Selasa, 30 November 2010
Dallas |The FEDS are watching, just so y'all know!lol
Citizen files ethics complaint against Dallas City Secretary!
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Senin, 29 November 2010
Dallas | Citizen files ethics complaint against Dallas City Secretary!
above is video of incident in which complaint has been filed from November 10, 2010 Dallas City Council meeting.
With the revelations of Dallas Cabal of Pedophile Protectors, and the soon to come revelations about the Potashnik-Miller-Hill City Hall Corruption Case, Dallas will be in the National News as never before. It will far surpass the ratings of the TV show "Dallas". There will a three part movies series, entitled...
Dallas, Armegeddon Now, Parts 1, 2, and 3.
Rich Sheridan's Ethics Complaint Vs.
Dallas City Secretary Deborah Watkins
This is a Summary of the Official Filings.
Original Filing: November 12, 2010 (Superceded)
Amended Filing: November 19, 2010
Complainant: Richard P. Sheridan, P.E.
Professional Engineer, New York
Candidate for City Council, Dist. 13
Ethics Complaint Vs. Dallas City Secretary Deborah Watkins
Complaint Summary. Rich Sheridan claims that Deborah Watkins, acting on behalf of both her relative, DA Craig Watkins, and Special Interests, acted, in violation of Dallas Ethics Code, to stop the testimony of a mother, whose 3 yr old daughter was pedophiled, from being heard during a City Council Meeting on November 10, 2010.
Part C - Description of Complaint
Richard P. Sheridan, a candidate for Dallas City Council, District 13, and a very well known political and spiritual activist, appeared, as he has done almost monthly for 7 years, to speak about, and provide information about the allegations against Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins/office, and County Commissioners Maurine Dickey and Ken Mayfield concerning one, or all three parties being "soft" in the prosecution of pedophiles and sex offenders. Near the end of my speech (Exhibits A, CD of speech, and B, written speech), with time remaining, I turned to Ms. Cindy, who is mentioned in the speech which was distributed to the City Council before we got up there to speak. Therefore, any act of omission, or commission on the
part of Deborah Watkins, or the Mayor, or a City Councilmember was done knowingly per 12A-2(23) in the Ethics Code.
I turned to Ms. Cindy to let her speak for the remaining 30 seconds. As Ms. Cindy began to speak City Secretary Deborah Watkins immediately tried to stop her from speaking. I immediately addressed Councilmember Carolyn Davis, requesting that she call for a suspension of Speaker Rules which happens when any city council member deems a subject to be an important city issue. I state that the majority of Dallas voters would agree that the lack of justice in cases of pedophilia is an important city issue, with city residents being adversely affected.
Exhibit C presents one of the many growing cases of the alleged gross injustices and corruption in the office of the County DA Craig Watkins, some courts, and in the Commissioners' Court. I turned to City Councilmember Carolyn Davis to request a suspension of the Speaker Rules, Deborah Watkins continued to verbally object to Ms. Cindy's speaking, ignoring my right to request suspension of the Speaker Rules. When it became obvious that Watkins, backed by Mayor Leppert, and the majority of the council, would not allow Ms. Cindy to speak, I went back to the microphone and said two things:
1. "You don't want to hear the truth....ditto"
2. "This is a stain on our collective soul...ditto."
I was then taken by the arm by a security guard, with no incident, and escorted from the building.
Deborah Watkins should have done two things, acted per city council procedures, and the ethics code:
1. Watkins should have recused herself from acting in her capacity, function as city secretary during my time as speaker because of her conflict of interest being in consanguinity with Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins.
2. If it can be proven by the City of Dallas, or Watkins that she is not in consanguinity with Craig Watkins, Deborah Watkins should have allowed the process of suspension of speaker rules to be completed.
With or without consanguinity, which is a more egregious violation, I claim that Watkins violated 1 or more ethics rules. The incidents, the complaints, the one or more violations that I claim occurred, which stopped the testimony of Ms. Cindy getting to the City Council, to the Mayor, to City Officials, to the public in attendance, to the WRR 101.1 radio audience, to the cable TV audience, were politically motivated by family ties, and racial ties/affinity.
DA Craig Watkins is coming under greater scrutiny for his alleged siding with, seemingly, allegedly being soft on, protecting, and facilitating pedophiles, and sex offenders. Exhibit D contains a condensed version of two Dallas Morning News articles about the questionable actions of DA Watkins with regard to pedophiles and sex offenders. There is a growing line of mothers and grandmothers with allegations against the office of Craig Watkins.
Today, politics is about power and money, and serving special interests over We the People interests. I claim that City Secretary Deborah Watkins served her family member, and special interests with her either No. 1 or No. 2, or both violations claimed herein.
Part D - Alleged Code Violations
12A-3(a) Economic Interests Affected. Deborah Watkins did not avoid the appearance and risk of impropriety by taking an official action that she knew was likely to affect particularly the economic interests...
(1) of herself. Watkins remains secure in her job because she keeps the alleged corruption of DA Watkins from getting to the public.
(2) of a business entity, such as lawyers and psychologists that benefit from the alleged County and DA Corruption.
12A-3(b) Substantial Economic Interests Affected. Deborah Watkins did not avoid the appearance and risk of impropriety by taking an official action that she knew was likely to affect the substantial economic interests of Deborah Watkins family member DA Craig Watkins.
12A-3(c) Recusal and Disclosure. Deborah Watkins did not recuse herself with full knowledge that she was in violation of subsection (a) or (b) or both. From the time that the conflict is recognized Deborah Watkins should have:
1. Immediately refrained from participating in stopping Ms. Cindy from speaking.
2. Promptly filed a statement disclosing the conflict.
12A-3(d) Additional Recusal and Disclosure Requirements.
(6) Deborah Watkins did not promptly bring the conflict to the attention of the City Council.
12A-4(a). General Rule. Unfair Advancement of Private Interests
Deborah Watkins used her official position to unfairly advance personal interests by securing special consideration, advantage
beyond that which is lawfully available to every other person or organization.
I claim that Deborah Watkins, by the violations cited herein, advanced her personal/family/affinity interests, and the alleged interests of the cabal of lawyers, and psychologists, and CPS case workers, and at least one Dallas County Commissioner, John Wiley Price. This cabal, for financial gain, maintains havoc, and injustices in the County/District Courts system.
Exhibit B.
DA Watkins and Commissioners Dickey and Mayfield Soft on Pedophiles?
Presented to the Dallas City Council by Richard P. Sheridan, P.E.- Professional Engineer, N.Y. - Activist
November 10, 2010 972-815-7570
Dallas County DA Craig Watkins recently stated in a TV news interview that...
"This election has come down to the conscience of Dallas County."
No truer words have been spoken! Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. once said, being somewhat biased, that 80 % of Republicans, and 70% of Democrats are corrupt. I say that we are all corrupt, just in varying degrees. Politics should be about striving for the best way to serve the needs of We The People as stated in our Constitution. Unfortunately, our Nation has declined as metaphored, or as literally prophesied in the Bible. In Revelation 18 it speaks of the Fall of the Great Babylon, that once great, and all-powerful place that was once honored by all the world. If we take an honest look at our Nation, can we deny that it has fallen, declined SIGNIFICANTLY since the ‘50s, since JFKs assassination?
Why has our Nation so morally declined? Because more and more of us have lost our connection to God, getting lost in the material world. We are not a “Nation Under God” anymore. More and more are seeking material things, and power over their fellowman, especially elected officials who serve the SPECIAL INTERESTS, in violation of our Constitution. Again, these are prophetic times.
There is only one way out of the dilemma we are in as a County and as a Nation. WE MUST TELL THE TRUTH, SHAME THE DEVIL, AND SEND HIM AND HIS MINIONS INTO THE ABYSS, or to Jail. For it has been the service to Satan by some politicians, and not to God, in violation of the calling of our Constitution to be One Nation Under God, that has gotten us into this mess. We will never become a Great Nation again, and we will continue to sink into Socialism or Communism, or some kind of "ISM"…all of SATAN-ISM… which are against God's laws, unless we pursue truth and justice. We are out of order, out of the Godly Order for the World, in violation of the Godly rules of conduct put forth in the Bible, in the Torah, in the Koran, and in the sacred Hindu and Buddhist writings.
