Minggu, 14 November 2010

Yet another parent comes forward to condemn DA, judges, and others in alleged pedophilia protector coverup?

Lisa Goodwin is another in a growing line of mothers and grandmothers whose children were, or were allegedly pedophiled, and allegedly have not received justice from the Office of District Attorney Craig Watkins.
I am providing you a copy of some testimony of Ms. Goodwin, below, and as an attachment. At this time you have an exclusive on this breaking story.
Ms. Goodwin will be speaking before the Dallas County Commissioners this Tuesday Morning, and if you wish to interview her before her, please make the arrangements with her. I suggest that you do the interview either outside on the steps of the courthouse ,weather permitting, or inside in the hallway just ouside the court, with the pictures of the commissioners in the background.
Like with Ms. Cherlyn Roseberry, I'm helping Ms. Goodwin get her story out as soon as possible to STOP the continued rape of our children. Every day, how many children are raped in Dallas County, in Texas, in our Nation? Notice all the stories on the News about pedophiles...Saturday night's "Most Wanted" focused totally on pedophiles, and Oprah Winfrey did a show on child rapists. This is a National Problem, and can only be stopped on the local level!
Finally, Lisa Goodwin is a white professional woman, that is about "squeeky clean" as one can get, so Watkins and his cabal won't have anything on her to discredit her testimony. Sorry about the "white" category, but most of us know the fact that those mothers and grandmothers who have come before Ms. Goodwin are Black, and there is the tendency to discredit, to dismiss, to de-value pedophilia on Black children, as disgusting as that fact is!
Thank you.
Rich Sheridan
Partial Testimony of Lisa Goodwin, mother of the pedophiled child traumatized by the Office of Dallas County DA Craig Watkins.

Provided on November 14, 2010

(Ms. Goodwin is scheduled to appear before the Dallas County Commissioners Court this Tuesday Morning)


Written By Lisa Goodwin

Lisa Goodwin


Dallas, Texas 75206

(214) 240.1091


Below is a detailed summary of what the Dallas Family and Criminal

Court has done to the life of a child. Currently, the child is

essentially being held hostage by the Dallas Family Court and the

State of Texas. The courts realize that if the child were to be

allowed to have therapy, or be with the mother,

that the child would more than likely talk about what has happened to

her and also talk about what is currently happening to her. I look

forward to discussing with you the details of fraud and misconduct by

the court appointed professionals and also the school and school

professionals involving the child. The child was sexually abused by

her father and the criminal trial was in June 2007. I am just now

learning about the widespread fraud regarding misuse of government

programs for custody and related family dispute litigation.

Father’s Rights Leaders

The courts work with Father's Rights Leaders and essentially run a

litigation racketeering scheme funded by the federal government. There

is extensive documentation which proves most of this government and

organized fraud. Many women's child custody cases in Dallas and all

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over have been rigged. The judges set up a secret system to rig cases

for men.

Father's rights groups coach men on stalking, harassment and sabotage

tactics. Judge Tena Callahan in the 302 District Court in this case

volunteers for Fathers for Equal Rights. Men and their co-conspiring

court professionals are running custody mills to deliberately fuel

high-conflict litigation to justify billings to HHS-Texas Equal Access

to Justice Foundation (TEAJF)-Access and Visitation Grant. The A/V

grant through the Legal Aid of Northwest Texas must be used to

increase contact between noncustodial parents and their children. The

program was intended to resolve problems with non-litigious counseling

and mediation and not for paying for custody evaluators and father's


Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is committed to Texas families and

children through a grant to Legal Aid of Northwest Texas. He states

the program helps the parent without custody, usually the father, to

take an active role in raising the child.

