Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

Scenes from John Wiley Price's Kwanzaafest - where investigators say county employees were forced to work

DALLAS CITY HALL | The Dallas Morning News

The annual Kwanzaafest run by County Commissioner John Wiley Price at Fair Park is a major event.
Now, it's a major part of a civil investigation by former FBI agent Danny Defenbaugh.
In a memo out Tuesday, Defenbaugh stated that deputy constables have made sworn statements that they were forced to work at the event for no pay.

click link at top to continue reading

Senin, 14 Desember 2009

Massage Parlors Sue City of Dallas

Massage Parlors Sue City of Dallas: "

The January issue of the “print product” will contain a fascinating story (if I do say so myself) written by Thomas Korosec about how two women came up with an ingenious tactic for shutting down the city’s brothels. We’ve put it online early because WE’VE GOT BREAKING NEWS. The brothels are fighting back.

The gist of it is this: the city had been filing civil lawsuits against massage parlors to have them declared public nuisances, but that wasn’t working very well. For one thing, it’s tough to figure out against whom the suit should be filed. The massage parlors are often set up in a complicated web of shell businesses. So a cop and city lawyer hit on the idea of presenting evidence of prostitution and unlicensed massage to the city building officials and asking that the business’s certificate of occupancy be revoked. Padlock the doors, and the owner has to come to the city rather than the other way around. The strategy has proven very successful.

Well, now the massage parlors — or relaxation spas or whatever you want to call them — are claiming the city isn’t playing fair. The suit, filed December 11, amounts to a class action brought by the best and brightest in the rubbing business: Hai C Vu (doing business as Blue Star), Sangwan Anusan (dba Aloha Spa and Cleopatra Day Spa), Soon D. Yoon (dba Hawaii Spa), Antonia Flores (dba Jasmine), Phaiboon Promniang (dba Moon Night), Reginald Villavidendio (dba The Passion), Sok Un Ng (dba 333 Bodyworks), and Larry Keller (dba 7th Heaven). It saddens me none of the complainants has a parlor named Happy Ending. But let’s keep moving.

The complainants say that the city is revoking certificates of occupancy without due process. Furthermore, they say, the city code’s definition of “massage” and “massage establishment” are no good. As they put it in the filing:

Both definitions, and thus City’s Regulations, are facially overbroad and vague. These definitions would, for example, include the activities of all personal trainers/assistants at gyms that assist customers with the use of the gym’s equipment, yoga or similar instructors, or even a clerk assisting a customer with a shoehorn while trying on a pair of shoes. Further the definition of “massage” found in City Code section 25A-1(c) illegally includes, and thus illegally regulates, every electric dryer in every public restroom because the hand dryers are included in the definition of “massage” as written.

Listen, I’m not a lawyer. But read the lawsuit for yourself. This William A. Bratton III, attorney for the complainants, is no slouch. The guy’s got some flair. On behalf of his clients, he’s wants chapter 25 of the City Code declared unconstitutional, a permanent injunction, and unspecified damages. From where I sit, the city’s got a good fight on its hands.


Rabu, 11 November 2009

Major power failures hit Brazil: Authorities don't know what caused it

Major power failures hit Brazil: Authorities don't know what caused it: "A power blackout in Brazil left tens of millions of people sitting by candlelight, after plunging its two largest cities into darkness.

Underground railways, traffic lights, street lamps, lifts and electric gates in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro were all affected.

It was several hours before the problem could be fixed.

The authorities believe it could have been caused by a fault at the giant Itaipu hydro-electric dam."

Jumat, 06 November 2009

Minggu, 01 November 2009

How to find a Chest Pain & Heart Attack

How to find a Chest Pain & Heart Attack: "


1. To better tell whether your heart’s pain and discomfort is coming from a more serious condition, a heart attack, be aware of that the heart will feel squeezed or crushed. Many sufferers have described that having a heart attack feels like an elephant sitting on their chest.

2. When an individual is suffering from a heart attack, the number one tell tell sign is pain shots extending from the heart down to the arms, shoulder, back, throat and jaw. Dizziness and nausea can sometimes follow.