Last week, on Robert Ashley's KHVN Heaven 970 radio show, District Attorney Craig Watkins, who was a guest on the show, responded to a plea from caller, a Ms. Cherlyn Roseberry, for better justice for her AGGRAVATEDLY SEXUALLY ASSUALTED/RAPED 6 yr old GRAND-DAUGHTER, by stating, and I paraphrase,
“The DA's office is inadequately staffed for the appropriate prosecution of sex crimes (only one prosecutor) because of the budget cutbacks by Commissioners Mayfield and Dickey.” DA Craig Watkins, October 28, 2010 Robert Ashley, the host of the show, has refused to provide me a tape.
Today, there are three people who have come forward claiming that the DA's office has "inadequately" prosecuted known, or alleged pedophiles, or pedophile facilitators. They include James Dunn, Ms. Cherlyn Roseberry, and Ms. Jurline Hollins. The Dallas Morning News has published at least three articles bringing into question some of the activities of either DA Watkins, or members of his staff concerning pedophiles or rapists. A fourth witness, “Ms. Cindy”, claims her 3 yr old daughter was raped at AW Brown Fellowship Charter school, and Mr. Dunn states that the principle, Paula Brown, and Mr. Watkins are friends. Does “Birds of a feather flock together” apply here?
I, and many County residents, demand the immediate appointment of an independent counsel, with independent oversight for the checks and balances (this is not going to be swept under the rug), to bring to light the true facts in this matter, in what appears to be not only a major stain on our collective soul, but may involve possible criminal activities of either one, or more Commissioners, or the DA, or members of his office, or some combination of these government officials. Our children are our future, and right now we, collectively, are doing one lousy job. Their future is looking very grim because of our collective corruption.
BY LISA GOODWIN, Resident of Dallas County
I am here in this historic public forum to appeal to the Commissioners Court, to the State of Texas, and to the FBI if necessary to get to the bottom of this insanity and alleged corruption. I call on this Court to right the wrongs in my daughters case n in many other cases now surfacing. I pray your efforts make all Dallas County children...our sons and daughters...our free them from the MONSTERS THAT ARE NOW SECRETLY TARGETING THEM READY TO POUNCE AT ANY MOMENT. I STATE BEFORE YOU WITH SOME WRITTEN EVIDENCE PROVIDED THAT CERTAIN COUNTY OFFICIALS ARE ALLEGEDLY FACILITATING AND PROTECTING, AND NOT JAILING SOME PEDOPHILE MONSTERS
After divorcing my husband in 2004 and after I encouraged my 5 yr old daughter to have a good relationship with her father he subsequently sexually assaulted her he was arrested and I was given a protective order which kept him totally away from my daughter for ouer 2 years. THEN some crazy things happened. EVEN though the County stated that the father did sexually assault his daughter through a combination of multiple traumatizations of my daughter by County officials a questionable trial and questionable Assistant DAs psychologists and judges the pedophile went free and the pedophile father now has SOLE CUSTODY of his daughter-victim.
I've done some research on this matter. That combined with many recent news items on the subject shows pedophilia to be a national problem. GOD Bless You to this court in your important work in protecting our children.
Partial Testimony of Lisa Goodwin, mother of the pedophiled child traumatized by the Office of Dallas County DA Craig Watkins.
Written on November 14, 2010
(Ms. Goodwin appeared before the Dallas County Commissioners Court Tuesday Morning, November 16, 2010)
Exhibit D
Summary of Two Dallas Morning News Articles Concerning Implications of DA Craig Watkins Protecting/Harboring Sexual Predators and Pedophiles
1. "Watkins role in sex abuse case questioned. As defense attorney, he
helped 10 yr old girl declare she didn't want to press charges against
molester." Dallas Morning News, Sept. 1, 2010.
- On Sept 1, 2010, jurors took less than 1 hour to convict Richard Howell for sexually abusing his
- DA Craig Watkins was subpoenaed in the case because Howell was his former client.
- Richard Howell was previously defended by Watkins in 2006. Then, Howell was being prosecuted for
molesting another minor, a 10 year girl. Watkins secured a case dismissal by obtaining the girls signature
on a release, saying that she wasn't molested.
- "The very thought of bringing a 10-yr-old child victim into your office to sign an affidavit of non-
prosecution in a sexual assault case is reprehensible," as stated by DA Candidate Danny Clancy.
Greg Davis, Assistant Collin Co. DA, saw a problem with Watkins actions.
- For months Watkins strongly resisted meeting with the prosecuting attorneys to discuss his
role, resulting in a subpoena being issued, which has the power of contempt of court.
- Greg Davis stated that in his 23 years of prosecution he has never seen nor heard of, and was
very disappointed to witness DA Craig Watkins conduct in this matter.
2. '05 Rape Case against Dallas County's DA's ex-employee dismissed."
Dallas Morning News, April 15, 2010
- Before becoming DA 4 years ago, Craig Watkins' employee, the man that worked for Watkins
law firm, and ran his bail bonds company, Steven King, was arrested in 2005 for raping a
door-to-door saleswomen. Steven King was already either an alleged or at least twice convicted sex offender,
for at least 5 total incidences.
1. A 1981 rape case against him was dismissed
2. In the early 1980s King was convicted of sexually assaulting, raping a 13-yr-old
girl. He got probation, but it was revoked, and King went to prison for 3 years
when another minor girl accused him of the same offense.
3. Heath Hyde prosecuted King in 2007 for raping a 17 year old girl, who became
pregnant from the rape. King met the girl as a youth minister. Although the jury
found King not guilty, some jurors questioned their not guilty verdict after they
found out when the trial was over about King's past convictions and allegations.
- Heath Hyde, a member of Watkins staff, and the special prosecutor appointed by DA Craig Watkins,
dismissed the door-to-door saleswomen rape case on April 15, 2010m, 5 years later.
- The accuser, now living in Florida, said that the case was delayed, and delayed, and delayed.
Heath Hyde, one of Watkins prosecutors, and the appointed special prosecutor, dismissed the
case because he said that the accuser was non-cooperative in not returning phone calls, and
in not wanting to come to Dallas the week he wanted to try the case. Hyde stated that he
believed King to be guilty. Her response was that she called numerous times and always got
voice mail. The accuser essentially stated that Heath Hyde is a liar.
The above incidences certainly confirm the corroborative statements by "Ms. Cindy" and James Dunn. Ms. Cindy alleges her 3 year old daughter was raped by an employee at AW Brown Fellowship Charter school. James Dunn, former teacher at AW Brown, and brother of the principal Paula Brown, who is married to Rev. A.W. Brown, has alleged that he knows of 3 A.W. Brown past, and may still be, employees, are known pedophiles. Per Dunn, one was removed by the police in 2006 as a result of the investigative work of FOX 4 News. Key to the AW Brown school case, James Dunn states that DA Watkins and Principal Paula Brown are friends. There are now many questions concerning Craig Watkins' alleged harboring and protecting sexual predators, pedophiles...CHILD RAPISTS...MONSTERS!
Prepared by Richard P. Sheridan, P.E., New York - Activist - Candidate for Dallas City Council, District 13
Sheridan's Prophetic Letter to Jerry Jones on August 22, 2010
As I stated in my letter to Mr. Jerry Jones, God's punishment would be coming on Mr. Jones, The Cowboys, Dallas, and the Superbowl. Here's the last 3 paragraphs of the two page letter. The Cowboys season is over. They are out of the playoffs. Why? Wade Phillips, and Jerry Jones are still scratching their heads. How can you explain Roy Williams getting stripped of the ball, and with the Saints down 23 to 27, they go almost the length of the field and win. How do you explain those 5 straight "weird" losses, where the Boys should have won, except for WIERD PLAYS. All lost by less than a touchdown.
Now we are coming into the Superbowl. What is more disgraceful to a city than to become known nationally for PROTECTING PEDOPHILES? This information is now getting out to the Nation that in the City and County of Dallas there is a Pedophile Cabal, causing untold suffering on hundreds of families, and hundreds of millions of dollars into the pockets of those who are committing this heinous act of PROTECTING PEDOPHILES...LIKE THE MANY ALLEGATIONS AGAINST DISTRICT JUDGE TENA CALLAHAN.
It is time to stop the evil, stop the injustices, stop the suffering, and get on with restitution, and punishment.
