Senin, 29 November 2010

Dallas | Citizen files ethics complaint against Dallas City Secretary!

above is video of incident in which complaint has been filed from November 10, 2010 Dallas City Council meeting.

With the revelations of Dallas Cabal of Pedophile Protectors, and the soon to come revelations about the Potashnik-Miller-Hill City Hall Corruption Case, Dallas will be in the National News as never before. It will far surpass the ratings of the TV show "Dallas". There will a three part movies series, entitled...

Dallas, Armegeddon Now, Parts 1, 2, and 3.

Rich Sheridan's Ethics Complaint Vs.

Dallas City Secretary Deborah Watkins

This is a Summary of the Official Filings.

Original Filing: November 12, 2010 (Superceded)

Amended Filing: November 19, 2010

Complainant: Richard P. Sheridan, P.E.

Professional Engineer, New York

Candidate for City Council, Dist. 13


Ethics Complaint Vs. Dallas City Secretary Deborah Watkins

Complaint Summary. Rich Sheridan claims that Deborah Watkins, acting on behalf of both her relative, DA Craig Watkins, and Special Interests, acted, in violation of Dallas Ethics Code, to stop the testimony of a mother, whose 3 yr old daughter was pedophiled, from being heard during a City Council Meeting on November 10, 2010.

Part C - Description of Complaint

Richard P. Sheridan, a candidate for Dallas City Council, District 13, and a very well known political and spiritual activist, appeared, as he has done almost monthly for 7 years, to speak about, and provide information about the allegations against Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins/office, and County Commissioners Maurine Dickey and Ken Mayfield concerning one, or all three parties being "soft" in the prosecution of pedophiles and sex offenders. Near the end of my speech (Exhibits A, CD of speech, and B, written speech), with time remaining, I turned to Ms. Cindy, who is mentioned in the speech which was distributed to the City Council before we got up there to speak. Therefore, any act of omission, or commission on the

part of Deborah Watkins, or the Mayor, or a City Councilmember was done knowingly per 12A-2(23) in the Ethics Code.

I turned to Ms. Cindy to let her speak for the remaining 30 seconds. As Ms. Cindy began to speak City Secretary Deborah Watkins immediately tried to stop her from speaking. I immediately addressed Councilmember Carolyn Davis, requesting that she call for a suspension of Speaker Rules which happens when any city council member deems a subject to be an important city issue. I state that the majority of Dallas voters would agree that the lack of justice in cases of pedophilia is an important city issue, with city residents being adversely affected.

Exhibit C presents one of the many growing cases of the alleged gross injustices and corruption in the office of the County DA Craig Watkins, some courts, and in the Commissioners' Court. I turned to City Councilmember Carolyn Davis to request a suspension of the Speaker Rules, Deborah Watkins continued to verbally object to Ms. Cindy's speaking, ignoring my right to request suspension of the Speaker Rules. When it became obvious that Watkins, backed by Mayor Leppert, and the majority of the council, would not allow Ms. Cindy to speak, I went back to the microphone and said two things:

1. "You don't want to hear the truth....ditto"

2. "This is a stain on our collective soul...ditto."

I was then taken by the arm by a security guard, with no incident, and escorted from the building.

Deborah Watkins should have done two things, acted per city council procedures, and the ethics code:

1. Watkins should have recused herself from acting in her capacity, function as city secretary during my time as speaker because of her conflict of interest being in consanguinity with Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins.

2. If it can be proven by the City of Dallas, or Watkins that she is not in consanguinity with Craig Watkins, Deborah Watkins should have allowed the process of suspension of speaker rules to be completed.

With or without consanguinity, which is a more egregious violation, I claim that Watkins violated 1 or more ethics rules. The incidents, the complaints, the one or more violations that I claim occurred, which stopped the testimony of Ms. Cindy getting to the City Council, to the Mayor, to City Officials, to the public in attendance, to the WRR 101.1 radio audience, to the cable TV audience, were politically motivated by family ties, and racial ties/affinity.