3. People with heartburn have similar feelings of pain in the chest, however, it is normally never followed with pain to the upper part of the body as a heart attack would. Heartburn should not be confused with a heart attack because the symptoms appear to come after a heavy meal and not being able to essentially, walk it off before lying down. There is more a burning sensation in the chest and esophagus area, not the heart as many people assume. Avoid or limit foods high in acidity, alcohol, spicy foods/ingredients, or caffeine which can cause these symptoms.

4. Finally, regular chest pain and heart burn should not be confused for a heart attack because heart attack not only brings on dizziness and pain in upper body regions, but unlike chest pain or heartburn, the heart rate pulse increases dramatically, especially after performing strenuous physical activity, stressful situations, and exercise.

Related posts:

  1. Energy drinks are harmful to high BP,heart disease people…..
  2. Information About Back Pain
  3. Tips to avoid PC arm pain….


Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

Incompetence Reigns in Rick Perry’s Texas

Incompetence Reigns in Rick Perry’s Texas: "

As the unemployment rate hits a 22-year high, local food banks are sending out word to anyone who will listen (including me) that they are at the breaking point. Not only did the recently laid-off have a hard time getting benefits — thanks to Perry’s initial refusal of stimulus funding (he quietly reneged later) – now they are having a hard time even getting food. The Texas food-stamp program is in disarray.

Really, I’m telling you, he’s been there too long. At some point Texas needs a governor who is capable of more than looking good on TV.


Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

Letter to Dallas City Council Re: Southern Dallas

Dear Distinguished Mayor and members of Dallas City Council,

It seems the issue over lobbying at Dallas City Hall is causing some confusion amongst members of the City.We can understand because we know of unprecedented greed that has taken place down in that spooky , haunted building known as Dallas City Hall.The new order of business is transparency.See through government.Government by the people and for the people.
As a writer i ask you today to please make sure you guys get this and other issues affecting the Southern Sector worked out soon.We have to have VISION to not see young males dying in the streets which causes business’ to flee and create an atmosphere of Economic DEATH.As in the case of some parts of District 8 and District 5 in which encompass the neighborhood in which i grew up in.Either we will work together in order to have VISION for this city , or we will take direct SOCIAL INFLUENCE on the residents and DESTROY your Credibility in this city and CRUSH your re-election campaigns.We will vote people in who are statesman and not just pimps,hustlers,or ticks feeding off of everyday , hardworking citizens of this Great City.
The Daily Phalanx
Raw and UNCUT

Minggu, 27 September 2009

FIRST 48 in the Hood again!

Timb Hamilton / WFAA-TV
Police blocked off the area surrounding the scene of the shootings.

Bonnie View Road at East Ledbetter Drive, Dallas
DALLAS — Two people were killed and a third was wounded Saturday night when gunfire erupted at a car wash in East Oak Cliff.
Police said the shootings happened at the business at Bonnie View Road and East Ledbetter Drive around 9:30 p.m.
Two victims who were taken to Baylor University Medical Center for treatment were pronounced dead. They were identified as Byron Carter, 28, of Garland, and Brandon Gilstrap, 29, of Mesquite.
A third gunshot victim was taken to Methodist Charlton Medical Center in serious condition.
Police spokeswoman Senior Cpl. Janice Crowther said the shooting suspect was at large late Saturday. No description was available.
According to investigators, the violence may have been sparked when two groups of people were trying to rob one another.

Sabtu, 26 September 2009

Raw Video: Spider Bugs Pope

Socially Responsible Part 1

Socially Responsible Part 1

Written prior to Hurricane Gustav (9-1-08)
With The Name Of G-D The CREATOR,KEEPER,SUSTAINER,MASTER of All THE Systems of knowledge and all that exist.
We praise HIM and Give Thanks To the All-KNOWING,The All-WISE,CHERISH-ER and MAINTAINER of ALL!
G-D tells us "With HIM is a Book".A book that's being recorded constantly a book which some refer to as the book of deeds that will be presented upon man on the day of judgment.Man through his learning science , then forming a belief pattern ,formed judicial system.we've had courts from beginning of time.man knew that people would act according to their own disposition,some would adhere but many would not adhere to the laws set forth by the CREATOR bestowed upon man.We learned all this through science.Scientific Thinking man progressed through thinking,reflecting,then DIVINE INSPIRATION coming into his heart,mind,soul.
And G-D says"I have created man and some excel others"Now I don't want to take you on a long historical journey of the world but i must give a brief history of our track as former slaves up until now !
Our life as humans,our trek as humans,our evolution,has and always will be Controlled by G-D! Things that have occurred in our history as a nation was not always fair , not always just,and certainly at times was not conducive for the proper growth..

