Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Dallas | Are murders within Dallas controlled by the ELITE?

To Whom it may concern :

I have sent over the same ORR for the past two days with no response. I was wondering with the CORRUPTION about to be exploited, my open records requests are not being honored! As a citizens of Dallas, this is my inherent right to utilize the TOMA and TPIA, without any prejudice as to how controversial my writings maybe.It is my OBLIGATION to my people that the city of Dallas remain OPEN AND TRANSPARENT. We know how to defeat an UNJUST system by LAW , not physical violence as some of you may want to portray, within Dallas proper. In accord with taking proper measures, I'm now forced to file another complaint, this time against FASCIST MAYOR Tom Leppert et al.

Also, a member of the New Black Panther Party-Dallas was shot in the back of the head this past Thursday. This brother, the Supreme Captain of the New Black Panther Party of the World, is the highest ranking official in Dallas. Was this a hit? We want answers, the community wants to know.There is an assault on black males within Dallas proper, ALLAH IS THE BEST TO WITNESS!

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