DA Craig Watkins is coming under greater scrutiny for his alleged siding with, seemingly, allegedly being soft on, protecting, and facilitating pedophiles, and sex offenders. Exhibit D contains a condensed version of two Dallas Morning News articles about the questionable actions of DA Watkins with regard to pedophiles and sex offenders. There is a growing line of mothers and grandmothers with allegations against the office of Craig Watkins.

Today, politics is about power and money, and serving special interests over We the People interests. I claim that City Secretary Deborah Watkins served her family member, and special interests with her either No. 1 or No. 2, or both violations claimed herein.

Part D - Alleged Code Violations

12A-3(a) Economic Interests Affected. Deborah Watkins did not avoid the appearance and risk of impropriety by taking an official action that she knew was likely to affect particularly the economic interests...

(1) of herself. Watkins remains secure in her job because she keeps the alleged corruption of DA Watkins from getting to the public.

(2) of a business entity, such as lawyers and psychologists that benefit from the alleged County and DA Corruption.

12A-3(b) Substantial Economic Interests Affected. Deborah Watkins did not avoid the appearance and risk of impropriety by taking an official action that she knew was likely to affect the substantial economic interests of Deborah Watkins family member DA Craig Watkins.

12A-3(c) Recusal and Disclosure. Deborah Watkins did not recuse herself with full knowledge that she was in violation of subsection (a) or (b) or both. From the time that the conflict is recognized Deborah Watkins should have:

1. Immediately refrained from participating in stopping Ms. Cindy from speaking.

2. Promptly filed a statement disclosing the conflict.

12A-3(d) Additional Recusal and Disclosure Requirements.
(6) Deborah Watkins did not promptly bring the conflict to the attention of the City Council.

12A-4(a). General Rule. Unfair Advancement of Private Interests

Deborah Watkins used her official position to unfairly advance personal interests by securing special consideration, advantage

beyond that which is lawfully available to every other person or organization.

I claim that Deborah Watkins, by the violations cited herein, advanced her personal/family/affinity interests, and the alleged interests of the cabal of lawyers, and psychologists, and CPS case workers, and at least one Dallas County Commissioner, John Wiley Price. This cabal, for financial gain, maintains havoc, and injustices in the County/District Courts system.

Exhibit B.

DA Watkins and Commissioners Dickey and Mayfield Soft on Pedophiles?

Presented to the Dallas City Council by Richard P. Sheridan, P.E.- Professional Engineer, N.Y. - Activist

November 10, 2010 972-815-7570


Dallas County DA Craig Watkins recently stated in a TV news interview that...

"This election has come down to the conscience of Dallas County."

No truer words have been spoken! Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. once said, being somewhat biased, that 80 % of Republicans, and 70% of Democrats are corrupt. I say that we are all corrupt, just in varying degrees. Politics should be about striving for the best way to serve the needs of We The People as stated in our Constitution. Unfortunately, our Nation has declined as metaphored, or as literally prophesied in the Bible. In Revelation 18 it speaks of the Fall of the Great Babylon, that once great, and all-powerful place that was once honored by all the world. If we take an honest look at our Nation, can we deny that it has fallen, declined SIGNIFICANTLY since the ‘50s, since JFKs assassination?

Why has our Nation so morally declined? Because more and more of us have lost our connection to God, getting lost in the material world. We are not a “Nation Under God” anymore. More and more are seeking material things, and power over their fellowman, especially elected officials who serve the SPECIAL INTERESTS, in violation of our Constitution. Again, these are prophetic times.

There is only one way out of the dilemma we are in as a County and as a Nation. WE MUST TELL THE TRUTH, SHAME THE DEVIL, AND SEND HIM AND HIS MINIONS INTO THE ABYSS, or to Jail. For it has been the service to Satan by some politicians, and not to God, in violation of the calling of our Constitution to be One Nation Under God, that has gotten us into this mess. We will never become a Great Nation again, and we will continue to sink into Socialism or Communism, or some kind of "ISM"…all of SATAN-ISM… which are against God's laws, unless we pursue truth and justice. We are out of order, out of the Godly Order for the World, in violation of the Godly rules of conduct put forth in the Bible, in the Torah, in the Koran, and in the sacred Hindu and Buddhist writings.

