Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

Why is the city of Ft. Worth searching my blog about Dallas Code Compliance fraud?

 I was just going through my stat's for the blog and noticed the city of Ft. Worth searching for fraud in the city of Dallas code compliance!lol.You all are committing fraud and no that a real live goon is on the hunt!

Kamis, 26 Agustus 2010

Now the city of Dallas chooses to release information?I LOVE THIS GAME!

Good Morning Mr. Reed,

I was contacting you to inform you that the Open Records request you submitted on July 29, 2010, is ready and available for pick-up. You may pick the information up in person at the Dallas Police Dept. Jack Evans Head Quarters Bldg. located at 1400 South Lamar St., Dallas, Tx 75215. The hours of operation are 8am-3pm Monday-Friday. Your request is pertaining to emails/communication received by CM Vonciel Jones-Hill to/from Angela Hunt, Victor Lander, Tom Perkins, Ryan Evans, former DPD Chief Kunkle and current DPD Chief Brown dated between September 2009 - June 24, 2010. The amount for your request is $7.80. Please feel free to contact me via email if you have any additional questions. Use Log Number (deleted)as your reference number. Thank you.

Natalie Moreland, #7694

Senior Corporal of Police

Open Records Unit

Support Services Division

214-671-3343 office

Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010

Demand for Joey Zapata to resign | CM Vonciel Hill reply |

From: A.M.N []

Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 2:22 PM

To: Zapata, Joey

Cc: City Attorney

Subject: Demand for Joey Zapata to resign

Mr. Zapata,

I have evidence of widespread corruption in your offices regarding the chp 27 demolition docket of the Dallas City Code.It is in the best interests of the citizen's of Dallas, Tx and especially those in district 4,5,7 respectively.Keep a look out because the U.S. Attorney's office shall be getting around to contacting you guys soon.

Brandon P. Reed

Writer/Business man

The Daily Phalanx

Mr. Zapata,

Please know that, in my opinion, this writer does not deserve your attention.

Thank you.

Vonciel Jones HIll


Your opinion doesn't matter at this time.You will be going down with them.KNOW THAT..


See you think you guys are protected from my open records requests, but I already have the documents that I was requesting!lol.I was playing with you guys to see how much you guys really care about transparency and accountability, which really is nil at 1500 Marilla.I have all the documents and have forwarded them to the U.S Attorney's office.THANKS FOR YOUR RESPONSE.

Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010

Was city of Dallas code-compliance signing off on false Chp 27 demolition's?

Oh yes it is about that time.We have been holding off on releasing this info but due to people struggling out here it is a must that we bust corruption dead in the brains.Watch out!

Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

Ft.Worth | Where is the $50 million crime prevention slush fund money?

 There are many skeptics in Ft. Worth when it comes to crime prevention funding.The Ft.Worth Weekly reports on a pressing issue with a $80 million budget shortfall and polytrickins looking to move pull a 52 fake out with $50 million in tax-payer funds.The Daily Phalanx, has sent in open records requests regarding the issue, check back for updates!

What up city of Ft. Worth?Why are you ripping my blog?

You know I was really wondering why would the city of Ft. Worth be ripping my blog?

18 Aug 08:27:54 Rippers 0 unknown unknown Fort Worth,


United States City Of Fort Worth ( [Label IP Address]

No referring link

Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

Ft. Worth municipal judge suicide sounds to me like a hit | Is there widespread corruption?

  Is it just me or does the death of municipal judge Terry Lewis sound like a professional hit.
The Ft Worth Star-Telegram reported that his son stated,  "He told officers that he had arrived about 6 a.m. after working the previous night and found his father's .45-caliber Ruger handgun on his mattress.
He said he went to his father's bedroom to ask about it and found his father lying in blood on his own bed, according to the report. Police said a second gun was found near Lewis' body."
One gun by Lewis' body and his gun found on his son's bed?WTF, do they take us for IDIOT'S?

