Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

What does Dallas CM Vonciel Jones-Hill know about managing water as a resource?

 On August 10-13, there will be a conference in Irving called the "13th Annual Transportation and Infrastructure Summit".To my amazement, I saw CM Jones-Hill as a moderator of an event called"Managing water as a national resource".What the hell does Jones-Hill know about water as a national resource?What makes her such an expert in the field of water management, considering she is a former municipal judge and current attorney?What are her connections with the event coordinator David Dean?Is this a political favor for Dean, who has contributed to her campaign?Dean is a self-proclaimed public policy guy, who is known around Dallas as an avid fundraiser for politician's.So, maybe this is Jones' way of thanking Dean for the fundraising and political contributions.

 Jones also received campaign funding from attorney's Robert S. Gregg and Randall Scott, who both have  represented the Municipal Justice Bar Association, in which Robert Gregg currently resides as president.Randall Scott,  is a former president and founder.It seems as though these two attorney's along with Tonya Whitzel, conspired to have a municipal judge removed from the bench because she allegedly was "taking food from their table" by using the their power within the MJBA.

                                                      pic c/o Dallas Morning News

  We can clearly see where her heart is at, because its definitely not for the citizen's of district 5.If that is the case, when the murders occurred at the car wash on Loop 12 and Bonnie View instead of her getting upset at community leader's and CM Dwaine Caraway for organizing a prayer vigil, she should have definitely been ready and willing to assist!Since they didn't discuss it with her first she was upset.District 5 needs true leadership and a CM, who will take up for their issues.Crime is high in that part of her district, but she has yet to address any crime-problems.Or better yet, how about the large number of vagrant's that live in her district near the car wash @ Sunnyvale and Ledbetter, near the Williams Chicken.

CM Hill,how about addressing some of the issues that are going on in your district rather than running around parading to the drum of your political contributors.

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