We take a look back at slavery times and we perceive inhumane atrocities that occur ed not on animals but people and why?

we take a look at civil war and post Civil war(reconstruction period).These times for us as a people it was not just ,it was not right!On through the world wars,we were called to duty. we served our country with vigor and had to come back home to the same ol!up through the 60's when a so called social reformation took place!We were speaking up and we paid for it SEVERELY! with that many of us here can relate back to this period ,television made it possible.water hoses,dogs,guns,sticks, whatever it went down no holds barred.&0's we began to take the lead slowly very slowly.They let us out the gates with integration and we excelled in almost everything the physical body had to offer.1980's crack cocaine came and as The late Great Tupac Shakur said"crack came and it was strange how it rocked us" May G-D accept his prayers , forgive his sins, and admit him to the paradise.1990's came and we were super main stream.We had overcome many hurdles that plagued us in years past but a new plantation was arising.

A plantation of desires,there was new type of oppression,an oppression of G-D,Low desires took over and now you have our current state of affairs.Our prison incarceration rate is higher than any other people.Our homicide rates are highest of any other people!Our Hiv/Aids rate is highest of any people!Cancer rate Is highest of any other!

Some say it was all a design.Others don't know or may not care!If we believe in G-D then we know this had to be by design.Who planned it?Some will say the White man because of his superior knowledge to the other weaker people.Death was inflicted upon us as people.Wholesale death!!!

Are we to be angry,depressed,and,stressed out because of the temptations of the whisperer that most have fell victim too??

G-D ordained all these atrocities upon us to see in the end how we would act!
Well today i beg of all of us to repent ,ask G-D for forgiveness!Judgment is upon this Nation and the World for our wrongdoings! The heavens will open up for us soon! The earth is shaking,the wind is blowing terribly 4 tropical storms headed our way www.noaa.gov, among tornadoes and other things.The Polar ice caps have been melting at an alarming rate this year so bad it flooded the Mississippi.

Its time to decide which side you are going to be on.Its time for evil to cease and desist.TRUTH HAS COME!

And G-D says'Let there arise out of you a party who enjoins what is right and forbids what is wrong."
"and strive and compete in all that is GOOD"! Sorry The Republican Party has not proven to be that party! The Democratic Party hasn't proved to be that party.Search their history!

This party referred is only speaking of a people who had been wrongdoers in the sight of their LORD,But afterward ask their LORD for forgiveness and practiced righteousness according to HIS WILL! The will of being kind to your brethren.the will of wanting your brethren to not be in poverty and you well off!!Admonishing wrong when we see wrong even if its our own selves!Just a few on a list of many!

We are in a day when sin will be requited quickly!A day when the hypocrites and the disbelievers will rounded up to the fire.We will witness this!Please i beg of us all to ask G-D for forgiveness of our sins,truly he knows the DAY and the HOUR.We must be prepared for it!!!!!Thank you for your precious time!All-Praise Unto G-D MOST HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

weekly recap{Qadhafi}'UN Security Council Undemocratic

[Note: The following is a summary provided by the United Nations]
Video: English / Arabic [RealPlayer Required, 1 hour 36 min]
[Interpretation provided by the delegation of Libya]


Africans were proud and happy that a son of Africa was now governing the United States of America and it was a great thing -- it was a glimmer of light in the dark of the past eight years.

(UN) - MUAMMAR AL-GADHAFI, Leader of the Revolution of Libya, speaking also on behalf of the African Union, said he hoped this gathering would be a historic one. He also congratulated United States President Barack Obama on his first address to the General Assembly. This year's debate was being held in the midst of many challenges and the world should unite and defeat these challenges, which included climate change, the economic crisis and the food crisis.

