Senin, 17 Agustus 2009

Gangsters,Thugs,and O.G's

Emotionalism means "an inclination to rely on or place too much value on emotion".
Everyone has fell into emotional upheaval.The ruling influence over society today is anger or emotionalism.In the last 30 years in the communities of the USA , has become inspired by an angry uproar.I heard someone say anger is a wasted emotion.Malcolm X stated 'Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change'. That is positive anger.Today we want to focus on negative anger!
As a child growing up in the Southern section of Dallas once the most segregated city in the U.S.,i use to often recall being very angry.As i got older i fell into running with the wrong crowd and became a petty drug dealer.Never gang banged just dealt in drugs.In my community we didn't gang bang we were more territorial.Around 5th o 6grade the crack epidemic broke out and some of the apartment complexes around the schools in my communities were like Beirut , Lebanon.Gunfire,death,prostitution,drugs etc.This culture was creating a new mind in my community.It was countering the movement of Blacks in this city being free and accomplishing anything their hearts desired.A movement of evil, a movement of negative anger.As i grew older into high school.I finally fell for the schemes of the devil and started selling the drugs.These same drugs that i hated as a child.Why,because i didn't have nice clothes,i didn't have nice shoes.We were poor and the emerging culture was bringing in commercialism.We had to have the karl kani,cross-colors,Jordan's etc.So i started selling.To who you may ask?My first clientele was my family?I used my family members as guinea pigs to get my new clothes and shoes.In the process, i became numb to the fact i was doing wrong.The only being that i thought was watching me then was the police and i figured they had their hands tied up arresting others!In the mean time i would come up.An old hood term for getting money or having money.So i continued on in my wrongdoing! As i was doing this i was learning how to be a gangsta , a thug.Part of that persona was to look as mean as you possibly could so when people looked at you they would say o he crazy or I'm not going to fool with him.He looks like he will hurt someone!So i had the expression of anger on my face at all times.Also, in my mind since i was able to get guns and other weapons in my mind i became hard,tough,unbeatable.This new mindset was emerging in me.A mindset that told me i was superior to others and if others didn't agree with my agenda we would bring physical pain to them.On all type of narcotics to ease my own pain.This mindset in the mean time was destroying community life in my neighborhood and other neighborhoods across America.Look at the situation today.Most
The rappers all proclaim to be gangsters,drug dealers, thugs.In proclaiming this,look what big a mess we have created for ourselves.If you ride public transportation in the city of Dallas in the daytime all you see on the trains are school kids aka GOONS THUGS and gangsters even the females.Education has been put on the back burner for gangsterism,thugism,and the dope culture.This is the impressionable stuff that gives our children an emotional attachment.We have let the rappers raise our children.This culture is so Influential that even the best parents are losing their children.This is a cultural problem.You go to these county jails and the majority of the population are under 21.Where are our future leaders?Where is our future headed because of this madness?Our future is grim if this presiding culture continues to flourish!Certain Death!And some of you may ask what you mean by Certain death?What i mean is we all know scripture , we know history,we know how prevailing cultures as this we live in failed or was destroyed in the past.That's the beautiful thing about living now we can study those before us to chart our future progress.Do you not believe that this behavior went on during the time of Noah,Moses ,Lot
etc(prayers and peace upon them).This is why they spoke out they were inspired to speak out against such irrational behavior.These men were thinkers or became thinkers.Look at Moses when Moses was young he kill a young man, because he was on the other side , he was not apart of Moses group or people.
Moses was gang banging before G-D called him to speak out against the wrongdoers.So when he took The message of G-D to the people he fully,i repeat fully understood his peoples problem, Because he had once been part of the problem.Moses eventually had to learn how to use his anger problem to his advantage.

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