We the People want to see:
1. Lisa Goodwin's joint custody of her daughter restored, all of Ms. Goodwin's legal costs paid for, and a financial settlement to Ms. Goodwin for her, and her daughter's pain and suffering.
2. James Dunn is released of all charges, and he receives both his proper inheritance, and compensation from the county for the alleged official suppression.
3. Justice to Ms. Cindy and her daughter. Punishment to the alleged rapist Pa Pa Johnson, and a financial settlement to Ms. Cindy for her family's painm and suffering.
4. The removal of Paula Dunn Brown and Rev. A.W. Brown from the operation of AW Brown Fellowship schools, with the near term operation by an appointed board of trustees.
5. Paula Brown, her husband AW Brown, and other family members, are brought before a grand jury for the allegations of manslaughter vs. her mother, and for allegations of harboring pedophiles at the school.
5. The IMMEDIATE removal of Tena Brown as a District Judge, and the convening of a grand jury to hear charges against her.
6. The initiation of a investigation into the charges brought by Lisa Goodwin, Gina Abio, James Dunn, Cherlyn Roseberry, Ms. Cindy, Jurline Hollins, ET AL against Dallas Conty. Grand Jury indictments are expected to come against most involved in Dallas Pedophile Cabal.
This is for starters. We obviously have all of the HUMAN CONDITION/HUMAN SUFFERINGS in Dallas created by the corrupt Dallas governments (County and City) to deal with.
If action is not taken immediately...ONLY GOD KNOWS WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT. THIS IS NOT A THREAT, IT IS A WARNING FROM RICHIE...Really Inspired Cause Hell Is Everywhere, aka John The Baptist, a prophetic presence in Dallas, per Rev. Joseph Clifford.
Excerpt of Sheridan's Letter to Jerry Jones....
"I see continued, and RAMPED UP judgement coming to Dallas if it continues on it present course. When was the last time Dallas went to the Superbowl? Where is the Trinity River Park project that the elite have been trying, for over 12 years, to STEAL FROM WE THE PEOPLE? I see protests before and during the Super Bowl from the homeless community, from the black and hispanic communities, from the Muslim community, from the cab driver community, from the senior citizen community, and from the low income families. I see investors coming to Dallas, and getting really turned off by the un-DEMOCRATIC, HEARTLESS, FASCIST, RACIST, and ANTI-FAMILY DALLAS CULTURE, THE CULTURE THAT VIRTUALLY IGNORES THE HUMAN CONDITION, WITH THE PRIMARY FOCUS ON MONEY, SEX, AND HEDONISM. I see some protests getting national coverage. There are thousands of cab drivers/limo drivers, blacks, hispanics, whites, Muslims, and Christians that know, respect, and love me. If the Powers and Principalities of Dallas have me assassinated it will be THE SIGNAL!
Mr. Jones, Jerry, you don't have to believe anything I write, and write me off as a nut like others do. But I'm not a nut, but one of the fiercest "Adversaries" you will ever meet in your life. I will pray that one of your representatives contacts me. Otherwise, let the protests begin, and watch Dallas...and the Dallas Cowboys...and the Super Bowl suffer God's PUNISHMENT. You have done a great job in bringing the World's attention to one of the most wicked cities in our Nation."
By Richard P. Sheridan
UPDATE: On yesterday I called the Dallas P.D.'s Kevin Janse to get more information on incident # 0327740-x, which was another shooting reported at 3800 Bonnie View, the same address and apartments where a Dallas police officer shot and killed Tobias Mackey and injured an eleven year-old innocent bystander.Janse stated that the call was reported as a shooting, after officers responded to the scene, they found an apartment door wide open, made entry, and found drugs, money, and guns, with no one inside.The final report is labeled as found property and not a shooting.Just wanted to clear the air up on the reported shooting.
Jumat, 26 November 2010
Dallas | We must UNITE for a better city, SAVE OUR CHILDREN!
Kamis, 25 November 2010
Recap | The Tick and The Dog from A.M.N Global Media
Selasa, 23 November 2010
Retired Chicago Police Officer Indicted in Rico Conspiracy with Members of Alleged Drug Distribution Ring
with Members of Alleged Drug Distribution Ring
Members accused of engaging in murders, kidnappings, robberies and obstruction of justice
NOV 22 – November 22, 2010 – (Chicago) A retired Chicago police officer was arrested by DEA agents after he and three other new defendants were charged together with six previously charged defendants in an expanded federal racketeering (RICO) conspiracy indictment alleging acts of murder, kidnapping, robbery, narcotics distribution and obstruction of justice. A 10-count superseding indictment that was unsealed following three new arrests alleges two murders, six kidnappings and robberies, and three instances of distribution or attempted wholesale distribution of hundreds of kilograms of cocaine among a pattern of criminal activity spanning the decade from 1999 to 2009.
The arrests, which occurred on Friday, and charges were announced today by Patrick J. Fitzgerald, United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois; Jack Riley, Special Agent-in-Charge of the Chicago Field Division of the Drug Enforcement Administration, and Alvin Patton, Special Agent-in-Charge of the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division in Chicago. The investigation was conducted under the umbrella of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF).
Glenn Lewellen, a Chicago police officer from 1986 to 2002, allegedly provided information about ongoing federal criminal investigations into the defendants’ activities to certain members and associates of an alleged criminal organization consisting of eight of the 10 defendants and directed by Saul Rodriguez, known as the “Rodriguez Enterprise,” according to the indictment, which was returned last Thursday by a federal grand jury. Rodriguez and the other five defendants previously charged were arrested in April 2009 when they allegedly conspired to steal hundreds of kilograms of purported cocaine from a warehouse in southwest suburban Channahon.
Lewellen, 54, of Las Vegas, was arrested late Friday in Las Vegas. He was charged with racketeering conspiracy and conspiracy to distribute cocaine. Lewellen was not charged with participating in either of the two alleged murders, but he was charged with participating in a 2003 kidnapping and robbery of 100 kilograms of cocaine and cash, as well as other alleged narcotics activities. He was expected to have an initial appearance at 3 p.m. today (Pacific time) in Federal Court in Las Vegas on the charges filed in U.S. District Court in Chicago.
The charges also allege that Lewellen obstructed justice to protect and conceal the Rodriguez Enterprise’s illegal activities, including testifying falsely in a federal criminal trial in December 1999. In May of this year, promptly after obtaining evidence establishing the alleged false testimony, federal prosecutors disclosed the information and asked for, and obtained, a judge’s order releasing the defendant in that case from prison and vacating his narcotics-related conviction.
DART Rail Green Line creates new connections, completes nation's longest light rail construction project
Service begins Monday, December 6
DART Rail Green Line creates new connections, completes nation's longest light rail construction project
Just over four years after the first front loader of dirt was turned, the 28-mile, 20-station, $1.8 billion Green Line will be complete on December 6, when it opens 24 miles and 15 stations creating new light rail connections for Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) customers from Pleasant Grove in the southeast to Farmers Branch and Carrollton in the northwest. This is the longest single-day opening of electric light rail in the United States since 1990.
The first section of the Green Line opened September 2009 and connects Pearl Station on the east side of Downtown Dallas to MLK, Jr. Station on the west side of Fair Park.
"The Green Line changes everything for our customers," DART President/Executive Director Gary Thomas said. "Customers living in Pleasant Grove now have seamless access to jobs at Baylor, Downtown, the Market District, UT Southwestern/Parkland, Love Field and Farmers Branch and Carrollton. Business owners all along the corridor can connect with new customers and new pools of prospective employees."
Federal funds aid expansion
The Green Line was completed on time and within the $1.8 billion budget. In addition to local funding provided by the one-percent sales tax collected in DART's 13 cities, major funding for the Green Line comes from a $700-million Full Funding Grant Agreement (FFGA) from the Federal Transit Administration. The FFGA was awarded in July 2006 at the start of construction. Construction was bolstered by the receipt of $78.4 million in funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) in mid-2009. They are part of DART's FFGA.
New rail connections on the way
Lake Highlands Station, DART's first infill station, is also scheduled to open on December 6. The station is located on the Blue Line at the northwest corner of Walnut Hill Lane and White Rock Trail between White Rock and LBJ/Skillman stations. This station was originally approved by the DART Board as part of the rail extension to Garland, but was deferred until warranted by new development and corresponding higher ridership. Lake Highlands Station is being incorporated into the overall site design of the adjacent Lake Highlands Town Center development. The station will include areas for bus transfers and passenger drop-off. Sidewalks, trails and streets in the Town Center are being planned to provide linkages to and from the station.
