Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

Dallas | Has our (black) political leadership failed us?

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The history of Dallas goes as such; organized in 1936 The Democratic Progressive Voters League is one of the oldest political organizations for African Americans in the state. It developed in the DFW area with the goal of ensuring the rights of African Americans around the state to vote and participate in local politics.

At this time legal obstacles such as poll tax and white only primaries barred the majority of black Texans from exercising their political rights. Antonio Maceo and Maynard Jackson Sr. formed the (PVL)) in which increased political power, by paying poll taxes for black voters who could not afford to do so. As history tells its sad story now, a majority of blacks don't even care or bother to vote anymore and yet it's free.

We had trailblazers to pay to vote, fight the white violence, prejudice, evils and legal obstacles and yet we don't even bother to vote or pay tribute or honor the ones that made it possible. Antonio Maceo Smith, educator, entrepreneur, and civil rights activist who was born April 16, 1903 in Texarkana, Tx. He has a school that is named after him and, it has the lowest percentage in TAKS, TASS and academic achievements.

This is sad coming from a man that was an educator, entrepreneur and so on to have something named after him that students, people, and the community take no value in. All the work he put in our community along with Maynard Jackson Sr., Ammon Wells and others, who strived to build up our community, to enhance black pride, black worth, and establish our race within the social and political structure of this country. Has all to well gone down the drain? Who will pick up the torch of these brilliant men, these men of morals and integrity? Our political leaders of this day see what we are faced with: crack, prostitution, heroin, liquor, robberies, thefts, unemployment, recycling of our people in and out the penitentiaries.

Even though her work has been solid and attentive to projects like water and transportation, Ms. Johnson has allowed 23 scholarships that could've helped constituents children, instead to be funneled to her own family and associates. This isn't the first time something so shameful has happened in a district that is in need of resources. Even though she repaid the 31,000 this is shameful, immoral and has left a bad taste in the mouth of the black community.

There is a desperate need for better jobs, shopping areas, hell even a better environment, but as long as there are Eddie Bernice Johnson's, (John Wiley Price)John Wiles of the Devil Price, and the Hill's to name a few, our communities will stay drug infested, poor, raggedy, blood sucked by any foreigner that wants to drain it hopelessly dry. I pray that we can resurrect more Ammon Wells, Maynard Jackson's, Antonio Maceo Smith's and get these Judas Iscariot, parasitic, black trash politicians out of office.

We need someone that can see the vision, erase immorality, with a guaranteed no sell out clause attached to him or her. How pathetic is it to see how far we come with the civil rights movement, and the trailblazers that we had in Dallas, and now to sit in poverty, ignorance, drugs, and to top it off politicians who have the power to make change, but only make change in their pockets. GODS wrath is upon them and I pray they feel the pain of all the people that put them in power, who did nothing but take, deceive, and lie.

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