Last week, on Robert Ashley's KHVN Heaven 970 radio show, District Attorney Craig Watkins, who was a guest on the show, responded to a plea from caller, a Ms. Cherlyn Roseberry, for better justice for her AGGRAVATEDLY SEXUALLY ASSUALTED/RAPED 6 yr old GRAND-DAUGHTER, by stating, and I paraphrase,

“The DA's office is inadequately staffed for the appropriate prosecution of sex crimes (only one prosecutor) because of the budget cutbacks by Commissioners Mayfield and Dickey.” DA Craig Watkins, October 28, 2010 Robert Ashley, the host of the show, has refused to provide me a tape.

Today, there are three people who have come forward claiming that the DA's office has "inadequately" prosecuted known, or alleged pedophiles, or pedophile facilitators. They include James Dunn, Ms. Cherlyn Roseberry, and Ms. Jurline Hollins. The Dallas Morning News has published at least three articles bringing into question some of the activities of either DA Watkins, or members of his staff concerning pedophiles or rapists. A fourth witness, “Ms. Cindy”, claims her 3 yr old daughter was raped at AW Brown Fellowship Charter school, and Mr. Dunn states that the principle, Paula Brown, and Mr. Watkins are friends. Does “Birds of a feather flock together” apply here?

I, and many County residents, demand the immediate appointment of an independent counsel, with independent oversight for the checks and balances (this is not going to be swept under the rug), to bring to light the true facts in this matter, in what appears to be not only a major stain on our collective soul, but may involve possible criminal activities of either one, or more Commissioners, or the DA, or members of his office, or some combination of these government officials. Our children are our future, and right now we, collectively, are doing one lousy job. Their future is looking very grim because of our collective corruption.




BY LISA GOODWIN, Resident of Dallas County

I am here in this historic public forum to appeal to the Commissioners Court, to the State of Texas, and to the FBI if necessary to get to the bottom of this insanity and alleged corruption. I call on this Court to right the wrongs in my daughters case n in many other cases now surfacing. I pray your efforts make all Dallas County children...our sons and daughters...our free them from the MONSTERS THAT ARE NOW SECRETLY TARGETING THEM READY TO POUNCE AT ANY MOMENT. I STATE BEFORE YOU WITH SOME WRITTEN EVIDENCE PROVIDED THAT CERTAIN COUNTY OFFICIALS ARE ALLEGEDLY FACILITATING AND PROTECTING, AND NOT JAILING SOME PEDOPHILE MONSTERS

After divorcing my husband in 2004 and after I encouraged my 5 yr old daughter to have a good relationship with her father he subsequently sexually assaulted her he was arrested and I was given a protective order which kept him totally away from my daughter for ouer 2 years. THEN some crazy things happened. EVEN though the County stated that the father did sexually assault his daughter through a combination of multiple traumatizations of my daughter by County officials a questionable trial and questionable Assistant DAs psychologists and judges the pedophile went free and the pedophile father now has SOLE CUSTODY of his daughter-victim.

I've done some research on this matter. That combined with many recent news items on the subject shows pedophilia to be a national problem. GOD Bless You to this court in your important work in protecting our children.

Partial Testimony of Lisa Goodwin, mother of the pedophiled child traumatized by the Office of Dallas County DA Craig Watkins.

Written on November 14, 2010

(Ms. Goodwin appeared before the Dallas County Commissioners Court Tuesday Morning, November 16, 2010)

Exhibit D

Summary of Two Dallas Morning News Articles Concerning Implications of DA Craig Watkins Protecting/Harboring Sexual Predators and Pedophiles


1. "Watkins role in sex abuse case questioned. As defense attorney, he

helped 10 yr old girl declare she didn't want to press charges against

molester." Dallas Morning News, Sept. 1, 2010.