He said many Member States were not present when the United Nations was created by three countries years ago. They created the Charter but the Preamble was different from the provisions and articles. No one objected to the Preamble, but he rejected everything that came after. The Preamble of the United Nations Charter said nations were equal, whether large or small. The veto power bestowed upon the five permanent members of the Security Council was, therefore, against the Charter, and he neither accepted nor recognized it.
Continuing, he said the Charter's Preamble stated that military force should not be used unless there was a common interest. But 65 wars, with millions of victims, had broken out since the creation of the United Nations. Moreover, the Preamble said if there was aggression against any country, the United Nations together would check such actions. Despite that, countries which held the veto used aggressive force against “the people”, even as the Charter said no nation had the right to intervene in the internal affairs of another.
He went on to express concern that right now, calls for reforming the Organization focused only on increasing the number of Member States. That would only make things worse. For instance, adding more Security Council seats would “give rise to more super-Powers, crush the small people and create more poverty”. Such an impractical move would also generate more competition among countries. In any case, the Council should act according to the rules of the United Nations. The solution was to close the admission of new Member States and provide equality among those already belonging to the Organization, he said.
Currently, the Assembly was like a decor without any substance. “You just make a speech and then you disappear...that's who you are right now,” he said. Setting that right would mean that the Security Council could serve as a tool for implementing resolutions adopted by the Assembly. The Council should represent the interests of all countries, through individual seats or seats held by unions that represented each region of the world. There were equal votes in the Assembly and there should be equal votes next door in the Security Council, he declared, adding that ultimately, for a united and peaceful world, serious Organizational reform was needed. Keeping his focus squarely on Security Council dynamics, he said that the 15-member body practised “security feudalism” for those who had a protected seat. “It should be called the terror council”, he said, underscoring that terrorism could exist in many forms. The super-Powers had complicated interests and used the United Nations for their own purposes. Indeed, the Security Council did not provide the world with security, but gave it “terror and sanctions”. He was not committed to adhere to the Council's resolutions, which were used to commit war crimes and genocides. He reiterated that the Council did not provide security and the world did not have to obey the rules or orders it decreed, especially as it was currently constituted.
Regarding Africa, the African Union deserved a permanent seat in the Security Council for the suffering it had endured for many years. This had nothing to do with reform, he said, declaring that Africa deserved compensation, amounting to some $77.7 trillion for the resources and wealth that had been stolen in the past. Colonization should be criminalized and people should be compensated for the suffering endured during the reign of colonial power.
Africans were proud and happy that a son of Africa was now governing the United States of America and it was a great thing -- it was a glimmer of light in the dark of the past eight years, he said.
However, he noted the money spent by the United States and the city to secure United Nations Headquarters during the annual Assembly. While thanking the United States for its efforts in hosting the Organization for the past 50 years, he said the United Nations should hold its annual debate in another hemisphere for the next 50 years. He complained about the trouble some diplomats and their staff had in securing visas from the United States Government.

Jumat, 11 September 2009

The First Mother by Imam W.D Mohammed

"As The Light Shineth From The East"