   The Star-Telegram also reported, "He may be best known for trying to match homeless people who appeared before him with social service programs, something he took great pride in, officials said." Just ten day prior to his death,  he wrote a memo to his colleague's stating, "Some people share the socio-political philosophy that government should not or cannot afford to help those on the lower economic rungs of our social ladder," Lewis wrote to other judges and staff June 4. "Then there are those of us who believe that government cannot afford to neglect them. We all share this city whether our income is considerable or nil."

 With all the corruption surrounding the municipal court in the city of Dallas and me sending an open records request to the city of Ft. Worth last week, to only get denied access to open records regarding code-compliance that are truly public record, raises my eye-brow now.On August 7, 2010, I submitted an open records request to code compliance regarding open and vacant structures, here is his response;
 Mr. Reed,

Thank you for your request. Unfortunately, our system is designed to search solely by physical address; therefore, please provide the physical addresses of the properties for which you wish to view records. If I can be of further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me.


James D. Rodriguez

City of Fort Worth Code Compliance

to wit I responded with;


5) all working papers, research material, and information used to estimate the need for or expenditure of public funds or taxes by a governmental body, on completion of the estimate;

 In response to your email, I want every property that has been tagged by code compliance for open and vacant structures.If you can't provide information please send to attorney general for an Opinion.Otherwise send me the information I requested.

 This man, James Rodriguez gave me a call on yesterday and confirmed that the city of Ft. Worth's system was not equipped to handle my request.Then he stated, "We don't have anything to hide".WTF, who said you did? I just requested public information and he took it there, so now, THE DAILY PHALANX is hot on the trail.

                                                                             The Daily Phalanx: Raw and UNCUT

Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

Big shout out to CM Tennell Atkins and public works/transportation

 Normally I'm not this friendly, but I must give props where props are due.Shout out to District 8 Coucilmember Tennell Atkins and the city of Dallas public works/transportation, for the street repairs on Bonnie View Road near Five Mile Creek.I believe I busted my oil pan riding down through there recently.Boy was it nice to see those guy's out there repairing that rough terrain!

Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010

Man murdered outside after hours bar in South Oak Cliff(Glendale), Club 292

 A popular after-hours spot in South Oak Cliff(Club 292) near Marsalis and Ann Arbor, was the scene of an overnight homicide!Witness' report of hearing several gunshots and seeing a black Chevrolet Denali crashing into a parked SUV.Several witness reported the man moving, as the shooter heard this, ran up and fired two more shots into the vehicle.Uttering unknown words before running away, the shooting suspect was reported to have then fled in a black Chevrolet Tahoe.There was a passenger inside the SUV, who was also allegedly injured in the melee.Witness' then surrounded the man, and were reported to have "hit his pockets" taking cash and jewelry(allegedly over $2,000).The victim has been identified as 32 year old Aaron Alexander of Dallas.

Suspect is described as a black male, wore a white shirt with green stripes and white khaki like shorts.If you have any information please contact Dallas Police.

Jumat, 13 Agustus 2010

The Skies let us know when we are in DIVINE TIMES.Major Conjunction tonight!

Sign to let us know we are in DIVINE TIMES!

Friday the 13th is suppose to be unlucky.This Friday the 13th, however, is gauranteed to end well.When the sun goes down Venuds, the crescent moon, Saturn and Mars will popout at twilight together forming a lovely sunset conjunction.Divinely Inspired by G-D!!

JNC member via CM Angela Hunt, reads The Daily Phalanx

On July 30, 2010, this blog received a hit from the Macdonald and Devin Law Firm. Guess who practices with this firm, you guessed it, none other than former Dallas County assistant D.A. and current member of the Judicial Nominating Committee(Angela Hunt) Bryan Rutherford.By the way we've been getting major hits from Dallas City Hall, and especially the U.S. Attorney's Office of Special Counsel.Much love to Facebook,Twitter,Yahoo,Google,etc.

below is i.p. address from my counter.