- On Sept 1, 2010, jurors took less than 1 hour to convict Richard Howell for sexually abusing his


- DA Craig Watkins was subpoenaed in the case because Howell was his former client.

- Richard Howell was previously defended by Watkins in 2006. Then, Howell was being prosecuted for

molesting another minor, a 10 year girl. Watkins secured a case dismissal by obtaining the girls signature

on a release, saying that she wasn't molested.

- "The very thought of bringing a 10-yr-old child victim into your office to sign an affidavit of non-

prosecution in a sexual assault case is reprehensible," as stated by DA Candidate Danny Clancy.

Greg Davis, Assistant Collin Co. DA, saw a problem with Watkins actions.

- For months Watkins strongly resisted meeting with the prosecuting attorneys to discuss his

role, resulting in a subpoena being issued, which has the power of contempt of court.

- Greg Davis stated that in his 23 years of prosecution he has never seen nor heard of, and was

very disappointed to witness DA Craig Watkins conduct in this matter.

2. '05 Rape Case against Dallas County's DA's ex-employee dismissed."

Dallas Morning News, April 15, 2010

- Before becoming DA 4 years ago, Craig Watkins' employee, the man that worked for Watkins

law firm, and ran his bail bonds company, Steven King, was arrested in 2005 for raping a

door-to-door saleswomen. Steven King was already either an alleged or at least twice convicted sex offender,

for at least 5 total incidences.

1. A 1981 rape case against him was dismissed

2. In the early 1980s King was convicted of sexually assaulting, raping a 13-yr-old

girl. He got probation, but it was revoked, and King went to prison for 3 years

when another minor girl accused him of the same offense.

3. Heath Hyde prosecuted King in 2007 for raping a 17 year old girl, who became

pregnant from the rape. King met the girl as a youth minister. Although the jury

found King not guilty, some jurors questioned their not guilty verdict after they

found out when the trial was over about King's past convictions and allegations.

- Heath Hyde, a member of Watkins staff, and the special prosecutor appointed by DA Craig Watkins,

dismissed the door-to-door saleswomen rape case on April 15, 2010m, 5 years later.

- The accuser, now living in Florida, said that the case was delayed, and delayed, and delayed.

Heath Hyde, one of Watkins prosecutors, and the appointed special prosecutor, dismissed the

case because he said that the accuser was non-cooperative in not returning phone calls, and

in not wanting to come to Dallas the week he wanted to try the case. Hyde stated that he

believed King to be guilty. Her response was that she called numerous times and always got

voice mail. The accuser essentially stated that Heath Hyde is a liar.


The above incidences certainly confirm the corroborative statements by "Ms. Cindy" and James Dunn. Ms. Cindy alleges her 3 year old daughter was raped by an employee at AW Brown Fellowship Charter school. James Dunn, former teacher at AW Brown, and brother of the principal Paula Brown, who is married to Rev. A.W. Brown, has alleged that he knows of 3 A.W. Brown past, and may still be, employees, are known pedophiles. Per Dunn, one was removed by the police in 2006 as a result of the investigative work of FOX 4 News. Key to the AW Brown school case, James Dunn states that DA Watkins and Principal Paula Brown are friends. There are now many questions concerning Craig Watkins' alleged harboring and protecting sexual predators, pedophiles...CHILD RAPISTS...MONSTERS!

Prepared by Richard P. Sheridan, P.E., New York - Activist - Candidate for Dallas City Council, District 13


Sheridan's Prophetic Letter to Jerry Jones on August 22, 2010

As I stated in my letter to Mr. Jerry Jones, God's punishment would be coming on Mr. Jones, The Cowboys, Dallas, and the Superbowl. Here's the last 3 paragraphs of the two page letter. The Cowboys season is over. They are out of the playoffs. Why? Wade Phillips, and Jerry Jones are still scratching their heads. How can you explain Roy Williams getting stripped of the ball, and with the Saints down 23 to 27, they go almost the length of the field and win. How do you explain those 5 straight "weird" losses, where the Boys should have won, except for WIERD PLAYS. All lost by less than a touchdown.