The First Mother

By Imam W. Deen Mohammed

(The following is a collection of edited speeches delivered during Ethnic Heritage Survival Week, Feb. 19-26th 1978)
Then the Bible goes on to say that the first mother was made from the rib of our first father, that God had made our first father complete. Then He forgot that the man had a lonely nature. Then God said: "Oh, I've got to make him a mate." Now, I'm not laughing at the Bible, I don't laugh at it. To tell you the truth, I respect it. But I'm giving it to you in this language so you can see the kind of childish ideas that we grown-ups have been holding on to. It says, He took a rib—one rib —from the man, and filled up the hole—no ... it gives you the impression that it was just gouged out—He's not even a good surgeon. He put the flesh that was taken out, back in its place—just a patch-up job, a butcher's job—and then made the woman with this rib. What does that make the woman? It makes her a different creation from the man.
How can the Bible say, "Flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone?" How can she be flesh of his flesh, bone of his bone and she was just made from the bone? Just one bone. In the forming of human life in the womb of the mother, bones don't come first, flesh comes first. So if this woman is made from one bone she doesn't have the full value, the full human worth of the man. Right from the beginning the woman is put in an inferior image. 
If you don't believe that this is the trend; keep reading about the woman as her story is told from Genesis to Revelation. She becomes more and more ugly, inferior and wicked. I'll just name a few of the stars for you in the Bible: Eve, Jezebel, Delilah, Salome. We can look right into the language of the present environment and see that these evils, these destructive concepts in human ideas or in human minds are still hurting human development. They're still being preached and they're still hurting our human development. God gives us the most beautiful concept of the man that He creates. The man that He creates is a mind, a human mind—a rational and compassionate human mind; and from that mind is born, not a woman, but society. And the rib of the man simply tells us, in symbolism, that society was made from the man that God inspired called Adam in the Bible and that society had a law, a principle. Not many, but one.
The Bible says God made the woman from a rib of the man. Not from all of them, but from only one. This is symbolism, telling us that this generation or this genesis of the man that the Bible is telling us about is the story of the church. You may ask how can that be the story of the church when the Genesis was revealed and written long before Christ Jesus? But it was interpolated, interpretated, and changed, and reformed long after it was revealed. They formed it to speak thechurch doctrine, and the church doctrine says that Jesus gave only one commandment—that you should love ye one another.
The scripture gives us the proper concept of man, that man should not be seen in the individual, the male or the female, or any single individual, but in the creation of society. Man should mean humanity and humanity includes both male and female; he or she is a part of a unit. The male has to mate with a female to reproduce his physical self. And the female has to mate with a male to reproduce her physical self. How can we see society as male and as female separated one from the other? And how can we think that the whole society was generated from one man called Adam? How can any sensible, intelligent people think that God made a man and then reached into his body and deformed that man after forming him rightly, and made a female of his rib? That looks like guesswork to me.
What do they call the tornadoes and the hurricanes—these terrible violent forces that make human beings fear for their very lives, that take away their houses and their cattle, destroy the hard earnings they have worked so hard for and built up in homes and businesses? These strong violent forces are called by the names of women. Isn't that proof that the same mentality exists. The mentality of the writer of the Bible is still existing. "Will you attack the writers of the Bible?"
You don't want to see the contradiction. You don't want to see the ugliness in the Bible, so you suppress it. You push it out of your mind. But remember, every time you push something out of your mind, you're only pushing it out of your conscious mind. It goes into your subconscious and causes mental problems if the environment doesn't do something to bring about the kind of healthy change needed for you.
We've been saying that God made man in his own image and likeness when we should have been saying that God intended humanity—society —to be in His image and likeness, character-wise or morally speaking. The scripture has meaning. The scripture can attract the rational mind, the logical thinker; the scripture can attract the shipbuilder, the banker, the chemist; it can attract all men if it's taken back to its original purity: if we just take off the false dress of poetry, mythology, symbolism and allegories that take us into wonderland instead of the promised land.