30 Jul 13:41:02 IE 7.0 WinXP 1024x768 Dallas,


United States Mccauley, Macdonald, & Devin ( [Label IP Address] Here is Rutherford's info:
Macdonald and Devin
city of Dallas Judicial Nominating Commission Board

The Daily Phalanx:Raw and UNCUT

Article 8. Mandatory Crime Reduction Program For Designated Apartment Complexes

 I grew up around Ledbetter and Bonnie View, and to make this REAL clear, all the old run-down apartments in 75216,75241, and other zip codes around my fine city will be shutdown if not abiding by CITY CODE!
                                                                                                                 Brandon P. Reed
Gold Star Certified Apartment Complexes

Gold Star Certification Program:

The Gold Star Certification Program is a cooperative effort between the Dallas Police Department, the Apartment Association of Greater Dallas, and other representatives of the multi-family community. Our goal is to combat crime and improve safety and the quality of life for those who live, work and play in and around our multi-family communities.

The Gold Star program works to improve multi-family communities by addressing three (3) activities that promote criminal activity.

1. Criminals that live on property (by not renting to those people),

2. Those that visit the property and commit crime (by reducing the number of visitors to the property), and

3. Criminals that randomly target multi-family properties (this can be reduce through the use of effective crime prevention strategies that help make a property less attractive to criminals).

There are currently 110 Gold Star certified properties within the City of Dallas

How the Program Works:

The Dallas Police Department and other crime prevention specialists instruct apartment managers and owners in proven crime prevention practices in a four hour workshop. Workshops are scheduled at each patrol station four times a year. For a property to receive a Gold Star certification a representative from each apartment complex must:

1. Attend the Gold Star workshop

2. The apartment property must successfully pass a security survey conducted by the Dallas Police Department. This security survey assesses such things as lighting, perimeter fencing, landscaping, target hardening of individual apartments, etc.

3. Host and maintain a crime watch program for their residents.

You can find a list of Gold Star Apartments:

Attached is a list of Gold Star certified properties, this list is also published on the Dallas Police Department’s website at , click the “Community” tab on top and then the “Gold Star Program” on the left to see the current list of Gold Star certified properties.

If you have any questions, please contact Sergeant Cynthia Parker-Ferguson of the Dallas Police Department’s Neighborhood Policing/Nuisance Abatement Unit at 214-671-3471.


Need better security down at my office?Dallas City Hall

From my observations of security measures, I feel we can do a hell of a lot better securing my office tower at 1500 Marilla.First off, I went up to get a snack on the 7th floor, which looked like a ghost town, there was a woman and a child buying snacks.No one else on the floor but us three, now just think if someone had EVIL intentions and wish to bring harm to our most valauable players, our citizens, where would security be at, somewhere lolly gagging.I brought up this issue because I feel we can get better at securing my favorite hangout in the whole city. I absolutely love that place, and would abhor someone doing anything to harm our citizens in this CITY.That's why I joined CERT(community emergency response team), because we must take leadership roles in our communities.Think, Prepare, and ACT.Let's pray we get better.You can get more info on CERT at, or

Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

K2 banned today in city of Dallas!K2 Caraway, will be out Monday!

   No disrespect to Council member Dwaine Caraway, but today in the lobby of city council chambers I overheard business owners laughing and saying that they would definitely have a new product out Monday called K2 Caraway.The word in the lobby was that, "all ingredients weren't banned and those ingredients would be added to K2 Caraway", taunting our public safety chair.

   At first these guys made good points until they said, "the first stop would be South Dallas"! It really pissed me off because here you have a bunch of rich kid, dope pushers, claiming that the ingredients are going to get worse because of the banning of the other ingredient and the first stop will be South Dallas?Here is the website of the guy!Don't bring your trash and dump it off on our kids in southern Dallas, because Dallas City Council banned your product.And no thanks to the free pack you gave me buddy.