The DART Rail Orange Line will branch from the Green Line at Bachman Station to serve Irving and Las Colinas in 2012 and ultimately DFW Airport. Service also will be extended from Garland to Rowlett in 2012. DART's current expansion programs will lead to the doubling of the DART Rail System to 90 miles. Planning also continues for a Blue Line extension from Ledbetter Station to the UNT Dallas campus as well as a second light rail alignment through Downtown Dallas.
Customers of the Denton County Transportation Authority (DCTA) who have been riding an express bus to Downtown Dallas will be able to transfer to the Green Line at Trinity Mills Station. DCTA riders can purchase a Regional Day Pass for $10, which gives them access to all DCTA, DART, Trinity Railway Express and Fort Worth T services. The DCTA's A-Train is scheduled to open in summer 2011.
Station art makes each stop unique
The new stations opening on December 6 represent 15 additions to DART's growing public art collection. Each station is designed to reflect the surrounding community. While every station has a platform, canopy, overhead power lines and tracks, each station has a unique look. It's the result of months of intense work involving community volunteers, DART staff and a station artist. The art may be found in column claddings, platform pavers, windscreens, landscaping and fences like at Lawnview Station or a signature piece like the way-finder monument at North Carrollton/Frankford Station. Information about the entire DART pubic art collection along with photos of many of the pieces is available online
Lake June Station
New service bringing big changes for bus, rail customers
Completion of the Green Line requires numerous bus and rail changes to complement the new rail line and avoid service duplication. Details of the changes can be found in the service change brochures available on DART vehicles, inside transit centers, by visiting, or by calling Customer Service at 214-979-1111.
Red, Blue and Green line trains will run every 15 minutes during rush hours instead of every 10 minutes. Extra trains on the Red Line between Downtown Dallas and Parker Road, and on the Green Line between Bachman Station and Downtown Dallas, will produce a 7 1/2-minute frequency during the heaviest a.m. and p.m. ridership periods and new, through-service between Bachman and Parker Road stations. Designated as Orange Line trains, they will be extended to Irving when Orange Line operations begin in 2012.
More than half of DART's 130 routes will change. These changes include the introduction of new routes and the elimination of others. For example, most routes in Pleasant Grove, the Stemmons Corridor, Medical District, and Northwest Dallas will see significant changes. Several northeast Dallas bus routes will be modified to reflect ridership patterns, while routes along the Jefferson Boulevard corridor through Oak Cliff and Cockrell Hill will undergo a major overhaul to streamline service.
TRE changes
Fares for the Trinity Railway Express (TRE) will not change. However the fare zone boundary is shifting from the Dallas/Tarrant County line to CentrePort/DFW Airport Station. The fare boundary will equalize fare options for both Dallas and Tarrant County customers and make it possible for customers from either side of the region to travel to the airport for the same fare. More information on the TRE is available
Celebrate the Green Line with a Super Saturday
To mark the Green Line opening, DART will hold special Super Saturdaypreview events at six of the new
Customers take center stage opening day
Customer appreciation activities are planned for each of the new Green Line stations between 5 and 9 a.m. on Monday, December 6. DART staff will be on hand to answer questions and help customers make their connections.
A special celebration is planned for Lake Highlands Station at 9 a.m. DART representatives will be joined by Dallas officials as well as performers from nearby Lake Highlands High School.
Later in the day, DCTA officials are scheduled to arrive at Trinity Mills Station via a special train previewing the start of their A-Train in summer 2011. Details about the service are available at
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Senin, 22 November 2010
Developing | Dallas police officer who shot unarmed man was under investigation
Officer Matthew Tate(TCLEOSE #352459, start date 3/21/2007) the officer who shot and killed one and injured an 11 year old was under investigation for taking money from drug dealers in apartments on Bonnie View, the same apartments where shootings took place.
The Leaders of Dallas County as we remember John F. Kennedy
Minggu, 21 November 2010
Jumat, 19 November 2010
City of Dallas still covertly supports the local memory of the KLAN

If you take a ride down most Dallas freeways you wouldn't think that Dallas supports the Klan and all of their dealings to Blacks in history.Think I'm lying, Interstate 35 in the south(majority blacks) is named after a former leader of the local Klan, Robert L. Thornton a banker who coincidentally has a school named after him in a predominately black neighborhood called Singing Hills near Red Bird Ln and the newly named University Hills BLVD(formerly Houston School Road).Not a peep from community leaders nor city councilmembers in regards to the Klan being remembered all over the city(including a statue in the Hall of State at Fair Park a city owned park).Dallas County Community College District's main campus is also named for the Grand Wizard of the Dallas KKK.Even Larry James with Central Dallas Ministries recognizes that some of these streets and freeways need name changes, check out an article written when the city had the Ceaser Chavez name change on its plate, written exactly two years and two days to the DATE, link here.

In the Hall of State at the City owned State Fair(White) Park of Texas
Dallas | Bush collecting money for Haiti, and forgeting about those around the corner!
"Protests against the UN peacekeepers in Haiti have spread to the capital, Port-au-Prince. The protesters, in their hundreds, have been blaming UN peacekeepers from Nepal for an outbreak of a cholera epidemic in the country that has killed more than 1,000 people."
Kamis, 18 November 2010
City councilman arrested in drug investigation
El Paso---The Associated Press is reporting; the El Paso County Sheriff's Office says a Socorro city councilman is jailed in a drug investigation.
Investigators on Wednesday announced the arrest of 40-year-old Luis Varela.
Rabu, 17 November 2010
Thou shalt not Facebook, says pastor
Rev Cedric Miller orders church officials to delete their Facebook accounts after fears about marital troubles caused by the site
Thou shalt not commit adultery. And thou also shalt not use Facebook. That's the edict from a New Jersey pastor who feels the two often go together.
The Rev Cedric Miller said 20 couples among the 1,100 members of his Living Word Christian Fellowship Church had run into marital trouble over the last six months after a spouse connected with an ex-flame via Facebook.
He is ordering about 50 married church officials to delete their accounts with the social-networking site or resign from their leadership positions. He had previously asked married congregants to share their logins with their spouses, and now plans to suggest they give up Facebook altogether.
Miller, a married father of six, has a Facebook account, but said he will heed his own advice and cancel his account this weekend.
Selasa, 16 November 2010
DOJ to Police: Racial Profiling Is Still Wrong and You Still Need to Stop Doing It
It seems like such a simple proposition: if a police officer stops you, he has to have a reason. He doesn’t have to have to be right. He doesn’t even need a particularly good reason. He just needs a legitimate reason.
And the reason can’t be based on the color of a person’s skin.
Why is this simple rule so hard for our law enforcement officers to understand? Why do they resist it? Why do they get defensive when civilians ask them to state their legitimate reasons (if any) for pulling somebody over? Why do police act like the motivations of the police are beyond questioning? Why can’t they answer a direct question about their reasons for pulling people over?
The reason can’t be based on the color of a person’s skin.
Why is it so hard for some police officers and administrators to accept that? Why does the Department of Justice need to send threatening letters to the LAPD, reminding them that they have to actually investigate claims of racial profiling and harassment?
Yesterday, the Los Angeles Times obtained a letter from the Department of Justice to the LAPD. In the letter, the DOJ warns that the LAPD needs to do a better job of investigating officers accused of racial profiling. The DOJ also dug up this lovely conversation between a few officers that was caught on tape after an investigator failed to turn off the tape recorder:
“So, what?” one said, when told that other officers had been accused of stopping a motorist because of his race. The second officer is heard twice saying that he “couldn’t do [his] job without racially profiling.”
The officers’ comments, Justice officials found, spoke to a “perception and attitude of some LAPD officers on the street” and suggested “a culture that is inimical to race-neutral policing.”
The reason CANNOT be based on the color of a person’s skin.
In response, did the LAPD say “wow, those two idiot officers are evidence that we still have a long way to go”? Did they say “good point, we’re doing well, but we could do better”? Ha, no, of course not. Instead, the chief of police went with the “move along now, nothing to see here” approach of trying to get people to leave him alone:
Police Chief Charlie Beck disputed the Justice Department findings, saying they were based on cases that predated strict investigative guidelines put into place last year. He also rejected the suggestion that the candid comments of the two officers caught on the recording reflected a pervasive problem.
