he has never seen nor heard of, and was

very disappointed to witness DA Craig Watkins conduct in this matter.

2. '05 Rape Case against Dallas County's DA's ex-employee dismissed."

Dallas Morning News, April 15, 2010

Before becoming DA 4 years ago, Craig Watkins' employee, the man that worked for Watkins

law firm, and ran his bail bonds company, Steven King, was arrested in 2005 for raping a

door-to-door saleswomen.

Steven King was already either an alleged or at least twice convicted sex offender,

for at least 5 total incidences.

1. A 1981 rape case against him was dismissed

2. In the early 1980s King was convicted of sexually assaulting, raping a 13-yr-old

girl. He got probation, but it was revoked, and King went to prison for 3 years

when another minor girl accused him of the same offense.

3. Heath Hyde prosecuted King in 2007 for raping a 17 year old girl, who became

pregnant from the rape. King met the girl as a youth minister. Although the jury

found King not guilty, some jurors questioned their not guilty verdict after they

found out when the trial was over about King's past convictions and allegations.

Heath Hyde, a member of Watkins staff, and the special prosecutor appointed by DA Craig Watkins,

dismissed the door-to-door saleswomen rape case on April 15, 2010m, 5 years later.

The accuser, now living in Florida, said that the case was delayed, and delayed, and delayed.

Heath Hyde, one of Watkins prosecutors, and the appointed special prosecutor, dismissed the

case because he said that the accuser was non-cooperative in not returning phone calls, and

in not wanting to come to Dallas the week he wanted to try the case. Hyde stated that he

believed King to be guilty. Her response was that she called numerous times and always got

voice mail. The accuser essentially stated that Heath Hyde is a liar.


The above incidences certainly confirm the corroborative statements by "Ms. Cindy" and James Dunn. Ms. Cindy alleges her 3 year old daughter was raped by an employee at AW Brown Fellowship Charter school. James Dunn, former teacher at AW Brown, and brother of the principal Paula Brown, who is married to Rev. A.W. Brown, has alleged that he knows of 3 A.W. Brown past, and may still be, employees, are known pedophiles. Per Dunn, one was removed by the police in 2006 as a result of the investigative work of FOX 4 News. Key to the AW Brown school case, James Dunn states that DA Watkins and Principal Paula Brown are friends. There are now many questions concerning Craig Watkins' alleged harboring and protecting sexual predators, pedophiles...CHILD RAPISTS...MONSTERS!

Prepared by Richard P. Sheridan, P.E., New York – Activist – Candidate for Dallas City Council, District 13

972-815-7570 www.RichardforCityCouncil13@gmail.com

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