                                                                                                      The Daily Phalanx:Raw and UNCUT

Selasa, 10 Agustus 2010

Who runs the Dallas Tomorrow Fund?Why aren't Dallas citizens aware of funds?

  In the coming days we will give an exclusive view of the Dallas Tomorrow Fund, a fund that is setup to help citizens with code compliance issues on their properties.Has the city of Dallas informed the citizens that there are funds to help them?Who is the administrator of these funds?How have the funds been spent in years past?How many citizens have been helped by the fund?Stay tuned it is about to get warm in the building!The Daily Phalanx,the new front runner in investigative blogging around the city of Dallas!

Does the city of Dallas have something to hide?


 Why is that I have over 15 unanswered open records request with the city of Dallas?I thought certain documents were public record and when requested,  they are expected to get them to the requestor promptly(10 days).Seems as though I must get outside assistance, because there maybe some heads about to roll down at 1500 Marilla.We are just getting started.See when I was trying to come down and perform my civic duties as a citizen of this city, I was treated like an alien, so now it's time to get the bad apple's out of the building and I MEAN EVERYONE OF THE CORRUPTOR'S!!!

The Daily Phalanx:Raw and UNCUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2010

Is proud that the U.S. Justice Department reads this blog daily!

                                                  pic c/o


    For anyone down on Marilla, or even connected to those down at Marilla feel that they want to try something stupid and block our fight against corruption, think again the feds have you're I.P. address', thanks and good day!Oh and by the way, our readership is skyrocketing, thanks Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Twitter etc,etc.

Does D.P.D know municipal judges are exempt from furlough days?


It has come to my attention that city of Dallas municipal judges are exempted from furlough days but still receive pay.Hmm, how can they be exempt from furlough days when everything is closed and no citizens are able to attend court?Is this a fraud being perpetuated against the citizen's of Dallas?I'm sure our hard working police, fire, sanitation, and library workers would chime in on this big-time!Let's hear what our city manager, mayor, and council has to say about this one!

Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

What does Dallas CM Vonciel Jones-Hill know about managing water as a resource?

 On August 10-13, there will be a conference in Irving called the "13th Annual Transportation and Infrastructure Summit".To my amazement, I saw CM Jones-Hill as a moderator of an event called"Managing water as a national resource".What the hell does Jones-Hill know about water as a national resource?What makes her such an expert in the field of water management, considering she is a former municipal judge and current attorney?What are her connections with the event coordinator David Dean?Is this a political favor for Dean, who has contributed to her campaign?Dean is a self-proclaimed public policy guy, who is known around Dallas as an avid fundraiser for politician's.So, maybe this is Jones' way of thanking Dean for the fundraising and political contributions.

 Jones also received campaign funding from attorney's Robert S. Gregg and Randall Scott, who both have  represented the Municipal Justice Bar Association, in which Robert Gregg currently resides as president.Randall Scott,  is a former president and founder.It seems as though these two attorney's along with Tonya Whitzel, conspired to have a municipal judge removed from the bench because she allegedly was "taking food from their table" by using the their power within the MJBA.

                                                      pic c/o Dallas Morning News

  We can clearly see where her heart is at, because its definitely not for the citizen's of district 5.If that is the case, when the murders occurred at the car wash on Loop 12 and Bonnie View instead of her getting upset at community leader's and CM Dwaine Caraway for organizing a prayer vigil, she should have definitely been ready and willing to assist!Since they didn't discuss it with her first she was upset.District 5 needs true leadership and a CM, who will take up for their issues.Crime is high in that part of her district, but she has yet to address any crime-problems.Or better yet, how about the large number of vagrant's that live in her district near the car wash @ Sunnyvale and Ledbetter, near the Williams Chicken.

CM Hill,how about addressing some of the issues that are going on in your district rather than running around parading to the drum of your political contributors.