“It is a huge leap to paint the entire department with that brush,” Beck said. “And it is just not true. It’s not that type of department. We have a tough history that we must overcome and that takes time, but … the vast, vast majority of Los Angeles police officers today police in the right ways for the right reasons.”
Notice how Chief Beck jumps from LAPD’s “tough history” (which is really only “tough” for the minorities who had to deal with the LAPD) to the “vast majority of [LAPD officers] today,” while completely skipping over the two modern cops the DOJ caught on tape describing the type of department they think they work in? The Chief can talk all he wants about what’s not true, but what is true is that two of his officers (umm… at least) think that racial profiling is crucial to their job.
And that is, of course, idiotic. Stopping racial minorities isn’t part of police work. Stopping crime is crucial to police work. And a great way to stop crime to have some kind of evidence of criminal activity.
And the color of a person’s skin is not evidence of anything.
The mentality that officers “can’t do [their] jobs” without racial profiling is what the Justice Department is trying to get at. It’s that mentality that leads to this shocking statistic:
Police commissioners have grown frustrated with the department’s work on racial profiling. At a meeting earlier this month, the commission’s president, John Mack, and Commissioner Rob Saltzman questioned whether police officials were doing enough. They noted that no officer has been found guilty of racial profiling by an LAPD investigation for years, despite numerous complaints each year.
They haven’t been able to find one police officer in all of Los Angeles who is guilty of racial profiling? Are you kidding me?
If there is no acknowledgment that some LAPD officers racially profile, and there is no punishment for the officers who racially profile, then how is the culture of LAPD ever really supposed to change?
And really this should be a fairly simple change. Nobody is asking officers to put themselves at risk or ignore crime or not follow the evidence or anything like that. All the DOJ is saying, and all the Constitution requires, is that the LAPD have a legitimate reason for stopping somebody.
And the reason can’t be based on the color of a person’s skin.
Justice Department warns LAPD to take a stronger stance against racial profiling [Los Angeles Times]
DOJ: Racial Profiling by LAPD Still a Problem [WSJ Law Blog]
Domestic Terrorism, Anarchist Extremism: A Primer
Anarchist Extremism: A Primer
Broken windowTo help educate the public about domestic terrorism—Americans attacking Americans because of U.S.-based extremist ideologies—we’ve previously outlined three separate threats: eco-terrorists/animal rights extremists, lone offenders, and the sovereign citizen movement.
Today, we look at a fourth threat—anarchist extremism.
What is anarchist extremism? Anarchism is a belief that society should have no government, laws, police, or any other authority. Having that belief is perfectly legal, and the majority of anarchists in the U.S. advocate change through non-violent, non-criminal means. A small minority, however, believes change can only be accomplished through violence and criminal acts…and that, of course, is against the law.
Anarchist extremism is nothing new to the FBI. One of our first big cases occurred in 1919, when the Bureau of Investigation (as we were called then) investigated a series of anarchist bombings in several U.S. cities. And during the 1970s, the FBI investigated anarchist extremists such as the Weather Underground Organization, which conducted bombing campaigns.
The current threat. Anarchist extremism in the U.S. encompasses a variety of ideologies, including anti-capitalism, anti-globalism, and anti-urbanization. There’s also "green anarchy," an element of anarchist extremism mixed with environmental extremism. The extremists are loosely organized, with no central leadership—although they occasionally demonstrate limited ability to mobilize themselves.
Typically, anarchist extremists in the U.S. are event-driven—they show up at political conventions, economic and financial summits, environmental meetings, and the like. They usually target symbols of Western civilization that they perceive to be the root causes of all societal ills—i.e., financial corporations, government institutions, multinational companies, and law enforcement agencies. They damage and vandalize property, riot, set fires, and perpetrate small-scale bombings. Law enforcement is also concerned about anarchist extremists who may be willing to use improvised explosives devices or improvised incendiary devices.
Currently, much of the criminal activities of anarchist extremists fall under local jurisdiction, so they’re investigated by local police. If asked by police, the Bureau can assist. But we have a heavy presence at a major national or international events generating significant media coverage—that’s when the threat from anarchist extremists, as well as others who are up to no good, dramatically increases.
For today’s generation of American anarchist extremists, the rioting that disrupted the 1999 World Trade Organization meetings in Seattle is the standard by which they measure “success”—it resulted in millions of dollars in property damage and economic loss and injuries to hundreds of law enforcement officers and bystanders. But fortunately, they haven’t been able to duplicate what happened in Seattle…which may be a combination of the improved preparations of law enforcement as well as the disorganization of the movement.
This disorganization, though, can also be a challenge for law enforcement: it gives the extremists anonymity and low visibility, and it makes it tough to recruit sources and gather intelligence. It’s challenging, but not impossible—there have been a number of anarchist convictions since 1999 at both the state and federal levels. And the FBI, along with our law enforcement partners, will continue to detect and disrupt enterprises and individuals involved in criminal activity or who advocate the use of force or violence to further an anarchist extremist ideology.
Minggu, 14 November 2010
Dallas is the lavender heart of Texas?Should your tax dollars be used to openly promote homosexuality?
Below is a video of Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert's Chief of Staff Chris Heinbaugh advertising for homosexuals to come to Dallas.Mayor Leppert's pastor, Robert Jeffress openly condemns homosexuality, but from another source is also alleged as being an undercover homosexual?
"When my family moved to Wichita Falls, Texas from a pretty isolated (mostly Lutheran) part of Iowa in 1990, we didn't know much about evangelical Christians and their crusade against homosexuality. There was a megachurch there, First Baptist, and the pastor at the time was this FLAMING QUEEN named Robert Jeffress (pronounced with a cartoonishly effeminate Southern drawl).
"I remember the first time we ever saw him on TV, my mom was like, "Wow! It's pretty progressive that the big ass Baptist church has a gay preacher." Well, as it turned out, of course, Jeffress is NOT openly gay. He is however one of the meanest little self-hating closet cases I've ever had the misfortune of meeting. In 1998, he made a huge production about STEALING two books, "Heather has Two Mommies" and "Daddy's Roommate" from the public library, presumably so he could spank to them in privacy. Now he presides over First Baptist Church in Dallas, where he routinely perpetrates the same kind of gay-hating ass holery for attention.
Hey gays: I got a proposition for you. I know this little shit is revolting--and his nuts probably smell like the inside of your grandma's purse--but will someone PLEASE step up and take one for the team, then send photos to The Stranger so they can help take this queen DOWN? "
We will expose all the FREAKS!
Yet another parent comes forward to condemn DA, judges, and others in alleged pedophilia protector coverup?
Provided on November 14, 2010
(Ms. Goodwin is scheduled to appear before the Dallas County Commissioners Court this Tuesday Morning)
Written By Lisa Goodwin
Lisa Goodwin
Dallas, Texas 75206
(214) 240.1091
Below is a detailed summary of what the Dallas Family and Criminal
Court has done to the life of a child. Currently, the child is
essentially being held hostage by the Dallas Family Court and the
State of Texas. The courts realize that if the child were to be
allowed to have therapy, or be with the mother,
that the child would more than likely talk about what has happened to
her and also talk about what is currently happening to her. I look
forward to discussing with you the details of fraud and misconduct by
the court appointed professionals and also the school and school
professionals involving the child. The child was sexually abused by
her father and the criminal trial was in June 2007. I am just now
learning about the widespread fraud regarding misuse of government
programs for custody and related family dispute litigation.
Father’s Rights Leaders
The courts work with Father's Rights Leaders and essentially run a
litigation racketeering scheme funded by the federal government. There
is extensive documentation which proves most of this government and
organized fraud. Many women's child custody cases in Dallas and all
Page 2
over have been rigged. The judges set up a secret system to rig cases
for men.
Father's rights groups coach men on stalking, harassment and sabotage
tactics. Judge Tena Callahan in the 302 District Court in this case
volunteers for Fathers for Equal Rights. Men and their co-conspiring
court professionals are running custody mills to deliberately fuel
high-conflict litigation to justify billings to HHS-Texas Equal Access
to Justice Foundation (TEAJF)-Access and Visitation Grant. The A/V
grant through the Legal Aid of Northwest Texas must be used to
increase contact between noncustodial parents and their children. The
program was intended to resolve problems with non-litigious counseling
and mediation and not for paying for custody evaluators and father's
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is committed to Texas families and
children through a grant to Legal Aid of Northwest Texas. He states
the program helps the parent without custody, usually the father, to
take an active role in raising the child.
