Jumat, 05 November 2010

Dallas | Grandmothers response to Dallas Morning News article;"This is not political"!


I would like to respond to this account of the Dallas Morning News article by Jennifer Emily of Saturday, October 30. I interviewed with Ms. Emily last Friday 10/29/10, and was not made aware that the title of the article would read "Dallas County district attorney hopefuls make final push to get voters to polls". This is NOT politically motivated for me! I simply am trying to shed some light on my granddaughter's case, and others like it, and get changes made in the Dallas County District Attorney's Office so that what happened in my granddaughter's case does NOT happen to another family!

I believe not only that my interview was used for a purpose other than what it was intended, but I resent the comment from District Attorney Craig Watkins in a prepared statement...

"This case had issues that were directly tied to the caller, and we were fortunate that we were able to get any amount of prison time on this case."

If he (Watkins) means directly tied to me because the victim is my granddaughter? Or he means directly tied to me because I was married to the defendant? Or maybe he means because I stayed in an abusive relationship with the defendant for 16 YEARS and was a victim of the "Battered Woman's Syndrome" as well a victim of his past crimes, and it appears that Mr. Watkins is implying that it's my fault that my granddaughter was molested by my ex-husband! Not to mention I personally received a call from Meredith Behgooey, who was the assistant DA on this case, who told me in this telephone conversation that she was reducing the charge from Aggravated Sexual Assault of Child to Injury to a Child (which is NOT even a sex crime), and give the defendant 2 YEARS...TWO YEARS??

With the child rapist/pedophile already sitting in jail two years, in essence she going to letting him WALK! I was outraged! I left my home that same afternoon, drove to downtown Dallas, and walked into Craig Watkins office to personally speak to him about this, and was intercepted by Reynie Tinajero Assistant Chief Deputy DA, and was invited to come to his office to discuss the case. After speaking with Mr. Tinajero, and his investigator (who was in tears by the end of the meeting), I still was not satisfied that justice would be served so I contacted Mr. Andy Beach, Chief Deputy DA, and begged of him to please get me justice and at least a 10 yr prison sentence, an aggravated sexual assault charge, so that the defendant would have to register as a "Sex Offender" for the rest of his life, and I would let it rest there. He assured me that he would look into this case and get some resolution.

Mr. Andy Beach called back the next day and told me that we got half way there. The defendant excepted a plea offer of 5 yrs Aggravated Sexual Assault of Child, so for Mr. Craig Watkins to say " We were fortunate that we were able to get any amount of prison time on this case" is assinine!

The only reason there was "prison" time (meaning he would actually go to prison) given in this case is because I went down to the DA's office complaining that justice was NOT being served in my granddaughters case, and it appears that Mr. Watkins is trying to take credit for something that he or his office did NOT do!

Please afford me the opportunity to respond to this.
Thank You
~Mother Missionary Roseberry~

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