Kamis, 30 September 2010

Are the troops coming to save Dallas from the drug dealers?

In a posting of meetings by the city secretary, I noticed that the public safety committee is scheduled to discuss a Memorandum of Understanding with the Texas Military Forces for support of law enforcement counter drug activities on Monday October 4, 2010.

I warned you drug dealers that the troops would be coming soon!

Senin, 27 September 2010

Attorney General Eric Holder officially unveils Defending Childhood initiatiive

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Attorney General Holder Unveils Defending Childhood Initiative

$5.5 Million in Grants Awarded for First Phase of Initiative

WASHINGTON – Attorney General Eric Holder today officially unveiled Defending Childhood, a new Department of Justice initiative focused on addressing children’s exposure to violence. The goals of the initiative are to prevent children’s exposure to violence as victims and witnesses, mitigate the negative effects experienced by children exposed to violence, and develop knowledge about and increase awareness of this issue.

“For me, the issue of children’s exposure to violence has been both a personal and professional concern for decades. As our nation’s Attorney General and as a parent, it remains a top priority,” said Attorney General Holder. “Through renewing and refocusing our efforts to serve our nation’s most vulnerable and most distressed children we can transform the country we love for the better – one child at a time.”

A key component of the initiative is a multi-year demonstration program. Phase I includes planning grants for eight demonstration sites announced today. In Phase II, up to four communities will be selected from the initial eight to receive funding for further implementation of their plans, based on the availability of funding. This program supports the development of comprehensive community-based strategies to prevent and reduce the impact of children’s exposure to violence in their homes, schools, and communities.

The eight demonstration sites are:

•City of Boston ($160,000)

•City of Portland, Maine ($160,000)

•Chippewa Cree Tribe, Mont. ($153,210)

•City of Grand Forks, N.D. ($159,967)

•Cuyahoga County Board of Commissioners, Ohio ($157,873)

•Multnomah County Department of Human Services, Ore. ($159,349)

•Rosebud Sioux Tribe, S.D. ($159,534)

•Shelby County, Tenn. ($159,099).

Some examples of the efforts these grants will support are:

•improving the identification, screening, assessment, and referral of children and their families to appropriate programs and services;

•increasing access to and utilization of quality programs and services; and

•developing new programs and services where gaps exist.

The grantees will work in collaboration with other local organizations, including victim service providers, tribal non-profit organizations, and community based organizations with a documented history of effectiveness concerning children exposed to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking.

In addition to the demonstration program grants, the Department of Justice is committing additional funding for research, evaluation, public awareness and partnerships related to the initiative. The other awards announced today are:

• Action Partnerships for Professional Membership and Professional Organizations Responding to Children Exposed to and Victimized by Violence ($1,498,932) - Office for Victims of Crime

• Evaluation of the Attorney General’s Children Exposed to Violence Demonstration Program: Phase I ($500,000) – National Institute of Justice

• Public Awareness and Outreach for Victims in Underserved Communities ($995,089) – Office for Victims of Crime

•Research and Evaluation on Children Exposed to Family Violence ($1,244,869) – National Institute of Justice

Detailed information about grants awarded in each of the above categories is available at www.justice.gov/defendingchildhood .

Dallas | Is it not politically correct to label homicides drug related?

c/o dallaspolice.net

With every homicide in Dallas, it leaves me with no other choice, but to delve more into the situations leading up to the crime.Using ties that I gained as a drug dealer proves important in the quest for information and distributing it to the public.

If you rely on what the police and news organizations put out, then you're getting half-truths and in some cases straight out lies.

On September 23, 2010, two men in their 20's were gunned down on Plaza BLVD, near Lancaster and I-20.First the media reported that they were shot in a drive-by, after they found a vicitm laying in the yard, dead and that the murders were not drug related.

Then they recanted that story of it being a drive-by, I guess to quell fears from neighboring residents.

After I made some calls, the hood gave me this:

1) Two murder victims were from New Orleans

2) This was their drug house

3)They had large amounts of Marijuana in a duffle bag(somewhere near $7,000 worth)

4)Several people suggested looking into previous occupants, because they were hustling and just left the house, then the guys from New Orleans moved into the house

5)The house where the individuals were murdered was considered a weed and crack house and the house next door in the duplex is a wet house(pcp).PCP is a major contributor to high profile crime because it destabilizes the minds function.

Now until we start to addressing our drug culture problems which constitute the majority of our crimes, humans will continue to die because we're not looking at the root of the problem, which is the drug culture.

Is it because our leaders, news agencies, and police are in bed with the cartels, not sure but common sense states that if they're drug related we would want to send a message out to the public that this will not be tolerated.

This culture is what our children can't wait to grow up to be, a sad day if we continue on reporting homicides this way, maybe we'll realize the problem when it's our children on the front-end of the pistol.Who knows?