Legal aid of Northwest Texas is meant to be used to provide legal aid

to people who cannot afford to pay legal fees. On the surface this

appears to be a wonderful program to many people. State governments

provide matching funds to these grants going to their states, in

addition to the public donations solicited by lawyers. It is being

proposed to Congress to lift restrictions on how lawyers may use

these funds. The government oversight program has 50 pages on their

website as to how difficult it is to oversee how these funds are being


Widespread Fraud in Fund Use

We are just now becoming aware of the widespread fraud in the use of

these funds. The Richard Gardner (Pro-Pedophile) Parental Alienation

Syndrome Scam was the beginning of these funds being used for the

Father's Rights movement, using symposiums to instruct lawyers,

judges, psychologists and social workers on how to use the legal

system to scam the public (tax payers) and parents in child custody

Page 3

issues. For many years lawyers and judges used the Parental

Alienation Syndrome (PAS) against mothers trying to protect their

children from abusive fathers. PAS has been proven to be bogus science

and in courts that are not corrupt, any case that tries to use it is

immediately thrown out.

The state of Texas is a recipient of the largest number of dollars

from these funds. The city of Dallas, Texas is known as one of the hot

spots for misuse of these funds. Lawyers and judges continue to use

these PAS tactics and continually place children in harms way by

removing the child from its mother for no reason and placing it with

the abusive father. They do not allow any of the proven, documented

facts to be presented in court. Their mission is to place the child

with the molester/abuser at any cost. (They will have proven success

in giving the father access to the child which means that they have

met their goal in documentation to HHS/Legal Aid of Northwest Texas).

Legal Aid of Northwest Texas is a supporter of the Father's Rights


Jonathan Vickery, a President/CEO of Legal Aid of Northwest Texas

has been investigated for fraud in misrepresenting the numbers of

cases served. Because of the lack of transparency and restrictions in

the use of these funds, which he uses to defend himself, he was not

prosecuted.I am sending you information on a case in which he is involved from the very beginning. He can now be found on Utube soliciting donations

for these precious (in his words) funds.

Jonathon Vickery was the Magistrate Judge of Dallas County, Texas on

the arrest of the child's father for INDECENCY W/CHILD SEXUAL CONTACT.

This was the initial charge in this case. The charge, just before the

trial, was changed to AGGRAVATED SEXUAL ASSUALT/CHILD which makes a

conviction more difficult. The case was also changed from judge to

jury trial.

This case summary is just one example of many similar cases. The same

language, as was used in PAS cases, is used almost verbatim in this

case as with other similar cases. This is considered a "high

conflict" case and court officials did not want it resolved, even

after both father and mother wanted it resolved. This kept the money

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flowing into the pockets of the lawyers, judges, psychologists, and

the social worker for two years or more, just on this case. Now they

are planning a trial beginning next month seeking TERMINATION OF

PARENTAL RIGHTS of the mother. This trial will put even more money

into their pockets.

It is an outrage that grants that are supposedly meant to protect

children are being used to legally abuse and put children in harm's

way. This is a perfect example of how many government funded aid

programs CREATE CORRUPTION AND ABUSE. Court officials are under the

assumption that because they have gotten away with this fraud and

abuse for so long, they will never be found out. They know that those

being abused by the system are wise to what they are doing, but almost

"flaunt" the attitude of, "Yes, we know you do not agree with our

biased and unjust decisions, but we are the ones in power and there is

nothing you can do about it."

Something has to be done to stop these program misuses. Several judges

have been forced to resign over gross misuse of these programs to

enable custody switches to fathers accused of abuse and child support


Fathers rights activists do have a lot to be scared about. Their

scheme is unwinding and some of them will be prosecuted for what they

have been doing for many years.

Alleged Criminal Pedophile Facilitator Conspirators

The following family court professionals in Dallas have taken part in

a scheme that will have lasting psychological effects on this sweet


1-Jonathan Vickery, Magistrate/Judge at the time of the father's

arrest who signed arraignment.