Senin, 17 Agustus 2009

Gangsters,Thugs,and O.G's

Emotionalism means "an inclination to rely on or place too much value on emotion".
Everyone has fell into emotional upheaval.The ruling influence over society today is anger or emotionalism.In the last 30 years in the communities of the USA , has become inspired by an angry uproar.I heard someone say anger is a wasted emotion.Malcolm X stated 'Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change'. That is positive anger.Today we want to focus on negative anger!
As a child growing up in the Southern section of Dallas once the most segregated city in the U.S.,i use to often recall being very angry.As i got older i fell into running with the wrong crowd and became a petty drug dealer.Never gang banged just dealt in drugs.In my community we didn't gang bang we were more territorial.Around 5th o 6grade the crack epidemic broke out and some of the apartment complexes around the schools in my communities were like Beirut , Lebanon.Gunfire,death,prostitution,drugs etc.This culture was creating a new mind in my community.It was countering the movement of Blacks in this city being free and accomplishing anything their hearts desired.A movement of evil, a movement of negative anger.As i grew older into high school.I finally fell for the schemes of the devil and started selling the drugs.These same drugs that i hated as a child.Why,because i didn't have nice clothes,i didn't have nice shoes.We were poor and the emerging culture was bringing in commercialism.We had to have the karl kani,cross-colors,Jordan's etc.So i started selling.To who you may ask?My first clientele was my family?I used my family members as guinea pigs to get my new clothes and shoes.In the process, i became numb to the fact i was doing wrong.The only being that i thought was watching me then was the police and i figured they had their hands tied up arresting others!In the mean time i would come up.An old hood term for getting money or having money.So i continued on in my wrongdoing! As i was doing this i was learning how to be a gangsta , a thug.Part of that persona was to look as mean as you possibly could so when people looked at you they would say o he crazy or I'm not going to fool with him.He looks like he will hurt someone!So i had the expression of anger on my face at all times.Also, in my mind since i was able to get guns and other weapons in my mind i became hard,tough,unbeatable.This new mindset was emerging in me.A mindset that told me i was superior to others and if others didn't agree with my agenda we would bring physical pain to them.On all type of narcotics to ease my own pain.This mindset in the mean time was destroying community life in my neighborhood and other neighborhoods across America.Look at the situation today.Most
The rappers all proclaim to be gangsters,drug dealers, thugs.In proclaiming this,look what big a mess we have created for ourselves.If you ride public transportation in the city of Dallas in the daytime all you see on the trains are school kids aka GOONS THUGS and gangsters even the females.Education has been put on the back burner for gangsterism,thugism,and the dope culture.This is the impressionable stuff that gives our children an emotional attachment.We have let the rappers raise our children.This culture is so Influential that even the best parents are losing their children.This is a cultural problem.You go to these county jails and the majority of the population are under 21.Where are our future leaders?Where is our future headed because of this madness?Our future is grim if this presiding culture continues to flourish!Certain Death!And some of you may ask what you mean by Certain death?What i mean is we all know scripture , we know history,we know how prevailing cultures as this we live in failed or was destroyed in the past.That's the beautiful thing about living now we can study those before us to chart our future progress.Do you not believe that this behavior went on during the time of Noah,Moses ,Lot
etc(prayers and peace upon them).This is why they spoke out they were inspired to speak out against such irrational behavior.These men were thinkers or became thinkers.Look at Moses when Moses was young he kill a young man, because he was on the other side , he was not apart of Moses group or people.
Moses was gang banging before G-D called him to speak out against the wrongdoers.So when he took The message of G-D to the people he fully,i repeat fully understood his peoples problem, Because he had once been part of the problem.Moses eventually had to learn how to use his anger problem to his advantage.

Senin, 20 Juli 2009


Did something just hit Jupiter? On July 19th, a black "scar" appeared in Jupiter's clouds similar to the Shoemaker-Levy 9 impacts of 1994. Veteran Jupiter observer Anthony Wesley photographed the feature from his observatory in Murrumbateman, Australia:


Minggu, 19 Juli 2009

The Tale of Two Cities By Brandon Phillip Reed

The murder of Marando Miller in Texarkana ,Tx on early Friday has began to raise some brows...Does Texarkana have a crime problem in this small city of approximately 38,000...Marando Miller became the 10th victim of homicide in Texarkana as crime runs rampant in this norteastern Texas city....Austin meanwhile on the other hand is much larger with a population of approximately 757,688 and early Saturday morning Osmel Castilla-Diaz became the cities 8th homicide victim...Does anyone see some discrepancies there.Well the root of the problem is , small town America generated its economy from farming and as we moved into the Urbanisation of America small towns such as Texarkana has suffered.The only other major trade to replace farming has been the illicit drug trade.With the I-30 corridor that extends through Little Rock,Hot Springs, West Helena,Memphis etc..This opened up sort of a new breed of opportunity for the poor in these rural communities especially here in Texas with the I-35 corridor being the major drug transportation hub for these drugs coming through Mexico...
Now the problem is getting out of hand America needs to take a look at re-establishing rural-America..You could go to Austin,Dallas,Houston,or San Antonio and find a number of community activists combating the problems through different programs.Not here in Texarkana.These kids have no jobs,no mentors,and no constructive daily programs.Wake up America the major urban areas are having major problems,but small town America is having problems as well,You can check the news for Marshall,Tyler,Longview etc and they are all having murders that were unheard of 10 years ago.This is a systematic problem that we must all recognize ,AMERICA IS MORE DANGEROUS THAN IRAQ ,ISRAEL,AND AFGANISTAN combined.We have approximately 16,425 murders per year in the USA.Lets become proactive and combat the cause of these staggering numbers in Rural America.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austin,_TexasMore >>http://www.ksla.com/Global/story.asp?S=10746570&nav=menu50_2