Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

Ft. Worth municipal judge suicide sounds to me like a hit | Is there widespread corruption?

  Is it just me or does the death of municipal judge Terry Lewis sound like a professional hit.
The Ft Worth Star-Telegram reported that his son stated,  "He told officers that he had arrived about 6 a.m. after working the previous night and found his father's .45-caliber Ruger handgun on his mattress.
He said he went to his father's bedroom to ask about it and found his father lying in blood on his own bed, according to the report. Police said a second gun was found near Lewis' body."
One gun by Lewis' body and his gun found on his son's bed?WTF, do they take us for IDIOT'S?

   The Star-Telegram also reported, "He may be best known for trying to match homeless people who appeared before him with social service programs, something he took great pride in, officials said." Just ten day prior to his death,  he wrote a memo to his colleague's stating, "Some people share the socio-political philosophy that government should not or cannot afford to help those on the lower economic rungs of our social ladder," Lewis wrote to other judges and staff June 4. "Then there are those of us who believe that government cannot afford to neglect them. We all share this city whether our income is considerable or nil."

 With all the corruption surrounding the municipal court in the city of Dallas and me sending an open records request to the city of Ft. Worth last week, to only get denied access to open records regarding code-compliance that are truly public record, raises my eye-brow now.On August 7, 2010, I submitted an open records request to code compliance regarding open and vacant structures, here is his response;
 Mr. Reed,

Thank you for your request. Unfortunately, our system is designed to search solely by physical address; therefore, please provide the physical addresses of the properties for which you wish to view records. If I can be of further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me.


James D. Rodriguez

City of Fort Worth Code Compliance

to wit I responded with;


5) all working papers, research material, and information used to estimate the need for or expenditure of public funds or taxes by a governmental body, on completion of the estimate;

 In response to your email, I want every property that has been tagged by code compliance for open and vacant structures.If you can't provide information please send to attorney general for an Opinion.Otherwise send me the information I requested.

 This man, James Rodriguez gave me a call on yesterday and confirmed that the city of Ft. Worth's system was not equipped to handle my request.Then he stated, "We don't have anything to hide".WTF, who said you did? I just requested public information and he took it there, so now, THE DAILY PHALANX is hot on the trail.

                                                                             The Daily Phalanx: Raw and UNCUT

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