2-Jason Hermus, DA

3-Rachel Clark, DA

4-Amy Derrick, DA

5-Alexandria Doyle, Psychologist for the child

6-Nancy Stark, Social Worker/Supervisor for Visitation

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7-Judge Tena Callahan, 302 District Court

8-Patricia Rochelle, Amicus Attorney for the child

9-Susan Rankin, ex-judge and law partner of Patty Rochelle

10-Laura Shockley, Attorney for the father

11-Sally Bybee, Lee Motley, Michael Goodman-Attorneys for the child's mother

12-Jeffrey Seigel, Forensic Psychologist

13-Mark Otis, Psychologist

The following is a letter from the grandmother of the child in this

particular case, which gives a good, overall, undetailed summary of what has taken place:

The mother suffered years of physical and emotional abuse from the

childs father before she divorced him in 2005. After the divorce I

was with my granddaughter nearly every day while my daughter was at

work as a Speech Pathologist. We both worked very hard to work with

the father on the joint custody schedule. Sometimes it was not very

easy because many times the father would abruptly change the schedule,

but we worked together with him to always make things go smoothly.

Exchanges always went well.

After the initial separation my granddaughter began crying out and

screaming in the night, "I didn't do anything wrong," and sobbing that

her pee-pee was hurting. She was five years old at the time. It

broke my heart to witness her suffering. Later sexual abuse was

documented by the Advocacy Center/CPS, the child's pediatrician,

Children's Medical Center, police reports and the District Attorneys.

Information was given to Crime Victim Compensation by the child's

psychologist in which CVC reimbursed the crime. My daughter and I did

not know any of the sordid details of the abuse to my granddaughter

and were devastated when we later read the documentation of the

details of the abuse.The father was indicted for Indecency w/child

sexual contact, later changed to criminal sexual assault on the child.

After the father was not allowed to have contact with with my

granddaughter she no longer had urinary tract infections, and the

screaming out, the reliving in her dreams of the abuse had stopped.

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She became a happy thriving child during the three years of protection

from her abuser. After the trial and his acquital, Judge Collie still

granted my granddaughter protection.

After Judge Tena Callahan took the case and my granddaughter was

removed from her mother for no reason, I was allowed to see my

granddaughter only four times during the last two years of the

supervised visits between my granddaughter and her mother. The social

worker, Nancy Stark, is the supervisor of these visitations for which

she gets paid 100 dollars per hour, just from the mother. My daughter

now has to pay nearly a thousand dollars a month child support to the


Patty Rochelle, the amicus attorney, has stated that I interfered with

the visitation between my granddaughter and the father, which I did

not. When his supervised visits began, my granddaughter,

understandably, was afraid of him because of the past abuse. She was

eight years old at the time. She was extremely frightened of the

visitation that was to be at his house. The exchange was to have taken

place at the school, St. John's Episcopal School. After the

visitation, I was to pick her up at the school. While waiting for my

grandaughter to be brought back to the school I was reading in my car,

which is what I usually did while waiting for my grandaughter to

finish many of her different activities. I assumed that Nancy Stark,

the supervisor, the father and my grandaughter had already gone to his

house for the visitation.

While waiting there I received a call from my granddaughter. She was

crying and wanted me to come to the school. I was concerned as to why

she was still at the school and was allowed to call me. I immediately

went into the school and as I approached the principal's office, I

could hear her crying. While in the lobby I looked through the window

to see what was happening. My granddaughter was wedged between Nancy

and her father, and Nancy was shaking her finger at my granddaugter

and yelling loudly at her. Later we learned about the threat therapy

that they use on the children in these cases. It appears that this

was the beginning of that. Just as I saw this, my granddaughter's teacher,

Jane Mayo, jerked me around and shoved me back instead of explaining

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to me why Julia was allowed to call me. Evidently, she did not want me to witness what was happening to my granddaughter.

I now understand why my granddaughter was allowed to call me, as well

as her mother. My daughter, who works about a block from the school,

just as concerned as I, quickly arrived at the school just as my

granddaughter's teacher was manhandling me. She immediately called

911, sat down and remained in the lobby. While waiting in the lobby,

my granddaughter's teacher told my daughter she was doing the right

thing by "going through the courts." There still was no explanation

as to why my granddaughter was allowed to call us. We now know that

faith-based organizations, used as exchange sites, are also a part of

the fraud.

I now understand why my granddaughter was allowed to call us. My

daughter was also accused of interfering with visitation, which she

did not. She now understands why they let my granddaughter call us.

