Rabu, 11 November 2009

Major power failures hit Brazil: Authorities don't know what caused it

Major power failures hit Brazil: Authorities don't know what caused it: "A power blackout in Brazil left tens of millions of people sitting by candlelight, after plunging its two largest cities into darkness.

Underground railways, traffic lights, street lamps, lifts and electric gates in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro were all affected.

It was several hours before the problem could be fixed.

The authorities believe it could have been caused by a fault at the giant Itaipu hydro-electric dam."

Jumat, 06 November 2009

Minggu, 01 November 2009

How to find a Chest Pain & Heart Attack

How to find a Chest Pain & Heart Attack: "


1. To better tell whether your heart’s pain and discomfort is coming from a more serious condition, a heart attack, be aware of that the heart will feel squeezed or crushed. Many sufferers have described that having a heart attack feels like an elephant sitting on their chest.

2. When an individual is suffering from a heart attack, the number one tell tell sign is pain shots extending from the heart down to the arms, shoulder, back, throat and jaw. Dizziness and nausea can sometimes follow.

3. People with heartburn have similar feelings of pain in the chest, however, it is normally never followed with pain to the upper part of the body as a heart attack would. Heartburn should not be confused with a heart attack because the symptoms appear to come after a heavy meal and not being able to essentially, walk it off before lying down. There is more a burning sensation in the chest and esophagus area, not the heart as many people assume. Avoid or limit foods high in acidity, alcohol, spicy foods/ingredients, or caffeine which can cause these symptoms.

4. Finally, regular chest pain and heart burn should not be confused for a heart attack because heart attack not only brings on dizziness and pain in upper body regions, but unlike chest pain or heartburn, the heart rate pulse increases dramatically, especially after performing strenuous physical activity, stressful situations, and exercise.

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