Legal aid of Northwest Texas is meant to be used to provide legal aid
to people who cannot afford to pay legal fees. On the surface this
appears to be a wonderful program to many people. State governments
provide matching funds to these grants going to their states, in
addition to the public donations solicited by lawyers. It is being
proposed to Congress to lift restrictions on how lawyers may use
these funds. The government oversight program has 50 pages on their
website as to how difficult it is to oversee how these funds are being
Widespread Fraud in Fund Use
We are just now becoming aware of the widespread fraud in the use of
these funds. The Richard Gardner (Pro-Pedophile) Parental Alienation
Syndrome Scam was the beginning of these funds being used for the
Father's Rights movement, using symposiums to instruct lawyers,
judges, psychologists and social workers on how to use the legal
system to scam the public (tax payers) and parents in child custody
Page 3
issues. For many years lawyers and judges used the Parental
Alienation Syndrome (PAS) against mothers trying to protect their
children from abusive fathers. PAS has been proven to be bogus science
and in courts that are not corrupt, any case that tries to use it is
immediately thrown out.
The state of Texas is a recipient of the largest number of dollars
from these funds. The city of Dallas, Texas is known as one of the hot
spots for misuse of these funds. Lawyers and judges continue to use
these PAS tactics and continually place children in harms way by
removing the child from its mother for no reason and placing it with
the abusive father. They do not allow any of the proven, documented
facts to be presented in court. Their mission is to place the child
with the molester/abuser at any cost. (They will have proven success
in giving the father access to the child which means that they have
met their goal in documentation to HHS/Legal Aid of Northwest Texas).
Legal Aid of Northwest Texas is a supporter of the Father's Rights
Jonathan Vickery, a President/CEO of Legal Aid of Northwest Texas
has been investigated for fraud in misrepresenting the numbers of
cases served. Because of the lack of transparency and restrictions in
the use of these funds, which he uses to defend himself, he was not
prosecuted.I am sending you information on a case in which he is involved from the very beginning. He can now be found on Utube soliciting donations
for these precious (in his words) funds.
Jonathon Vickery was the Magistrate Judge of Dallas County, Texas on
the arrest of the child's father for INDECENCY W/CHILD SEXUAL CONTACT.
This was the initial charge in this case. The charge, just before the
trial, was changed to AGGRAVATED SEXUAL ASSUALT/CHILD which makes a
conviction more difficult. The case was also changed from judge to
jury trial.
This case summary is just one example of many similar cases. The same
language, as was used in PAS cases, is used almost verbatim in this
case as with other similar cases. This is considered a "high
conflict" case and court officials did not want it resolved, even
after both father and mother wanted it resolved. This kept the money
Page 4
flowing into the pockets of the lawyers, judges, psychologists, and
the social worker for two years or more, just on this case. Now they
are planning a trial beginning next month seeking TERMINATION OF
PARENTAL RIGHTS of the mother. This trial will put even more money
into their pockets.
It is an outrage that grants that are supposedly meant to protect
children are being used to legally abuse and put children in harm's
way. This is a perfect example of how many government funded aid
programs CREATE CORRUPTION AND ABUSE. Court officials are under the
assumption that because they have gotten away with this fraud and
abuse for so long, they will never be found out. They know that those
being abused by the system are wise to what they are doing, but almost
"flaunt" the attitude of, "Yes, we know you do not agree with our
biased and unjust decisions, but we are the ones in power and there is
nothing you can do about it."
Something has to be done to stop these program misuses. Several judges
have been forced to resign over gross misuse of these programs to
enable custody switches to fathers accused of abuse and child support
Fathers rights activists do have a lot to be scared about. Their
scheme is unwinding and some of them will be prosecuted for what they
have been doing for many years.
Alleged Criminal Pedophile Facilitator Conspirators
The following family court professionals in Dallas have taken part in
a scheme that will have lasting psychological effects on this sweet
1-Jonathan Vickery, Magistrate/Judge at the time of the father's
arrest who signed arraignment.
2-Jason Hermus, DA
3-Rachel Clark, DA
4-Amy Derrick, DA
5-Alexandria Doyle, Psychologist for the child
6-Nancy Stark, Social Worker/Supervisor for Visitation
Page 5
7-Judge Tena Callahan, 302 District Court
8-Patricia Rochelle, Amicus Attorney for the child
9-Susan Rankin, ex-judge and law partner of Patty Rochelle
10-Laura Shockley, Attorney for the father
11-Sally Bybee, Lee Motley, Michael Goodman-Attorneys for the child's mother
12-Jeffrey Seigel, Forensic Psychologist
13-Mark Otis, Psychologist
The following is a letter from the grandmother of the child in this
particular case, which gives a good, overall, undetailed summary of what has taken place:
“The mother suffered years of physical and emotional abuse from the
childs father before she divorced him in 2005. After the divorce I
was with my granddaughter nearly every day while my daughter was at
work as a Speech Pathologist. We both worked very hard to work with
the father on the joint custody schedule. Sometimes it was not very
easy because many times the father would abruptly change the schedule,
but we worked together with him to always make things go smoothly.
Exchanges always went well.
After the initial separation my granddaughter began crying out and
screaming in the night, "I didn't do anything wrong," and sobbing that
her pee-pee was hurting. She was five years old at the time. It
broke my heart to witness her suffering. Later sexual abuse was
documented by the Advocacy Center/CPS, the child's pediatrician,
Children's Medical Center, police reports and the District Attorneys.
Information was given to Crime Victim Compensation by the child's
psychologist in which CVC reimbursed the crime. My daughter and I did
not know any of the sordid details of the abuse to my granddaughter
and were devastated when we later read the documentation of the
details of the abuse.The father was indicted for Indecency w/child
sexual contact, later changed to criminal sexual assault on the child.
After the father was not allowed to have contact with with my
granddaughter she no longer had urinary tract infections, and the
screaming out, the reliving in her dreams of the abuse had stopped.
Page 6
She became a happy thriving child during the three years of protection
from her abuser. After the trial and his acquital, Judge Collie still
granted my granddaughter protection.
After Judge Tena Callahan took the case and my granddaughter was
removed from her mother for no reason, I was allowed to see my
granddaughter only four times during the last two years of the
supervised visits between my granddaughter and her mother. The social
worker, Nancy Stark, is the supervisor of these visitations for which
she gets paid 100 dollars per hour, just from the mother. My daughter
now has to pay nearly a thousand dollars a month child support to the
Patty Rochelle, the amicus attorney, has stated that I interfered with
the visitation between my granddaughter and the father, which I did
not. When his supervised visits began, my granddaughter,
understandably, was afraid of him because of the past abuse. She was
eight years old at the time. She was extremely frightened of the
visitation that was to be at his house. The exchange was to have taken
place at the school, St. John's Episcopal School. After the
visitation, I was to pick her up at the school. While waiting for my
grandaughter to be brought back to the school I was reading in my car,
which is what I usually did while waiting for my grandaughter to
finish many of her different activities. I assumed that Nancy Stark,
the supervisor, the father and my grandaughter had already gone to his
house for the visitation.
While waiting there I received a call from my granddaughter. She was
crying and wanted me to come to the school. I was concerned as to why
she was still at the school and was allowed to call me. I immediately
went into the school and as I approached the principal's office, I
could hear her crying. While in the lobby I looked through the window
to see what was happening. My granddaughter was wedged between Nancy
and her father, and Nancy was shaking her finger at my granddaugter
and yelling loudly at her. Later we learned about the threat therapy
that they use on the children in these cases. It appears that this
was the beginning of that. Just as I saw this, my granddaughter's teacher,
Jane Mayo, jerked me around and shoved me back instead of explaining
Page 7
to me why Julia was allowed to call me. Evidently, she did not want me to witness what was happening to my granddaughter.