This was the only way they could remotely find a so-called reason to

take my granddaughter from her. The Legal Aid officials train fathers

and court officials in harrasment, bullying and set-ups in order to

accomplish their goals. Our tax dollars are going to support these

kinds of actions.

The father stated to me shortly after the pending divorce that he did

not want the divorce. I realize that he was very angry because he

could no longer control and abuse my daughter, so he retaliated by

hurting his daughter, which he knew would cause my daughter more pain

than anything.

How, in this day of supposed enlightenment, can anything so horrendous

go on in our family courts? What kind of educaiton are our family

court judges getting and why? What kind of instruction are the amicus

attorneys and court appointed psychologists getting and why? I was a

teacher of young children for 42 years and I think I may have been

capable of understanding and learning during this time, but this is something that I cannot comprehend...........

End of Letter

A Tearful Grandma

Page 8

The Lisa Goodwin Time-line Case History

All facts listed below have supporting documentation proving their veracity.

1. The mother of the child in this case began divorce proceedings

in April 2004 due to abuse by the father. The child who is the subject

in this case was 5 years old at the time. She is now 11 years old.

Soon after the divorce the mother gets a booklet from the child's

father, “Putting Kids First,” put out by the father's rights group.

2. The divorce became final January 2005. Custody arrangement was

joint managing conservator.

3. On May 12, 2005 the court ordered a protective order due to

suspected sexual abuse to the child by her father. CPS began their

investigation. The court did not allow the father to see his daughter

until the trial in June 2007.

4. On August 25, 2005 the father was arrested for indecency with a child.

5. In October 2005 True Bill Indictment against the father.

Sheldon Goldstein, the mother's attorney at the the time said the DA

never intended to prosecute the father. In November, 2005 Texas Vine

reported 2 cases: 1) F0555446K 2)F05564460—no court scheduling yet.

After the father bonded out of jail they gave the mother a case #

05068222. In March 2009 the mother found out that there was another

case that was still open. On June 22, 2009 more than a year after the

trial, the mother suddenly got a message from VINE that this case was

being closed. The trial was over. The trial case was closed a year

ago. In July 2006, before the trial, the mother told Goldstein she

could no longer pay him, and that the DA would be taking over. During

that time Jason Hermus, DA, and Ron Goronson, the father's criminal

attorney signed a form of continuance data for it to be TBJ (switched

from Judge to Jury) On this form dated July 2006 the charge had been

changed to Aggravated Sexual Assault, 1st degree felony, which makes a

conviction much more difficult. The mother found the form for the

original charge that was previously signed by Jason Hermus on 9/2/05

for indecency with a child, 2nd degree felony. Soon after July, the

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new DA Rachel Clark takes over.

6. No Contact was ordered as condition of bond in case of

involving a child victim.

7. Dr. Jenny Clifford, the child's pediatrician, reported the

suspected sexual abuse to CPS in May, 2005 due to repeated UTIs and

complaints of pee pee hurting, beginning after the divorce when the

child began to spend time with her father in a separate household.

8. The child was then referred to Children's Medical Center in

Dallas, TX in which Dr. Cox reported from his physical exam

“Asymmetrical Opening” and hymen septum with separate vaginal opening. The doctor reports the patient does recall genital pain.

9. From May 2005 until after the criminal trial the professionals

(CPS) determined that it was in the child's best interest that no

supervised visitation take place. CPS reports “the child does not want

to see her father and is afraid he will touch her again. The emotional

trauma is evident by the child's expression of sadness and questions

about why a father would treat a child like this.” Ongoing therapy by

private psychologist Alexandria Doyle was recommended.

10. From September 2005 until the criminal trial in June 2007 the

child saw Alexandria Doyle, PHD, for therapy.

11. On April 3, 2007 Dr. Doyle sends her documentation regarding

the sex abuse to the child by her father to Crime Victims Compensation

and they state that they find upon the available evidence that the

child's treatment is related to the criminally injurious conduct. We

were reimbursed by CVC due to the abuse to the child by her father.

12. During the child's course of therapy with Dr. Doyle, Dr. Doyle

had stated numerous times in front of the child that her father was a

psychopath, crazy, etc...and the mother and child needed a guard dog

to protect them.

