Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

Felons in Dallas can't find jobs(Discrimination)

  I have been in contact with several felons who are begging for assistance.Their claim is though it seems no one cares for them and their issues!The Daily Phalanx, will be a platform for those who have no voice and feel left out by an unforgiving society.

  If we can't get some form of response from the city of Dallas, private business',and non-profit organization's we will bring a march to Dallas City Hall within the next 60 days.MARK MY WORDS!

 It makes no sense at all to lip-profess second chances to these felons when in actuality they are banned from regular society.I've heard instances of ATI, baiting felons in and promising them jobs when they finish, knowing they have aggravated assault charges and will never get hired.

 It is time for action!Time for the scum of the earth to stand up and let everyone know we are sick and tired of the discrimination.

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