I now understand why my granddaughter was allowed to call me, as well
as her mother. My daughter, who works about a block from the school,
just as concerned as I, quickly arrived at the school just as my
granddaughter's teacher was manhandling me. She immediately called
911, sat down and remained in the lobby. While waiting in the lobby,
my granddaughter's teacher told my daughter she was doing the right
thing by "going through the courts." There still was no explanation
as to why my granddaughter was allowed to call us. We now know that
faith-based organizations, used as exchange sites, are also a part of
the fraud.
I now understand why my granddaughter was allowed to call us. My
daughter was also accused of interfering with visitation, which she
did not. She now understands why they let my granddaughter call us.
This was the only way they could remotely find a so-called reason to
take my granddaughter from her. The Legal Aid officials train fathers
and court officials in harrasment, bullying and set-ups in order to
accomplish their goals. Our tax dollars are going to support these
kinds of actions.
The father stated to me shortly after the pending divorce that he did
not want the divorce. I realize that he was very angry because he
could no longer control and abuse my daughter, so he retaliated by
hurting his daughter, which he knew would cause my daughter more pain
than anything.
How, in this day of supposed enlightenment, can anything so horrendous
go on in our family courts? What kind of educaiton are our family
court judges getting and why? What kind of instruction are the amicus
attorneys and court appointed psychologists getting and why? I was a
teacher of young children for 42 years and I think I may have been
capable of understanding and learning during this time, but this is something that I cannot comprehend...........”
End of Letter
A Tearful Grandma
Page 8
The Lisa Goodwin Time-line Case History
All facts listed below have supporting documentation proving their veracity.
1. The mother of the child in this case began divorce proceedings
in April 2004 due to abuse by the father. The child who is the subject
in this case was 5 years old at the time. She is now 11 years old.
Soon after the divorce the mother gets a booklet from the child's
father, “Putting Kids First,” put out by the father's rights group.
2. The divorce became final January 2005. Custody arrangement was
joint managing conservator.
3. On May 12, 2005 the court ordered a protective order due to
suspected sexual abuse to the child by her father. CPS began their
investigation. The court did not allow the father to see his daughter
until the trial in June 2007.
4. On August 25, 2005 the father was arrested for indecency with a child.
5. In October 2005 True Bill Indictment against the father.
Sheldon Goldstein, the mother's attorney at the the time said the DA
never intended to prosecute the father. In November, 2005 Texas Vine
reported 2 cases: 1) F0555446K 2)F05564460—no court scheduling yet.
After the father bonded out of jail they gave the mother a case #
05068222. In March 2009 the mother found out that there was another
case that was still open. On June 22, 2009 more than a year after the
trial, the mother suddenly got a message from VINE that this case was
being closed. The trial was over. The trial case was closed a year
ago. In July 2006, before the trial, the mother told Goldstein she
could no longer pay him, and that the DA would be taking over. During
that time Jason Hermus, DA, and Ron Goronson, the father's criminal
attorney signed a form of continuance data for it to be TBJ (switched
from Judge to Jury) On this form dated July 2006 the charge had been
changed to Aggravated Sexual Assault, 1st degree felony, which makes a
conviction much more difficult. The mother found the form for the
original charge that was previously signed by Jason Hermus on 9/2/05
for indecency with a child, 2nd degree felony. Soon after July, the
Page 9
new DA Rachel Clark takes over.
6. No Contact was ordered as condition of bond in case of
involving a child victim.
7. Dr. Jenny Clifford, the child's pediatrician, reported the
suspected sexual abuse to CPS in May, 2005 due to repeated UTIs and
complaints of pee pee hurting, beginning after the divorce when the
child began to spend time with her father in a separate household.
8. The child was then referred to Children's Medical Center in
Dallas, TX in which Dr. Cox reported from his physical exam
“Asymmetrical Opening” and hymen septum with separate vaginal opening. The doctor reports the patient does recall genital pain.
9. From May 2005 until after the criminal trial the professionals
(CPS) determined that it was in the child's best interest that no
supervised visitation take place. CPS reports “the child does not want
to see her father and is afraid he will touch her again. The emotional
trauma is evident by the child's expression of sadness and questions
about why a father would treat a child like this.” Ongoing therapy by
private psychologist Alexandria Doyle was recommended.
10. From September 2005 until the criminal trial in June 2007 the
child saw Alexandria Doyle, PHD, for therapy.
11. On April 3, 2007 Dr. Doyle sends her documentation regarding
the sex abuse to the child by her father to Crime Victims Compensation
and they state that they find upon the available evidence that the
child's treatment is related to the criminally injurious conduct. We
were reimbursed by CVC due to the abuse to the child by her father.
12. During the child's course of therapy with Dr. Doyle, Dr. Doyle
had stated numerous times in front of the child that her father was a
psychopath, crazy, etc...and the mother and child needed a guard dog
to protect them.
Page 10
13. Jason Hermus, the DA, interviewed the child numerous times and
determined the child had been sexually abused by her father. Each time
the child met with Jason Hermus she seemed calm and happy. Soon before
the trial, he passed the case to Rachel Clark.
14. After the child met with the new DA Rachel Clark, the child
was very upset and cried. Her sadness lasted for days. Rachel required
the child to testify at trial even though she was only 7 years old.
15. The Criminal trial took place in June 2007 with DA Rachel
Clark. The verdict was the father "Not Guilty." Rachel Clark told the
mother after the trial that there is physical evidence the child was
sexually abused and to continue to keep the child protected. Felicia
Wasson , the head in the DA's office also told me that they are 100%
sure the father sexually abused his daughter. She apologized for the
fathers “not guilty” verdict. The court reporter at the trial, Jackie
Galindo, began to talk to the mother about the trial when the mother
started to order the trial transcripts from her. The court reporter
said the mother had grounds for holding the DA responsible for
insufficient representation, it was evident Rachel Clark's
representation was questionable.
16. After the trial Rachel Clark advised the mother to take the
child back to Dr. Doyle.
17. In September, 2007 the child begins therapy with Dr. Doyle
again after the trial. Dr. Doyle begins to tell the mother and the
grandmother about children who are horribly abused, but have to live
with their abuser anyway due to the courts decision. The mother is
also wanting to send the child to a less expensive public school, but
Dr. Doyle advises the mom to continue to send the child to the private
school, St. Johns Episcopal School. This is very difficult for the
mother to afford due to the cost of therapy and litigation. Around
this time the child cried to the mother during church one Sunday,
sharing with the mother that Dr. Doyle had talked to her about not
living with her mom. She was very sad. Soon after that there was a
writ of attachment written and signed on October 26, 2007 stating that
Dr. Doyle wants to turn the child over to the care of the Carsons
(Claus Fleckenstein's friends). Dr. Doyle states this is a serious
Page 11
case of "parental alienation."
18. On September 28, 2007 a protective order is granted after the
criminal trial by Judge Collie (the associate Judge) against the
father. At this same hearing Dr. Alexandria Doyle is caught lying
under oath at the hearing. There is documented proof of the lie
involving the advocacy center. In April 2007, 2 months before the
trial, CVC called the mother the day she went to court for the child
support to be reduced. They stated they had received Dr, Doyles notes
and they would be reimbursing for the the sex abuse to the child.
19. From June, 2007 (after the trial) until July 9, 2008 the
father had limited supervised contact with his daughter.
20. On October 31, 2007 Dr. Doyle resigns as the child's
therapist. Dr. Doyle got caught lying on the stand regarding the
21. On December 13, 2007 Patty Rochelle becomes the child's Amicus
attorney. The mother tries numerous times to speak to Patty Rochelle
without success.
22. The child continues to live a carefree life free of abuse with
her mother from May 2005 until March 2008.
23. On March 14, 2008 there is a hearing with a new team. Patty
Rochelle sits by the abuser father's side in the courtroom. Judge
Callahan takes over for associate Judge Collie. Judge Callahan stated
during this hearing, “This court has been vested with the power not
over the case but over your body, his body and the child's body. I
don't take that lightly.” Judge Callahan is a fathers rights advocate.
Up until this point it has been almost 3 years and the courts had
continued to keep Julia and I protected from the abuse. Suddenly
ex-judge Susan Rankin (who is Amicus Patty Rochelle's law partner)
(whose child also goes to St. Johns) takes the child out of school and
orders are that any person in possession of the child, turn her over
to the custody of Susan Rankin. The mother was able to later pick the
child up at the court house, the child was very scared and
traumatized. The mother and child returned home to their normal
life....but somehow those events did not seem right and they were
Page 12
24. On March 12, 2008 Patty Rochelle the Amicus attorney orders a
psychological evaluation of the parties. Per the mother's attorney,
the Amicus Attorney Patty Rochelle stated no decisions would be made
regarding the child until the Psychological evaluation was finished by
Dr. Jeffrey Siegel, PHD.