Page 10

13. Jason Hermus, the DA, interviewed the child numerous times and

determined the child had been sexually abused by her father. Each time

the child met with Jason Hermus she seemed calm and happy. Soon before

the trial, he passed the case to Rachel Clark.

14. After the child met with the new DA Rachel Clark, the child

was very upset and cried. Her sadness lasted for days. Rachel required

the child to testify at trial even though she was only 7 years old.

15. The Criminal trial took place in June 2007 with DA Rachel

Clark. The verdict was the father "Not Guilty." Rachel Clark told the

mother after the trial that there is physical evidence the child was

sexually abused and to continue to keep the child protected. Felicia

Wasson , the head in the DA's office also told me that they are 100%

sure the father sexually abused his daughter. She apologized for the

fathers “not guilty” verdict. The court reporter at the trial, Jackie

Galindo, began to talk to the mother about the trial when the mother

started to order the trial transcripts from her. The court reporter

said the mother had grounds for holding the DA responsible for

insufficient representation, it was evident Rachel Clark's

representation was questionable.

16. After the trial Rachel Clark advised the mother to take the

child back to Dr. Doyle.

17. In September, 2007 the child begins therapy with Dr. Doyle

again after the trial. Dr. Doyle begins to tell the mother and the

grandmother about children who are horribly abused, but have to live

with their abuser anyway due to the courts decision. The mother is

also wanting to send the child to a less expensive public school, but

Dr. Doyle advises the mom to continue to send the child to the private

school, St. Johns Episcopal School. This is very difficult for the

mother to afford due to the cost of therapy and litigation. Around

this time the child cried to the mother during church one Sunday,

sharing with the mother that Dr. Doyle had talked to her about not

living with her mom. She was very sad. Soon after that there was a

writ of attachment written and signed on October 26, 2007 stating that

Dr. Doyle wants to turn the child over to the care of the Carsons

(Claus Fleckenstein's friends). Dr. Doyle states this is a serious

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case of "parental alienation."

18. On September 28, 2007 a protective order is granted after the

criminal trial by Judge Collie (the associate Judge) against the

father. At this same hearing Dr. Alexandria Doyle is caught lying

under oath at the hearing. There is documented proof of the lie

involving the advocacy center. In April 2007, 2 months before the

trial, CVC called the mother the day she went to court for the child

support to be reduced. They stated they had received Dr, Doyles notes

and they would be reimbursing for the the sex abuse to the child.

19. From June, 2007 (after the trial) until July 9, 2008 the

father had limited supervised contact with his daughter.

20. On October 31, 2007 Dr. Doyle resigns as the child's

therapist. Dr. Doyle got caught lying on the stand regarding the


21. On December 13, 2007 Patty Rochelle becomes the child's Amicus

attorney. The mother tries numerous times to speak to Patty Rochelle

without success.

22. The child continues to live a carefree life free of abuse with

her mother from May 2005 until March 2008.

23. On March 14, 2008 there is a hearing with a new team. Patty

Rochelle sits by the abuser father's side in the courtroom. Judge

Callahan takes over for associate Judge Collie. Judge Callahan stated

during this hearing, “This court has been vested with the power not

over the case but over your body, his body and the child's body. I

don't take that lightly.” Judge Callahan is a fathers rights advocate.

Up until this point it has been almost 3 years and the courts had

continued to keep Julia and I protected from the abuse. Suddenly

ex-judge Susan Rankin (who is Amicus Patty Rochelle's law partner)

(whose child also goes to St. Johns) takes the child out of school and

orders are that any person in possession of the child, turn her over

to the custody of Susan Rankin. The mother was able to later pick the

child up at the court house, the child was very scared and

traumatized. The mother and child returned home to their normal

life....but somehow those events did not seem right and they were


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24. On March 12, 2008 Patty Rochelle the Amicus attorney orders a

psychological evaluation of the parties. Per the mother's attorney,

the Amicus Attorney Patty Rochelle stated no decisions would be made

regarding the child until the Psychological evaluation was finished by

Dr. Jeffrey Siegel, PHD.