Upcoming Budget and Town Hall meeting for the city of Dallas

 If you want to feel like you are being heard regarding the budget for Fiscal year 2010-2011, here is the link to find out when your council members will be in your community!Budget Town Halls

Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

Are you prepared?Emergency preparedness training coming soon

 As a member of the Dallas CERT ( community emergency response team), I highly recommend that all citizen's of Dallas take these free courses.This training helps you become educated on preparedness techniques in case of emergency, and to assist emergency responders in case they are overwhelmed by a situation. We must become the keepers and protector's of our communities.This blog will keep you posted constantly,on emergency management initiative's throught the North Texas region. Become engaged, for more info you can go to or .

Felons in Dallas can't find jobs(Discrimination)

  I have been in contact with several felons who are begging for assistance.Their claim is though it seems no one cares for them and their issues!The Daily Phalanx, will be a platform for those who have no voice and feel left out by an unforgiving society.

  If we can't get some form of response from the city of Dallas, private business',and non-profit organization's we will bring a march to Dallas City Hall within the next 60 days.MARK MY WORDS!

 It makes no sense at all to lip-profess second chances to these felons when in actuality they are banned from regular society.I've heard instances of ATI, baiting felons in and promising them jobs when they finish, knowing they have aggravated assault charges and will never get hired.

 It is time for action!Time for the scum of the earth to stand up and let everyone know we are sick and tired of the discrimination.

Does the city(DHADC) keep records of its properties owned?

  In early June,I submitted an open records request for a list of all properties owned/maintained by the Dallas Housing and Acquisition Development Corp.As of today I have not received a response per my request.Do they have something to hide?I sure hope not!

Basically I'm trying to research for budget saving matters and this high weeds and grass issue/cutting grass is a major thorn in the city's budget.It may seem as though I'm an ass when it comes to open records reusts but it is my duty to inform the people on how we can save them cash!

UpdateEyewitness hear loud boom and bright flashes of green lights near Joe Pool Lake

On August 13,2010, the persied Metoer shower left behind by the Comet Tuttle is supposed to start its peak.This could well explain the incident in grand Prarie on Monday Morning fully.A breach was recorded in Alabama go to for more info

Breaking:Eyewitness state a possible meteor striking near Joe Pool Lake this morning around 1:30 a.m. ,police were called out to investigate.Stay Tuned,this story is developing.

 Sent an open records request to the Grand Prarie Police Department, they actually were seen patrolling near the area shortly thereafter. So there had to be several other reports. Mainstream media is no where on this one.Stay tuned for updates as we gather info from sources!

Recover layaway money when company goes out of business

Steps to Take When a Company Goes Out of Business

by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott

When a company closes down unexpectedly, its customers often turn to the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) for help recovering up-front layaway payments and merchandise that was never delivered. In addition to filing a complaint with the OAG, Texans should take independent steps to protect themselves when a retailer suddenly goes out of business.

The most important step is simple. Customers should always maintain meticulous records of every transaction. Invoices, sales receipts, credit card slips, sales representatives’ names and other documentation are vitally important to recovering refunds or merchandise.

Whenever possible, customers should pay for goods only after the products are delivered. If a vendor requires an up-front payment, customers should try to negotiate the deposit down to the lowest possible amount.

Customers contemplating a large purchase should avoid paying with cash and instead use credit cards to make large deposits or payments. Under the Fair Credit Billing Act and certain credit card companies’ chargeback rules, financial institutions can usually provide refunds to customers whose purchases are not delivered.

Before disputing a credit card purchase, customers should attempt to resolve the problem with the actual retailer. Customers should outline their complaint in a certified letter to the merchant and save copies of all correspondence.

If the retailer fails to respond, customers should contact their credit card company, formally dispute the charge and provide the issuer with a copy of the dispute letter. To be eligible for protection under the Fair Credit Billing Act, customers must dispute a credit card charge within 60 days. The credit card issuer likely will attempt to contact the merchant to determine whether the customer is owed a refund.

