Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

Letter to Dallas City Council Re: Southern Dallas

Dear Distinguished Mayor and members of Dallas City Council,

It seems the issue over lobbying at Dallas City Hall is causing some confusion amongst members of the City.We can understand because we know of unprecedented greed that has taken place down in that spooky , haunted building known as Dallas City Hall.The new order of business is transparency.See through government.Government by the people and for the people.
As a writer i ask you today to please make sure you guys get this and other issues affecting the Southern Sector worked out soon.We have to have VISION to not see young males dying in the streets which causes business’ to flee and create an atmosphere of Economic DEATH.As in the case of some parts of District 8 and District 5 in which encompass the neighborhood in which i grew up in.Either we will work together in order to have VISION for this city , or we will take direct SOCIAL INFLUENCE on the residents and DESTROY your Credibility in this city and CRUSH your re-election campaigns.We will vote people in who are statesman and not just pimps,hustlers,or ticks feeding off of everyday , hardworking citizens of this Great City.
The Daily Phalanx
Raw and UNCUT

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