25. At that March 14th hearing, Patty Rochelle orders the

supervised visitation exchange with the father and child to occur at

the child's School, St. Johns Episcopal School. She appoints Nancy

Stark to be the supervisor of the visits between the child and her

father. Nancy Stark is a social worker.

26. On March 26, 2008 a supervised visitation exchange was court

ordered by Patty Rochelle to take place at St. Johns School. The child

was to have a visit with her father at his house. The child was

resistant to the visit. The child,from the school, called her mother

crying and asked the mother to come and help her. The child also

called the grandmother. During the exchange the child endured

“man-handling” by her teacher, Ms. Mayo, and scratches by Nancy Stark

, the visitation supervisor. When the mother witnessed her mother

being “man-handled” (pushed/shoved) by Ms. Mayo, the child's teacher,

the mother called the police. The police recommended to the mother to

get a protective order against all the people involved. During the

time the mother was waiting for her child to finish the visitation

with her father, Ms. Mayo states to the mother, You're doing the right

thing "going through the courts" for help. My attorney at the time

also stated to me, “If you take on Patty Rochelle, you are also taking

on St. Johns”

27. Upon leaving the visit at the school, the child held her arms

out and showed the mother and grandmother the scratch marks on her

arms. The child said the supervisor Nancy Stark scratched her. The

child also spoke about Ms. Mayo grabbing her by the backpack and

jerking her.

28.The mother, grandmother and child immediately went to the

police after the child began to talk about what had happened at the

school and showed them the scratch marks on her arms. A police report

was filed. Pictures were taken. There were repeated attempts to obtain

the police report. On April 15, 2008 the mother's attorney at the time

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received a copy of a letter to the Attorney General from the City of

Dallas stating the DPD believes the requested information may be

protected from public disclosure. They protect information that is

highly intimate or embarrassing, such that its release would be highly

objectionable to a reasonable person. The letter also states

information regarding alleged or suspected abuse or neglect of a child

is confidential.

29. On March 28, 2008 at around 11:30 a.m. the mother's attorney

calls the mother to inform her of an emergency hearing.The mother

immediately goes to the courthouse. The events that transpired at that

hearing will have lasting traumatic effects to the mother and child

for the rest of their lives. (The mother has a copy of the entire

hearing transcript) What happened that day is very disturbing to all

who read this transcript.

30. Despite the mother's numerous attempts to speak with Amicus

Patty Rochelle soon after she became the Amicus, regarding the child,

the Amicus refused to speak to the mother or read pertinent

information given to her by both the mother AND her attorney.

31. Patty Rochelle at this hearing recommends the child to be

taken away from her mother without having ever met with the mother,

which is in the transcript. In a recent hearing to recuse Rochelle on

November 30, 2009 the Amicus said on the stand that she had met with

the mother. The mother later proved the Amicus was lying at her

recusal hearing, but the motion to recuse the Amicus was denied by

Judge Callahan. It was proven at that hearing, under the Texas Family

Code Section 107.003, that the powers and duties of the Amicus had

been neglected and violated by Patty Rochelle. There were numerous

documents to confirm this, but Judge Callahan denied her recusal


32. Patty Rochelle demanded the child to live with the Carson

family without having ever met with the Carsons. She stated Susan

Rankin had met with the Carsons. The Carsons and Susan Rankin both

have a child at St. Johns Episcopal school. It is documented in the

police report when the father was arrested for sexually abusing his

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daughter, that some of the abuse to the child took place at the

Carson's lake house. At the hearing Julia is removed from her mother

and is ordered to live with the Carsons. Later, just before the July

9th hearing, Nancy Stark says to the mother she does not think the

child will ever get over the trauma she experienced when suddenly

removed from the mother. Nancy said the child cried for a week.

Despite the child telling Patty Rochelle repeatedly she wanted to be

with her mom and she did not want to live with her father (per Nancy

Stark), Patty told her, "No, she needed to be with her father."

