Sabtu, 26 September 2009

Socially Responsible Part 1

Socially Responsible Part 1

Written prior to Hurricane Gustav (9-1-08)
With The Name Of G-D The CREATOR,KEEPER,SUSTAINER,MASTER of All THE Systems of knowledge and all that exist.
We praise HIM and Give Thanks To the All-KNOWING,The All-WISE,CHERISH-ER and MAINTAINER of ALL!
G-D tells us "With HIM is a Book".A book that's being recorded constantly a book which some refer to as the book of deeds that will be presented upon man on the day of judgment.Man through his learning science , then forming a belief pattern ,formed judicial system.we've had courts from beginning of knew that people would act according to their own disposition,some would adhere but many would not adhere to the laws set forth by the CREATOR bestowed upon man.We learned all this through science.Scientific Thinking man progressed through thinking,reflecting,then DIVINE INSPIRATION coming into his heart,mind,soul.
And G-D says"I have created man and some excel others"Now I don't want to take you on a long historical journey of the world but i must give a brief history of our track as former slaves up until now !
Our life as humans,our trek as humans,our evolution,has and always will be Controlled by G-D! Things that have occurred in our history as a nation was not always fair , not always just,and certainly at times was not conducive for the proper growth..

We take a look back at slavery times and we perceive inhumane atrocities that occur ed not on animals but people and why?

we take a look at civil war and post Civil war(reconstruction period).These times for us as a people it was not just ,it was not right!On through the world wars,we were called to duty. we served our country with vigor and had to come back home to the same ol!up through the 60's when a so called social reformation took place!We were speaking up and we paid for it SEVERELY! with that many of us here can relate back to this period ,television made it possible.water hoses,dogs,guns,sticks, whatever it went down no holds barred.&0's we began to take the lead slowly very slowly.They let us out the gates with integration and we excelled in almost everything the physical body had to offer.1980's crack cocaine came and as The late Great Tupac Shakur said"crack came and it was strange how it rocked us" May G-D accept his prayers , forgive his sins, and admit him to the paradise.1990's came and we were super main stream.We had overcome many hurdles that plagued us in years past but a new plantation was arising.

A plantation of desires,there was new type of oppression,an oppression of G-D,Low desires took over and now you have our current state of affairs.Our prison incarceration rate is higher than any other people.Our homicide rates are highest of any other people!Our Hiv/Aids rate is highest of any people!Cancer rate Is highest of any other!

Some say it was all a design.Others don't know or may not care!If we believe in G-D then we know this had to be by design.Who planned it?Some will say the White man because of his superior knowledge to the other weaker people.Death was inflicted upon us as people.Wholesale death!!!

Are we to be angry,depressed,and,stressed out because of the temptations of the whisperer that most have fell victim too??

G-D ordained all these atrocities upon us to see in the end how we would act!
Well today i beg of all of us to repent ,ask G-D for forgiveness!Judgment is upon this Nation and the World for our wrongdoings! The heavens will open up for us soon! The earth is shaking,the wind is blowing terribly 4 tropical storms headed our way, among tornadoes and other things.The Polar ice caps have been melting at an alarming rate this year so bad it flooded the Mississippi.

Its time to decide which side you are going to be on.Its time for evil to cease and desist.TRUTH HAS COME!

And G-D says'Let there arise out of you a party who enjoins what is right and forbids what is wrong."
"and strive and compete in all that is GOOD"! Sorry The Republican Party has not proven to be that party! The Democratic Party hasn't proved to be that party.Search their history!

This party referred is only speaking of a people who had been wrongdoers in the sight of their LORD,But afterward ask their LORD for forgiveness and practiced righteousness according to HIS WILL! The will of being kind to your brethren.the will of wanting your brethren to not be in poverty and you well off!!Admonishing wrong when we see wrong even if its our own selves!Just a few on a list of many!

We are in a day when sin will be requited quickly!A day when the hypocrites and the disbelievers will rounded up to the fire.We will witness this!Please i beg of us all to ask G-D for forgiveness of our sins,truly he knows the DAY and the HOUR.We must be prepared for it!!!!!Thank you for your precious time!All-Praise Unto G-D MOST HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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