Minggu, 14 November 2010

Dallas is the lavender heart of Texas?Should your tax dollars be used to openly promote homosexuality?

Was just wondering if this is ethical being a city employee and openly promoting homosexuality as city business?Do all heterosexual taxpayers know that their tax dollars are openly going for the support of the homosexual lifestyle?It is time for G-D to bring JUDGEMENT to the world for openly accepting homosexuals, pedophiles, and other bad behaviors that have become common place in a demon-filled society!Dallas is a modern day Sodom and Gomorroh, and WILL BE DEALT WITH ACCORDINGLY!TO BE CONTINUED


Below is a video of Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert's Chief of Staff Chris Heinbaugh advertising for homosexuals to come to Dallas.Mayor Leppert's pastor, Robert Jeffress openly condemns homosexuality, but from another source is also alleged as being an undercover homosexual?

"When my family moved to Wichita Falls, Texas from a pretty isolated (mostly Lutheran) part of Iowa in 1990, we didn't know much about evangelical Christians and their crusade against homosexuality. There was a megachurch there, First Baptist, and the pastor at the time was this FLAMING QUEEN named Robert Jeffress (pronounced with a cartoonishly effeminate Southern drawl).

"I remember the first time we ever saw him on TV, my mom was like, "Wow! It's pretty progressive that the big ass Baptist church has a gay preacher." Well, as it turned out, of course, Jeffress is NOT openly gay. He is however one of the meanest little self-hating closet cases I've ever had the misfortune of meeting. In 1998, he made a huge production about STEALING two books, "Heather has Two Mommies" and "Daddy's Roommate" from the public library, presumably so he could spank to them in privacy. Now he presides over First Baptist Church in Dallas, where he routinely perpetrates the same kind of gay-hating ass holery for attention.

Hey gays: I got a proposition for you. I know this little shit is revolting--and his nuts probably smell like the inside of your grandma's purse--but will someone PLEASE step up and take one for the team, then send photos to The Stranger so they can help take this queen DOWN? "


We will expose all the FREAKS!

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