In the event a company declares bankruptcy, customers become creditors who may be paid after the business liquidates its assets. The bankruptcy court is charged with overseeing which creditors get paid first based upon the order of priority in the bankruptcy code. Bankrupt companies typically pay their debts first to “secured” creditors, and only later to ordinary creditors (such as customers).

To protect their rights in a bankruptcy proceeding, customers must complete a Proof of Claim form and file it with the bankruptcy court. Customers should ask whether the court has appointed a trustee. Bankruptcy trustees are responsible for attempting to pay the bankrupt company’s creditors – including customers.

Unfortunately, there are few guarantees that customers who are owed money by a suddenly-shuttered company will receive a refund. Customers who are owed large amounts of money should consider contacting a private attorney regarding their individual legal rights.

Customers may also file a complaint against the company with the Office of the Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division. While the OAG cannot take legal action on behalf of private individuals, the agency is empowered to enforce state law, and some enforcement actions do produce restitution for individuals.


Points To Remember

When a Company Goes Out of Business

• Maintain careful records of all transactions.

• Make a good-faith effort to resolve the dispute with the merchant.

• Dispute charges for undelivered merchandise in writing.

• Contact the credit card company to dispute charges.

• File a Proof of Claim if the company declares bankruptcy.

The Federal Trade Commission enforces the Fair Credit Billing Act for most creditors. To file a complaint or receive free information on consumer issues, contact:

Federal Trade Commission

(877) FTC-HELP

The Office of the Attorney General takes legal action to enforce state consumer protection laws. To file a complaint, contact:

Office of the Attorney General

(800) 252-8011

Texas A.G. on recent Second Amendment victory!

On June 28, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling that confirmed what Texans have long known: all law abiding Americans have a fundamental right to keep and bear arms – and cities cannot unconstitutionally limit that right.

The case stemmed from a legal challenge brought by Otis McDonald, a 76-year-old Army veteran who lives in a high-crime area of Chicago. McDonald wanted to be able to have a handgun at his home to protect his family from the drug dealers who threatened him with violence because of his efforts to clean up his crime-ridden neighborhood. But the city of Chicago had an ordinance that prohibited law-abiding citizens like McDonald from legally obtaining handguns. The city denied McDonald’s handgun registration and prohibited him from legally possessing a handgun. So McDonald was forced to sue the city over the unconstitutional ban.

When the case reached the U.S. Supreme Court, the Texas Attorney General’s Office led a national effort to protect all Americans’ right to keep and bear arms. We forged a 38 state coalition that defended the Second Amendment and argued that Chicago’s handgun ban was unconstitutional.

The city of Chicago contended that Americans’ constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms does not apply to – or place limits on – states or cities. Under the city of Chicago’s argument, law-abiding gun owners are not protected from municipal action that abrogates the constitution – because Chicago argued that the Supreme Court’s 2008 decision styled District of Columbia v. Heller does not apply to state and local governments.

The states’ brief refuted that argument by explaining that the Fourteenth Amendment applies the Second Amendment to cities, counties and other local governmental bodies across the country. As our brief explained, the Founding Fathers understood that the right to keep and bear arms arises from the natural rights of self-defense and resistance to tyranny.

The Supreme Court’s ruling last month, which directly cited Texas’ brief several times, confirmed that the individual rights secured by the Second Amendment are fundamental rights that must be recognized not just by the federal government – but by state and local governments as well. The court reaffirmed that “the Second Amendment protects a personal right to keep and bear arms for lawful purposes, most notably for self-defense within the home.”

And after carefully analyzing the historical evidence, the Supreme Court determined that “it is clear that the Framers (of the Constitution) and ratifiers of the Fourteenth Amendment counted the right to keep and bear arms among those fundamental rights necessary to our system of ordered liberty.”

The high court’s ruling last month rejected Chicago’s argument that cities and towns are above the Constitution and can pass laws that disregard the Second Amendment. The decision marks a victory not only for law-abiding gun owners, but also for the constitutional rights and liberties that our Founders guaranteed to all Americans.