Now we are coming into the Superbowl. What is more disgraceful to a city than to become known nationally for PROTECTING PEDOPHILES? This information is now getting out to the Nation that in the City and County of Dallas there is a Pedophile Cabal, causing untold suffering on hundreds of families, and hundreds of millions of dollars into the pockets of those who are committing this heinous act of PROTECTING PEDOPHILES...LIKE THE MANY ALLEGATIONS AGAINST DISTRICT JUDGE TENA CALLAHAN.

It is time to stop the evil, stop the injustices, stop the suffering, and get on with restitution, and punishment.

We the People want to see:

1. Lisa Goodwin's joint custody of her daughter restored, all of Ms. Goodwin's legal costs paid for, and a financial settlement to Ms. Goodwin for her, and her daughter's pain and suffering.
2. James Dunn is released of all charges, and he receives both his proper inheritance, and compensation from the county for the alleged official suppression.
3. Justice to Ms. Cindy and her daughter. Punishment to the alleged rapist Pa Pa Johnson, and a financial settlement to Ms. Cindy for her family's painm and suffering.
4. The removal of Paula Dunn Brown and Rev. A.W. Brown from the operation of AW Brown Fellowship schools, with the near term operation by an appointed board of trustees.
5. Paula Brown, her husband AW Brown, and other family members, are brought before a grand jury for the allegations of manslaughter vs. her mother, and for allegations of harboring pedophiles at the school.
5. The IMMEDIATE removal of Tena Brown as a District Judge, and the convening of a grand jury to hear charges against her.
6. The initiation of a investigation into the charges brought by Lisa Goodwin, Gina Abio, James Dunn, Cherlyn Roseberry, Ms. Cindy, Jurline Hollins, ET AL against Dallas Conty. Grand Jury indictments are expected to come against most involved in Dallas Pedophile Cabal.

This is for starters. We obviously have all of the HUMAN CONDITION/HUMAN SUFFERINGS in Dallas created by the corrupt Dallas governments (County and City) to deal with.

If action is not taken immediately...ONLY GOD KNOWS WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT. THIS IS NOT A THREAT, IT IS A WARNING FROM RICHIE...Really Inspired Cause Hell Is Everywhere, aka John The Baptist, a prophetic presence in Dallas, per Rev. Joseph Clifford.


Excerpt of Sheridan's Letter to Jerry Jones....

"I see continued, and RAMPED UP judgement coming to Dallas if it continues on it present course. When was the last time Dallas went to the Superbowl? Where is the Trinity River Park project that the elite have been trying, for over 12 years, to STEAL FROM WE THE PEOPLE? I see protests before and during the Super Bowl from the homeless community, from the black and hispanic communities, from the Muslim community, from the cab driver community, from the senior citizen community, and from the low income families. I see investors coming to Dallas, and getting really turned off by the un-DEMOCRATIC, HEARTLESS, FASCIST, RACIST, and ANTI-FAMILY DALLAS CULTURE, THE CULTURE THAT VIRTUALLY IGNORES THE HUMAN CONDITION, WITH THE PRIMARY FOCUS ON MONEY, SEX, AND HEDONISM. I see some protests getting national coverage. There are thousands of cab drivers/limo drivers, blacks, hispanics, whites, Muslims, and Christians that know, respect, and love me. If the Powers and Principalities of Dallas have me assassinated it will be THE SIGNAL!


Mr. Jones, Jerry, you don't have to believe anything I write, and write me off as a nut like others do. But I'm not a nut, but one of the fiercest "Adversaries" you will ever meet in your life. I will pray that one of your representatives contacts me. Otherwise, let the protests begin, and watch Dallas...and the Dallas Cowboys...and the Super Bowl suffer God's PUNISHMENT. You have done a great job in bringing the World's attention to one of the most wicked cities in our Nation."

By Richard P. Sheridan

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