Jumat, 19 November 2010

Dallas | Bush collecting money for Haiti, and forgeting about those around the corner!

It is a dam shame that Black Americans can't get down there and help these people, while George W. Bush and Bill Clinton collect funds for these people, we can't do shit to help our brothers and sisters.Bill Clinton and G.W. Bush, come on please these dudes could care less about the human condition, take a look at Little Rock, Ark and Dallas, Tx.The blight of some neighborhoods in southern Dallas, west Dallas and other communities make these guys effort to help blacks in Haiti look like a joke.HELP THOSE NEAR YOU!George come holler at me!

"Protests against the UN peacekeepers in Haiti have spread to the capital, Port-au-Prince. The protesters, in their hundreds, have been blaming UN peacekeepers from Nepal for an outbreak of a cholera epidemic in the country that has killed more than 1,000 people."


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