33. It is court ordered for the mother to pay for supervised

visitation 3 hours a week. Nancy Stark is the supervisor. The child is

often unavailable for visits, and Nancy often has to cancel. The

mother pays her 100 dollars per hour.

34. The mother's attorney Sally Bybee makes numerous motions to

reverse this ruling by Judge Callahan with no success. The mother

pleads for the child to get counseling with no success to this day.

Judge Callahan signs an order for the child to get counseling but

somehow the parties involved make sure it doesn't happen.The mother

continues to fight for her daughter to see a good, unbiased therapist.

35. On June 26 2008 Patty Rochelle files a motion for the child to

live with her father unsupervised, although there was no report from

Dr. Siegel, the forensic psychologist.

36. After the child was taken away from the mother the child

eventually went to see Dr. Siegel. The mother's attorney was preparing

for the hearing on July 9, 2008 in which she was anticipating Dr.

Siegel's report to be finished.The mother has copies of numerous

emails in which her attorney is pleading with Siegel to finish his

report. He says in an email on June 27, 2008, “I have not seen the

child so I have no opinions related to this yet.”

37. The child has had no therapy and there was not a psychologist

to make any recommendation at the July 9 hearing. The mother was told

by Nancy Stark that if she wanted this case to move along faster she

needed to let her child live with her father for a while. The mother's

attorney Sally Bybee withdrew from the case just before the hearing.

Page 15

38. Even though Patty Rochelle is not a psychologist, and it has

not been recommended by Dr. Siegel, she asks Judge Callahan to order

the child to live with her father. The Judge agrees for the child to

live with her father, who went to trial for sexually abusing his

daughter. They continue to deny this child therapy.

39. After the long awaited Psychological evaluation was finished

on December 8, 2008, the mother began to try and work towards a

peaceful resolution with the child's father and sent him an email. All

psychologist's reports written by the professionals basically state

the child should have a relationship with both parents. They say trust

is needed by both mother and father. The father emailed the mother in

December stating “what do you propose that needs to be done to settle

this?” Soon after that Nancy Stark calls the mother and advises her to

not communicate with the father any more. The mother continues to try

and connect with the father and Patty Rochelle for a peaceful

resolution with no success. Laura Shockley will not allow the child to

have phone contact with the mother unless Nancy Stark is there to

monitor the calls.The mother has to pay to talk to her daughter. The

mother also has been paying child support to the child's father since

October 2009 under a temporary order. COURT OFFICIALS DO NOT WANT

THIS CASE (high conflict) RESOLVED.

40. The mother's attorney and the mother have made numerous

attempts at mediation. At one point the mother's attorney said, " We

will have mediation but Patty or Nancy will not be involved." The

code states the Amicus has to be present for all legal proceedings

involving the child. Laura Shockley continues to delay mediation and

following through with a proposal for the child to have unsupervised

time with the mother. Shockley states that the father will not agree

to the child being unsupervised with the mother unless Dr. Doyle is

involved in the case. Dr. Doyle refuses to be involved in the case.

She knows things do not look good for her.

The child's mother had managed to keep her child free from

experiencing or knowing about the ongoing litigation. Suddenly her

child was tortiously thrown into the litigation by Patty Rochelle's

reckless and malicious conduct and motions that continue to this date,

which is in total disregard for the rights and interests of the child


Page 16

We ask your humble assistance and advice in how we might best traverse

a legal system in which I know not how to proceed. We firmly

believe that when evil is brought to light it will be dissolved. We

pray for the speedy reunion of the child with its mother. The fact

that a pedophile or a physically abusive father be awarded custody of

the very child he is victimizing, by a family court system which bends

to side with whomever can allow them to receive the most money, is

beyond belief of all decent people everywhere, but this is exactly

what has happened.

Let us make sure this doesn't happen to any child in the city of

Dallas ever again. Let us expose this travesty to the people of Dallas

and the State of Texas. May truth and love prevail. May all children

everywhere forced to live with an abusive parent by a corrupt court

ruling at the hands of money-thirsty lawyers or judge, be freed from

harm's way once and for all.

Lisa Goodwin

Dallas, Texas 75206


(214) 240.1091

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