Dallas Morning News article

Wfaa video

Homicide report from the city of Dallas presented on September 7,2009 at the public safety committee meeting

Minggu, 26 September 2010

UPDATE Dallas | Allegations | A.W. Brown Academy sex scandal |

"Ms. Cindy" stated that her daughter was molested by a janitor at the AW Brown 3 to 5yr old pre-school. She said that he is known as "Pa Pa", is about 70 years old, and is married to a teacher at AW Brown.

Ms. Cindy stated that as "Pa Pa" was molesting her daughter he referred to his penis as his "little horsie".

In the video below, Mr. Dunn, a relative to the owners, is stating that a three year-old was molested at A.W. Brown! Click the link for more insight into the allegations by Mr. Dunn(here)


A.W. Brown Academy website.

Sabtu, 25 September 2010

Dallas police officer arrested

On September 25, 2010, officer Jermaine Williams, # 10042 was involved in a traffic accident at 514 N. Stemmon Fwy and was subsequently arrested for Driving While Intoxicated.Officer Williams was hired by the D.P.D on November 11, 2009 and was in his second level of field training at the northwest patrol division.Officer Williams has been placed on administrative leave pending criminal and administrative investigations.

Selasa, 14 September 2010

City of Dallas | To Protect and Serve is the Motto of the Police

By Gregory Birdow
To Protect and Serve is the Motto of the Police, but what and who does each word apply to? To protect and serve the citizens of the community. The only thing I see in my community on a daily basis is flashing lights, road traps, and straight harrasment. Everyday when I go outside they are constantly pulling people over, riding around just looking for their next victim. I never, never see this when I go to flourishing neighborhoods such as Denton, Frisco, Farmers Branch. Wherever their are blacks or browns, there will be police there harrassing them. 
With the allowance of drugs to come through our borders from the CIA, FBI, to the Police all work together as a team effort to fill our local jails and penitentaries. I believe they all know what's going on, but function as a unit to allow it to seep into the communities and then apprehend whoever sells the drugs. It's all part of a growing system that recycles and dehumanizes the poorer communities. The drugs will always be a part of America as long as the love and hunger for money exists. War will always exist for the love of money. Everytime my car or my friends car breaks down, the police never assists, but what about protect and serve. It's the middle of the night and they just ride by; but you already know they have to shine that damn light on you and ask you whats going on, once they know it's car trouble they move on.
 Me and many others like me have a strong dislike for most police, because the only time you see them is when they are pulling you over, harrasing you or taking you to jail. The service I rarely see, until about a week ago on Ledbetter and 67 I saw a sheriff helping a young woman with daisy dukes on, but until next time fb family. If that's what it takes, I think everyone should keep a pair of dukes in their car, for assistance. I've even had thoughts of If we funded our own so call police, but I wouldn't even know the process on that. You know have our own people appointed by us to keep the drugs and crap out of the hood. If anyone has an idea of what I'm saying, please comment. The police are of little assistance, they are poor stewards of our communities. If you call them and you live in the hood, your average wait time will be 45min. to an hour. This is not acceptable nor just is the Motto of the Police, but what and who does each word apply to?

Hold the line on new taxes Dallas


As you may know, the Dallas City Council is preparing to raise property taxes again (via the Dallas Morning News):
Amid name-calling and bitterness on both sides, a divided Dallas City Council narrowly agreed Monday to include a 6.5 percent property tax rate increase in the city's coming budget.

The council will take a final vote on the budget Sept. 22, but Monday's 8-7 straw vote all but assures that the city will see the tax rate increase from 74.79 cents to 79.7 cents per $100 in home value.
According to a recent internal poll, 97 PERCENT of our members responding OPPOSED a property tax increase in Dallas.

If you are part of the 97 percent opposing a property tax increase and are willing to do something about it, you must act now.

If you want to STOP this tax increase, you need to do the following:
1. CONTACT Councilmember Angela Hunt and encourage her to vote AGAINST the property tax increase.


2. CONTACT the Dallas City Secretary's Office at (214) 670-3738 or email at citysecretary@dallascityhall.com and REQUEST TO SPEAK at the City Council Meeting Tomorrow morning (Wednesday).

3. Having done step 2 above, SHOW UP at Dallas City Hall (1500 Marilla, 6th Floor) by 9:00 am and LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD.
C'mon, y'all, let's stop this thing!

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Kamis, 09 September 2010

Qur'an:Burn baby BURN!

In America, we are free to believe and do as we please, as long as it doesn't break the law.In the case of the minister who wants to burn the Qur'an, what is illegal about that?As a Muslim I find it very much distasteful, but on the other hand the klan burned crosses and blacks so what makes us feel that this man cares... about a book?He is a remnant of a past America that we've tried to sweep under the rug, like it doesn't exist.UNTIL WE DEAL WITH our fears we will be subjected to such foolish situations that will bring our beloved country to the brink of destruction, not because of Al- Qaeda or some terrorist group, but because of the divide and conquer strategy that continues to haunt America