25. At that March 14th hearing, Patty Rochelle orders the
supervised visitation exchange with the father and child to occur at
the child's School, St. Johns Episcopal School. She appoints Nancy
Stark to be the supervisor of the visits between the child and her
father. Nancy Stark is a social worker.
26. On March 26, 2008 a supervised visitation exchange was court
ordered by Patty Rochelle to take place at St. Johns School. The child
was to have a visit with her father at his house. The child was
resistant to the visit. The child,from the school, called her mother
crying and asked the mother to come and help her. The child also
called the grandmother. During the exchange the child endured
“man-handling” by her teacher, Ms. Mayo, and scratches by Nancy Stark
, the visitation supervisor. When the mother witnessed her mother
being “man-handled” (pushed/shoved) by Ms. Mayo, the child's teacher,
the mother called the police. The police recommended to the mother to
get a protective order against all the people involved. During the
time the mother was waiting for her child to finish the visitation
with her father, Ms. Mayo states to the mother, You're doing the right
thing "going through the courts" for help. My attorney at the time
also stated to me, “If you take on Patty Rochelle, you are also taking
on St. Johns”
27. Upon leaving the visit at the school, the child held her arms
out and showed the mother and grandmother the scratch marks on her
arms. The child said the supervisor Nancy Stark scratched her. The
child also spoke about Ms. Mayo grabbing her by the backpack and
jerking her.
28.The mother, grandmother and child immediately went to the
police after the child began to talk about what had happened at the
school and showed them the scratch marks on her arms. A police report
was filed. Pictures were taken. There were repeated attempts to obtain
the police report. On April 15, 2008 the mother's attorney at the time
Page 13
received a copy of a letter to the Attorney General from the City of
Dallas stating the DPD believes the requested information may be
protected from public disclosure. They protect information that is
highly intimate or embarrassing, such that its release would be highly
objectionable to a reasonable person. The letter also states
information regarding alleged or suspected abuse or neglect of a child
is confidential.
29. On March 28, 2008 at around 11:30 a.m. the mother's attorney
calls the mother to inform her of an emergency hearing.The mother
immediately goes to the courthouse. The events that transpired at that
hearing will have lasting traumatic effects to the mother and child
for the rest of their lives. (The mother has a copy of the entire
hearing transcript) What happened that day is very disturbing to all
who read this transcript.
30. Despite the mother's numerous attempts to speak with Amicus
Patty Rochelle soon after she became the Amicus, regarding the child,
the Amicus refused to speak to the mother or read pertinent
information given to her by both the mother AND her attorney.
31. Patty Rochelle at this hearing recommends the child to be
taken away from her mother without having ever met with the mother,
which is in the transcript. In a recent hearing to recuse Rochelle on
November 30, 2009 the Amicus said on the stand that she had met with
the mother. The mother later proved the Amicus was lying at her
recusal hearing, but the motion to recuse the Amicus was denied by
Judge Callahan. It was proven at that hearing, under the Texas Family
Code Section 107.003, that the powers and duties of the Amicus had
been neglected and violated by Patty Rochelle. There were numerous
documents to confirm this, but Judge Callahan denied her recusal
32. Patty Rochelle demanded the child to live with the Carson
family without having ever met with the Carsons. She stated Susan
Rankin had met with the Carsons. The Carsons and Susan Rankin both
have a child at St. Johns Episcopal school. It is documented in the
police report when the father was arrested for sexually abusing his
Page 14
daughter, that some of the abuse to the child took place at the
Carson's lake house. At the hearing Julia is removed from her mother
and is ordered to live with the Carsons. Later, just before the July
9th hearing, Nancy Stark says to the mother she does not think the
child will ever get over the trauma she experienced when suddenly
removed from the mother. Nancy said the child cried for a week.
Despite the child telling Patty Rochelle repeatedly she wanted to be
with her mom and she did not want to live with her father (per Nancy
Stark), Patty told her, "No, she needed to be with her father."
33. It is court ordered for the mother to pay for supervised
visitation 3 hours a week. Nancy Stark is the supervisor. The child is
often unavailable for visits, and Nancy often has to cancel. The
mother pays her 100 dollars per hour.
34. The mother's attorney Sally Bybee makes numerous motions to
reverse this ruling by Judge Callahan with no success. The mother
pleads for the child to get counseling with no success to this day.
Judge Callahan signs an order for the child to get counseling but
somehow the parties involved make sure it doesn't happen.The mother
continues to fight for her daughter to see a good, unbiased therapist.
35. On June 26 2008 Patty Rochelle files a motion for the child to
live with her father unsupervised, although there was no report from
Dr. Siegel, the forensic psychologist.
36. After the child was taken away from the mother the child
eventually went to see Dr. Siegel. The mother's attorney was preparing
for the hearing on July 9, 2008 in which she was anticipating Dr.
Siegel's report to be finished.The mother has copies of numerous
emails in which her attorney is pleading with Siegel to finish his
report. He says in an email on June 27, 2008, “I have not seen the
child so I have no opinions related to this yet.”
37. The child has had no therapy and there was not a psychologist
to make any recommendation at the July 9 hearing. The mother was told
by Nancy Stark that if she wanted this case to move along faster she
needed to let her child live with her father for a while. The mother's
attorney Sally Bybee withdrew from the case just before the hearing.
Page 15
38. Even though Patty Rochelle is not a psychologist, and it has
not been recommended by Dr. Siegel, she asks Judge Callahan to order
the child to live with her father. The Judge agrees for the child to
live with her father, who went to trial for sexually abusing his
daughter. They continue to deny this child therapy.
39. After the long awaited Psychological evaluation was finished
on December 8, 2008, the mother began to try and work towards a
peaceful resolution with the child's father and sent him an email. All
psychologist's reports written by the professionals basically state
the child should have a relationship with both parents. They say trust
is needed by both mother and father. The father emailed the mother in
December stating “what do you propose that needs to be done to settle
this?” Soon after that Nancy Stark calls the mother and advises her to
not communicate with the father any more. The mother continues to try
and connect with the father and Patty Rochelle for a peaceful
resolution with no success. Laura Shockley will not allow the child to
have phone contact with the mother unless Nancy Stark is there to
monitor the calls.The mother has to pay to talk to her daughter. The
mother also has been paying child support to the child's father since
October 2009 under a temporary order. COURT OFFICIALS DO NOT WANT
THIS CASE (high conflict) RESOLVED.
40. The mother's attorney and the mother have made numerous
attempts at mediation. At one point the mother's attorney said, " We
will have mediation but Patty or Nancy will not be involved." The
code states the Amicus has to be present for all legal proceedings
involving the child. Laura Shockley continues to delay mediation and
following through with a proposal for the child to have unsupervised
time with the mother. Shockley states that the father will not agree
to the child being unsupervised with the mother unless Dr. Doyle is
involved in the case. Dr. Doyle refuses to be involved in the case.
She knows things do not look good for her.
The child's mother had managed to keep her child free from
experiencing or knowing about the ongoing litigation. Suddenly her
child was tortiously thrown into the litigation by Patty Rochelle's
reckless and malicious conduct and motions that continue to this date,
which is in total disregard for the rights and interests of the child
Page 16
We ask your humble assistance and advice in how we might best traverse
a legal system in which I know not how to proceed. We firmly
believe that when evil is brought to light it will be dissolved. We
pray for the speedy reunion of the child with its mother. The fact
that a pedophile or a physically abusive father be awarded custody of
the very child he is victimizing, by a family court system which bends
to side with whomever can allow them to receive the most money, is
beyond belief of all decent people everywhere, but this is exactly
what has happened.
Let us make sure this doesn't happen to any child in the city of
Dallas ever again. Let us expose this travesty to the people of Dallas
and the State of Texas. May truth and love prevail. May all children
everywhere forced to live with an abusive parent by a corrupt court
ruling at the hands of money-thirsty lawyers or judge, be freed from
harm's way once and for all.
Lisa Goodwin
Dallas, Texas 75206
(214) 240.1091