Rabu, 09 Juni 2010

Mayor Leppert's Chief of Staff acknowledging violations!

My mistake. I confused it for another item.

According to the minutes, no one addressed the Council on the item.

I will forward your concerns to the City Secretary and City Attorney’s office.

Thank you again.

Chris Heinbaugh

Chief of Staff

Operation Triangle Kicks Off Tonight

Wednesday June 9, 2010 10:37 AM CDT

Operation Triangle Kicks Off Tonight

The Dallas Police Department will begin its summer crime initiative tonight which will continue the next three months. The emphasis will focus on 3 things-Violent Crime, Property Crime, and Public Disorder. Emphasis will be placed on beat policing, “hot spots” based on timely intelligence information, working closer with community crime watch groups, and other aspects of fighting crime.

Several specialized units will be utilized to combat violet crimes including the Gang Unit, Operation Disruption, SWAT, and Narcotics. Patrol and Neighborhood Policing Officers will place their focus on property crimes and public disorder issues, respectively. Our goal is to continue to reduce crime in Dallas by taking a proactive, well planned approach throughout the summer months.

The media is invited to attend the first “detail” today at 5:00 p.m. in the Media Conference Room and ride out with officers afterward if so desired.


Kamis, 03 Juni 2010

Texas Lobbyists Use Concealed Handgun Permits To Skip Capitol Inspection Lines

Texas Lobbyists Use Concealed Handgun Permits To Skip Capitol Inspection Lines: "

Lobbyists spend so much time in the Texas state capitol that they're sick of waiting in line for metal detectors, so they've started signed up for concealed handgun licenses that also, for some reason, mean the state assumes they aren't a security threat, the Houston Chronicle reports.

'Visitors to the Capitol also now are subject to inspections of purses, bags and briefcases by Department of Public Safety officers.The only people exempted are lawmakers, properly identified state employees or Texans who carry a pistol with a concealed handgun license -- or just the license itself, which allows them to bypass the security lines for an express lane reserved for 'CHL Holders,'' Chronicle reporter Gary Scharrer writes.
